Canadian Wolf. Linda Johnston O.
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He glanced at her yet again and saw that she was smiling, and that lovely expression was aimed toward him.
“Now all we need to do is to get your shapeshifting team whipped into shape,” she said.
* * *
Staring out the window at the lovely, forested Canadian countryside with vast mountains in the background, Selena couldn’t help wondering how hard their assignment would be. From the little she’d learned when ordered to hurry to this area, the shifters Alpha Force was going to assist in training had only just been recruited into the RCMP. They probably had no experience in law enforcement or the military. Their shapeshifting backgrounds probably hadn’t even allowed them to consider the possibility of shifting outside of full moons, let alone keeping human cognition while in shifted form.
Bless you, Alpha Force elixir, she thought.
Yet she had a sense that this man, who’d be in charge of the RCMP contingent, could make her job even harder.
She needed to figure him out.
What did he really think about shapeshifters?
And the idea of his offering to get naked...? Stop thinking about that, Jennay, she ordered herself silently.
She glanced into the backseat. Lupe lay down with her ears up but her eyes closed, and Rainey watched the view out the window, as Selena had been doing.
Yesterday, they’d been in a car most of the day—a rental vehicle they’d picked up hurriedly in Seattle and dropped off in Vancouver.
Good thing they’d had adequate ID with them to get into Canada—their passports and military identification. But Alpha Force members were always prepared for anything. It was part of the job.
She hoped she was prepared for the man beside her.
Turning to Owen, she asked, “I gathered that you believed in shapeshifters even before you got the assignment of working with them, right?”
“That’s right.”
Along with his bland acknowledgment, she watched Owen’s physical reaction. There was none. At least none that she could see. He didn’t look at her, and his handsome blue eyes didn’t blink as they stared at the road ahead of him. His strong chin remained at the same level as before. He continued to drive at a speed compatible with the flow of traffic, watch the road and not say or do anything that would indicate his attitude toward shifters.
But she was curious. She wasn’t sure why it mattered, but she hoped he not only believed in shifters, but also liked them, at least a little. Might even be interested in them as more than strange aberrations in the world of human beings. Maybe one of them in particular.
Not that she would encourage anything between them but a good professional working relationship. He might be attractive and hunky, and her human hormones might be tweaked just by looking at Owen Dewirter, but she knew far better than to get involved with a nonshifter. She had learned her lesson, and learned it well.
Besides, this nonshifter seemed to have an opinion, one she couldn’t interpret.
But with him, or despite him, she intended to do all she could to make sure that the Alpha Force mission here was a complete success for both the US military and the Canadian Mounties.
Of course, she’d have help when the rest of the Alpha Force contingent arrived.
When Owen didn’t follow up his acknowledgment with anything else, Selena decided to push him for more. “Most people don’t believe in shapeshifters. Why do you? Have you met any? Seen any shifts?”
“Some members of my family knew a shapeshifter.” He didn’t look at her, but his icy expression as he regarded the road suggested he didn’t want to say anything more about it.
Not that that would deter her.
“Knew? They don’t now?”
“No,” he said shortly.
“I gather that the experience wasn’t a good one. But even if they told you about it, if you didn’t see it yourself, why did you believe?”
“Let’s just say I saw and heard enough to convince me. So how about you? What made you join Alpha Force?”
She must have hit a nerve. But surely the man must have realized that if he was about to work with a bunch of shapeshifters, they’d want to know his experiences with others of their kind.
For now, though, she’d go along with him.
“I grew up in Wisconsin, in the same area as the commanding officer who first developed the elixir. He helped to form Alpha Force, and his cousin’s a member, too.” That was Major Drew Connell and recently promoted Lieutenant Jason Connell. “I heard they were looking for new recruits, so of course I had to jump in.”
Not to mention how the timing had worked. She’d needed something then to help her get over a bad romantic relationship.
The divorced guy she’d been dating then, and cared for a lot, hadn’t known she was a shifter. His cute but sneaky young son had unfortunately seen her ending a shift once before her aide moved her away. The kid gleefully told his father that Selena was a werewolf. Her boyfriend had responded to his son that shapeshifters existed only in stupid stories and he wanted his kid to be realistic and smart. He had told Selena about it. Laughed about it.
So she’d left him and her teaching job and hurried home—only to find this position where shapeshifters were revered and treated well.
But she didn’t want to talk about it. Not now and not ever. Like she’d done with her questions to Owen, he’d pushed buttons with his that really bothered her. It was time for a change in subject.
“I’ve always heard such wonderful things about the RCMP,” she said. “How long have you been a member? And do you like it?”
He glanced over at her. Now those gorgeous blue eyes of his actually had an expression in them—pride, if she read it right. “Ten years, and I love it.”
She asked more questions, and Rainey leaned forward to join in the conversation. For the rest of the ride they were regaled with tales of undercover adventure in trapping bad guys, enjoyable training sessions with those horses that the Mounties rode and antics of the K-9s Owen had worked with. He apparently liked canines, even if his feelings about people who shifted into wolves weren’t quite so warm.
Selena realized that, if she wasn’t careful, she might actually come to like sexy Owen Dewirter. And that could really be bad news.
* * *
By the time they reached West Columbia, Owen could almost believe this was a pleasure ride instead of an official diplomatic mission of sorts: the Canadians requesting US assistance for a particularly touchy situation.
One he hadn’t yet discussed with his new best friends.
Friends? Heck. Under other circumstances, he’d have seduced Selena,