Hangman. Faye Kellerman
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There were twenty-three kids in the choir, lined up on the risers. As soon as the teacher started talking to them, he zoned out. Around five minutes later, Gabe realized that she was talking to him.
Mrs. Kent heaved a dramatic sigh. “I asked if you thought you could play the piece.”
“Yeah, sure.” Gabe smiled. “It’s not Rachmaninoff.”
Mrs. Kent eyed him. “You must be related to Hannah. You have the same sense of humor.”
Gabe smiled again but said nothing.
“We can start whenever you’re ready.”
“I’m ready.”
“Then start.”
Gabe stifled a laugh. When he began the introduction, he saw the choir teacher’s eyes go wide. It was stupid that she was shocked. Why would he say he could play if he couldn’t? It was a motor skill—impossible to fake.
As rightly predicted by Hannah, the choir was awful; the off-key factor was especially prevalent in the soprano section. It was excruciatingly painful to his ear. Midway through the piece, he stopped playing. The teacher cut off the choir and asked him what was wrong.
“I don’t mean to be cheeky, but it’s a little high for your voices. Would you like me to take it down to E-flat? Or maybe down a full note to D. I don’t like turning songs in sharp keys into songs in flat keys. But that’s just me.”
Mrs. Kent stared at him. “You can do that?” Without waiting, she said, “I know. It’s not Rachmaninoff. Okay, give us a starting note.”
Gabe gave them a D and they ran through the number again. It was still terrible, but at least the sopranos weren’t straining as much. When Mrs. Kent called for a five-minute break, Hannah went over to the piano. “We’ve got another hour or so. Sorry it gets out so late.”
“I’m not going anywhere. If your dad had something to tell me, he’d call me, right?”
“Yeah, he would. I’m sorry.”
Gabe shrugged.
Hannah said, “Your playing is truly amazing.”
Gabe laughed. “Any moron who has training could play this.”
“Nah, I don’t believe that.”
“It’s true. For as long as I’ve played, I should be better.”
“How could you be any better?”
She had asked the question with utter sincerity. Gabe had to smile. “Thanks. I’ll contact you the next time I need an ego boost.”
“We’re pretty bad, huh.”
“It’s fine.”
Mrs. Kent came over. “How long are you going to be visiting with us, Mr…?”
“Whitman,” Gabe said.
“A day or two,” Hannah answered for him.
“Have you ever considered transferring to the school? We do have an orchestra and we always have room for a soloist.”
Gabe said, “I’ll keep it in mind.”
“Have you ever performed any solo pieces?”
There wasn’t any way in hell he was going to play for her. He wanted anonymity, not attention. “Not for a while. I’m a little rusty.”
“I’d love to hear you when you feel up to it.”
“Sure. Another time.”
When the teacher left, Hannah whispered, “I’m so sorry. She’s relentless.”
“She’s just being a teacher.” He paused. “Hannah, if I have to come back with you tomorrow, do you think I can practice when no one’s using the room? I mean it’s really silly for me to be in your school trying to learn anything. My time would be better spent practicing. I mean, it’s not that I have to play. But playing calms me down.”
“I’m sure it’s okay, but you’ll have to ask permission from Mrs. Kent.” Hannah raised her eyebrows. “I’m warning you that if you do, you’ll make a deal with the devil. In exchange, she’ll make you come to orchestra while you’re here.”
“So I’ll come. As long as I don’t have to solo.”
“Got it. But you might want to reconsider about orchestra. We are truly bad! Worse than the choir.”
“It’s fine, Hannah. I’ve gone through a lot hairier things than a few bad notes.”
“If it were just a few, I wouldn’t say anything.” She wagged a finger at his face. “And stop looking so cute. You’re distracting the entire soprano section. And in case you haven’t noticed, they have enough trouble staying on key.”
AFTER THE BLANCS had left his office, Decker felt as if he had taken off a winter jacket in an overheated room: twenty pounds lighter and he could finally take a deep breath. Kathy Blanc had told him that her daughter’s apartment appeared in order, but she admitted that she hadn’t looked too closely.
Decker started working on scheduling his time. He’d manage a quick stop at home for dinner and then he’d go over to Adrianna’s place…or maybe he should go down to St. Tim’s and see what Marge and Oliver were doing. His mind was elsewhere when his cell rang and he neglected to pay attention to the caller ID number. Didn’t matter because the number was blocked, but the voice told him who it was in the single word.
Sounding more annoyed than anxious, but that was typical Do-natti. Decker’s heart started jogging. “Your cell out of order, Chris? I’ve been calling you for the last twenty-four hours.”
“You know how it is, Decker. Sometimes you just don’t want to be disturbed.”
“Where have you been?”
“Where have I been?” A laugh over the phone. “What difference does it make?”
“Just wondering what could have kept you so preoccupied that you wouldn’t bother checking your phone calls.”
Another laugh. “You sound pissed.”
“Where have you been?”
“Now you sound like you’re interrogating me. I don’t like your tone. Matter of fact, I don’t like you. You’ve got two seconds to tell me what you want before I hang up.”