Indecent...Exposure. Jane O'Reilly

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Indecent...Exposure - Jane  O'Reilly

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fact that it keeps getting away from me, keeps switching to him.

      I’ve got to ignore him. He isn’t here. This isn’t happening. I am not taking photos of my best friend giving my accountant a blowjob.

      ‘Now I’d like to take some shots of you licking the end.’ Her wet, pink tongue slips between her lips, and she swirls it round the fat, swollen head of his cock. I move in closer and adjust the focus, making sure I get the shot exactly right. I lower the camera; check the image in the screen on the back. Dammit, the lighting isn’t right. ‘Hold on a second,’ I tell the two of them, or more specifically Amber, as I lean across and adjust the angle of the light. I’ve got to get the contrast just right. She wants everything to be all black and white and arty, so that when she slips the pictures through the letterbox of her cheating scumbag boyfriend, she’s not just saying two can play at that game, she’s saying and I do it with class. If I didn’t know that was what she wanted the pictures for, I’d have refused to take them.

      Amber isn’t listening. Her head keeps on bobbing up and down, one strap of her black lace bra slipping down over her shoulder as she works him. She’s got seriously impressive boobs. I mean seriously. She’s one of those skinny women who is no hips and all tits, the kind that make you feel a little bit sick with jealousy, and normally I wouldn’t torture myself by looking at them, but it’s either that, or look at Tom Hunt’s astonishingly muscled stomach and big, stiff penis, and I really can’t look at that, no matter how much I want to.

      I’ve kept my crush on him to myself, mostly because it’s so inappropriate. He’s my accountant, for god’s sake. I take him my pile of account books once a month, and he does stuff with them and then I collect them. And we don’t make eye contact, and I pretend that I’m not staring at his hands, and he doesn’t ask me to explain the difference between ‘portrait’ and ‘personal portrait’, and when I get home I deal with the hot, acute ache I get between my thighs every time I see him and it’s all fine. It’s been all fine for the past three years. I can’t see how it will be fine after this, though.

      I adjust the angle of the light. It catches the bottom of his stomach, highlighting the tattoo of a bird swooping down past his belly button. ‘OK,’ I say, not looking at that bird. I am not looking at that bird. If I look at that bird, I won’t be able to stop myself from looking at his cock. ‘I’m going to get some close-up shots now.’

      I guess you might think it’s a bit weird, watching your friend suck off a guy and taking pictures of it and directing them like they’re posing for a formal portrait. To be honest, I think it’s a bit weird, when I let myself think about it at all.

      Amber lifts her head, wipes her mouth with the back of one hand, the other holding him in a tight fist. His cock is so thick that her fingers don’t even meet. ‘OK,’ she says. ‘Cool.’ She’s got absolutely no shame. If I didn’t know it before, I definitely know it now. And Tom Hunt, FFS. Couldn’t she find someone else? Did it have to be him?

      No time to worry about that now though. I set my finger to the button, take the shot. Move a little to the left, take another. The lighting is pretty much perfect. The contrast between her crimson nails and his tanned belly and the dark fur around the base of his cock is stunning, and it turns out, after three years of wondering, that Tom Hunt is hung.

      The lick of jealousy I feel turns into a bite. But I have to keep my distance. There’s stuff I can’t risk him knowing, and anyway, it’s not like he’s ever shown any sign of being interested in me, not in three years of handing over account books once a month. If he fancied me, there would be a glimmer of something. But there isn’t. And I tell myself I’m glad about that.

      ‘Ah,’ Tom says, and something in his voice lets me know what he’s going to say, even before he gets the words out. I’ve heard it before. Lots of times before. Though obviously, I’ve never heard it from him, and something about that rough catch in his voice grabs at me and refuses to let go. It sinks down into my pussy and makes it ache even more. ‘I need to come,’ he says. So do I, I think to myself, and right then I know that this is the last set of dirty pictures I am ever going to take. This has to stop. I cannot keep living vicariously through the sex lives of other people. I need this to stop being my sex life, and I need to get one of my own.

      ‘Right,’ I say, bossy voice in place. I have to use my bossy voice, or I just can’t get the word out, I’m that desperate to see Tom Hunt finish. I really want to shove Amber aside and get down on my knees in front of him and say come on my face, baby. As if this isn’t already wrong enough. I want to be one of those people who are totally comfortable with their desires, but as I’m not totally comfortable with anything, it’s probably asking a bit much of myself.

      Amber pulls back slowly and turns her head, just enough to be able to see me. One possessive hand stays on him, stroking him. I don’t look at that hand. Instead, I adjust the settings on the camera, even though they don’t need adjusting. ‘Ellie,’ she says, ‘I want a pop shot.’ I suspect that Amber watches porn. Usually only blokes ask for that.

      I nod vigorously, pretending that I’m not on the verge of cracking up. ‘OK.’ It’s fine that she gets to sit there while he finishes himself off, I tell myself. I can tell from the way he’s breathing, ragged and hard, that if he doesn’t do it soon, he’ll probably ask to disappear into the tiny bathroom at the back of the studio so he can do it himself, and that would be cruel, wouldn’t it? I mean, it would be pretty humiliating. And it’s not like I can help him out, no matter how much I want to.

      ‘Do want me to jerk myself off on your face? Or do you want to do it?’ he asks, and I nearly drop my camera. I didn’t think Tom Hunt had those words inside him. This is a man who wears a beige suit. His office has a map of the Tube network on one wall and a framed photo of a guy climbing a rock face on the other. It smells of Febreze. There isn’t a stray piece of paper anywhere in it.

      Amber glances up at him. ‘You do it. Blow that load all over me, big boy.’

      I’m not sure what it says about me that I’m friends with someone who can say those words. But this probably isn’t a good time to get all philosophical. ‘Right,’ I say again, bossy voice still intact. ‘Do you want him to ejaculate on your face? Or your breasts? Or somewhere else?’ It always stuns me that I can ask this like I’m asking someone if they want sugar in their tea. At least this will all be over soon, and then that’s it. I’ll only be taking pictures of people with their clothes on.

      ‘Can he…’ she hesitates, and then she looks up at Tom, wiggles her skinny hips. ‘Can you shoot it in my mouth?’

      Tom makes a weird, strangled noise. His face is flushed and there’s a stray lock of hair sticking to his forehead, and the white cotton of his shirt is clinging to his back, and he is absolutely the most beautiful aroused man I have ever seen. Thick with muscle, hairy in all the right places. He’s even got a tan line a couple of inches below his belly button. ‘Yes,’ he manages. ‘If that’s what you want.’

      ‘It is,’ she says, and then she sort of smiles and sticks out her tongue, which has a small, silver stud in the centre of it, and is glossy with moisture. I get myself in position, check the focus, and wait. Tom wraps one big hand around his erection and starts to pump. I have to be on my game here, can’t let my attention drop for a second. It’s fine when they just want the face-dripping-with-come shot, but that’s not good enough for Amber. Oh, no. She wants the full glory of the action shot. Just the thought of it has me so wet I can feel it, and I know that I’ll be the one rushing off to the bathroom to finish myself off as soon as they’ve gone.

      I have no idea how I’m going to speak to him after this. I’m going to have to find myself another accountant.

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