Billionaire Wolf. Karen Whiddon
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Desire spooled low in her belly, and dimly she registered there was a reason Ryan Howard was good at getting women.
That thought had the effect of ice water dashed on her. She gasped and jerked away. “Out,” she ordered, her voice shaking. “Get off my property right this instant.”
Hands up, he backed away, nearly to the still-closed door. “About dinner...”
“No.” Sucking in air, she let a trace of her anger show in her eyes, which should have been a warning. Even though Ryan was a Shape-shifter, when he saw the red glow in her eyes, he should realize he’d better stay away. To most other Shifters, the Drakkor were only legends. Few knew they still existed. Her people had formed an alliance with his, the Pack Protectors, in order to help keep the Drakkor safe. She didn’t know how many of the Pack had been informed. At this moment, she didn’t actually care.
“You have a fiery temper,” he said softly, the intensity in his gaze telling her he knew his comment would be like throwing kindling on the embers. When she didn’t respond, he dared to prod. “Dinner?”
Nodding, he turned to go. As he grasped the door handle, he glanced back over his shoulder and tossed a business card on her desk. “Here’s my number in case you change your mind. I would never have pegged you for a coward, Maria Miranda.”
And with that, he left.
More shaken than she’d like to admit, even to herself, Maria dropped back into her desk chair. Coward? Had he known he’d just issued the worst insult one could to her kind? Had his choice of word been intentional, just to draw her into his sensual web?
If so, well played. She nearly ran after him. Only Kathleen’s breathless appearance in her doorway stopped her.
“Oh, my goodness, how do you know Ryan Howard?” Kathleen gushed. “I couldn’t help overhearing—you know how thin these walls are, and it sounded like you and he had already met. Are you going to be in the tabloids? What do you think about him? He’s every bit as sexy in person as he is on TV.”
“Stop, please.” Maria wearily interrupted her employee and friend. “I just met him in a bar last night and we went for a walk on the beach.” She carefully omitted everything else, including the fact that they’d spent the night together. “I took off when the paparazzi showed up and started taking pictures.”
“Paparazzi! Oh my goodness, you are going to be in the tabloids!” Kathleen squealed. “I don’t believe it. I can tell all my friends I’ve met Ryan Howard, Persons Magazine’s Most Eligible Billionaire Bachelor.”
Maria groaned, sinking lower in her chair. “I can’t believe I...” Luckily, she caught herself in time.
Unfortunately, Kathleen had a sharp mind and good ears. “Oh, my! Did you really?”
“No.” Well aware her color was high, Maria gritted her teeth and held her ground. “No, I didn’t. Let’s talk about something else, please.”
“It’s nearly ten. The first wedding party of the day should be here soon. We need to make sure everything is ready for them.”
Taking the hint, Kathleen nodded and returned to her desk.
Alone again, Maria opened her email and tried to concentrate. Her rapid heartbeat finally slowed and she gathered her scattered thoughts and made herself focus.
Who knew Ryan Howard would have such an effect on her? She’d never been one for the pretty men. However, Ryan was more than easy on the eyes. He radiated masculinity, something her dragon side required. Masculinity, sex appeal and confidence. Everything she wanted in a man.
Except Ryan was entirely too famous and popular. And a playboy as well, she reminded herself, just in case she weakened. As if she could. Anyone who dated Ryan Howard would be immediately thrust into the spotlight. She couldn’t afford that. Not only would it endanger her, but her future unborn child, as well.
She laughed at herself. As if. She couldn’t get pregnant with him. The other thing she needed was a man who would love her. As in, forever and always. Judging from his reputation, Ryan Howard was not capable of such a thing.
The day went quickly, as they always did. Doing work she loved ensured no days ever dragged. She booked two new weddings, finalized the details on another and had a couple of other interested parties.
All in all, a good day.
At six o’clock, when Kathleen got ready to go home, Maria decided to leave, too. Her receptionist waited while she locked up, a hundred more questions in her eyes. Maria gave her a quelling look, letting her know she had no intention of answering them.
“We’re done talking about Ryan Howard,” Maria said when Kathleen opened her mouth. “Seriously. I have no intention of seeing him again.”
Appearing reluctant, Kathleen nodded. “I can’t say I understand, but I’ll try. I have to say, though, most women would give their right boob for a chance to go out with him.”
Unlocking her car, Maria smiled. “But then, I’m not most women, am I?” She got inside and closed the door without waiting for an answer. Lifting her hand in a quick wave, she started the engine, loving the throaty roar, and headed for home.
That white van...
Giving another quick glance in her rearview mirror, she made an impulsive turn down a side street without signaling.
The van did the same.
Concerned, she tried to remember everything she’d heard about what to do when being followed. She knew she couldn’t go home. She had to go somewhere public. The police station on 54th? Or just a crowded gas station or maybe a grocery store. A&M Grocery was only a few streets away. Decision made, she swung around and headed toward 39th.
Of course, the van kept up.
A million thoughts ran through her mind. She, along with the few other remaining Drakkor females, had one enemy. Doug Polacek, a male Drakkor rapist and serial killer who’d bragged he was to be the savior of their race. He’d been arrested and locked away. Had he somehow escaped prison? If so, how had he found her? Should she call her father? Though why worry him, when there was nothing he could do from so far away.
Heart pounding, she calculated what she’d do when she reached the store. Park, jump out, and run inside? Or stay in her car, with the doors locked and the engine running, just in case she needed to take off?
Based on what she’d heard about Polacek, he was all about capturing and holding a prisoner. So he wouldn’t try to kill her, though she wouldn’t put it past him to shoot a tranquilizer dart or something to immobilize her so he could throw her in the van.
On second thought, maybe the police station would be the better option, despite having it drilled into her not to involve humans in Shifter business.
There. Muttering a quick prayer, she swung into the grocery store parking lot and pulled up in front of the store, in a no-parking zone. This would be high visibility and easy escape.