Sacred Evil. Heather Graham

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Sacred Evil - Heather Graham

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worked the worst streets, the most unusual crimes and, been commended for bravery several times. He’d retired just a decade ago, when Jude’s mother had first been diagnosed with cancer. He’d spent every day at her side until she had slipped away.

      “Since you’re having me to dinner, I hope I’m able to return the favor,” Whitney told him.

      “Well, I must say, seems that I’d like that, if the rest of your team members are anything like you. But, of course, we’ve got a situation going,” Andrew said. “You two haven’t been watching television, I take it?”

      “What now?”

      “Here, I’ll show you,” Andrew said.

      He led them past the entrance. The apartment was just as it had been a decade ago. Jude had finally convinced his dad—when his mom had been gone two years—that she would have been angry with him if he hadn’t given her clothing and shoes to Goodwill. But the throw she had knitted remained on the couch; her doilies still covered the occasional tables. The only concession his father had made to modern living was the entertainment center; he had a good flat-screen television, a sound stereo system and even Rock Band and a Wii Playstation.

      As they followed him into the living room, Andrew picked up the remote control and hit a play button on the television.

      Jude frowned, not certain what he was watching at first. Then he realized that the two beautiful young people on the screen were giving a press conference.

      “Bobby Walden and Sherry Blanco,” Whitney said.

      “Yep,” Andrew said.

      “The leads in Angus Avery’s movie?” Jude murmured.

      “I knew her only briefly, only in passing,” Bobby said. “But Ginger Rockford was a beautiful person, and we’re all horrified at her death.”

      “This movie is dedicated to her memory!” Sherry Blanco put in, dabbing at a tear.

      “But aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you afraid to continue filming?” one of the reporters asked. Jude squinted. It appeared as if they’d done the press conference in front of the Plaza. They were standing on red-carpeted steps, and the press was kept at a distance by velvet ropes. It was almost like a premiere night.

      “We can’t be afraid,” Bobby said. “We owe it to Ginger to finish the film.”

      “And, of course—” a man in a suit—one of their agents?—stepped in front of the microphone “—of course, we’re increasing security on the set. We’re cutting all night hours and doubling up on our security personnel. And we’ve negotiated new locations for the rest of the shoot, though! Rest assured. We will remain in this great city!”

      Those words were greeted by a roar of applause.

      “There’s a murderer on the streets—a heinous killer—and what really matters is that America’s sweethearts are going to finish a movie,” Jude said thoughtfully.

      “Nothing you can do about pop culture, son. I just thought you should see this,” Andrew told him. “She didn’t do it,” Whitney said. “Too small. I don’t think she could have managed the kind of strength needed,” Andrew agreed.

      Jude looked at the two of them. They had taken up positions on the sofa, watching as Andrew ran the recorded version of the press conference.

      “That’s great. You two have eliminated a suspect. Now we just have to eliminate about another eight million people or so,” Jude said.

      “You’ll get it narrowed down,” Andrew said with confidence.

      Jude lowered his head, hiding a smile. His father always had confidence. He’d never given up on one of his own cases, though it was true that far too many went unsolved, despite the best work of dedicated people and excellent forensics labs.

      The press conference ended with a public service announcement: Sherry Blanco begged the women of New York City to be careful, and to be safe. When two anchors came back on, talking about the celebrity of those involved, Andrew shut the television off.

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