Half a King. Джо Аберкромби
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‘Holy crap this is a good book … Half A King is full of all the adventure I’ve come to expect from Abercrombie and a tenderness I never knew he had. There’s infinitely more to Joe Abercrombie than we ever thought’
SAM SYKES, author of Tome of the Undergates
‘The joy of Half a King lies in its simplicity. The story is briskly told but it packs the necessary essentials: treachery, dangerous men, women who are not what they seem, duels, and moral dilemmas’
The Daily Beast
‘Joe Abercrombie’s storytelling is more concise in Half a King and as sharp as ever with wit and deft prose’
Fantasy Book Critic
‘This is as skilful and as enjoyable a read as any Abercrombie I’ve read to date, and often much subtler’
‘Joe Abercrombie’s Half a King serves as a reminder that there are considerable virtues yet to be found by efficient, on-the-ground storytelling propelled more by plot than by setting, with crisp dialogue, humane characters, and a distinct inward spiral of rapid-fire events’
‘A sympathetic main character, a fast-paced plot, and plenty of neat world-building. Highly recommended’
For Grace
Better gear Than good sense A traveller cannot carry
From Hávamál, the Speech of the High One
I: The Black Chair
The Greater Good
A Way to Win
Between Gods and Men
Man’s Work
The Enemy
II: The South Wind
Cheapest Offerings
One Family
The Minister’s Tools
The Fool Strikes
Ugly Little Secrets
Enemies and Allies
One Friend
Death Waits
III: The Long Road
Bending with Circumstance
The Better Men
The Truth
Only a Devil
The Last Stand
Burning the Dead
Floating Twigs
IV: The Rightful King
Your Enemy’s House
Great Stakes
In Darkness
A Friend’s Fight
Mother War’s Bargain
The Last Door
A Lonely Seat
The Blame
Some are Saved
The Lesser Evil
Half the World Excerpt
In Conversation with Joe Abercrombie
About the Author
About the Publisher
There was a harsh gale blowing on the night Yarvi learned he was a king. Or half a king, at least.
A seeking wind, the Gettlanders called it, for it found out every chink and keyhole, moaning Mother Sea’s dead chill into every dwelling, no matter how high the fires were banked or how close the folk were huddled.
It tore at the shutters in the narrow windows of Mother Gundring’s chambers and rattled even the iron-bound door in its frame. It taunted the flames in the firepit and they spat and crackled in their anger, casting clawing shadows from the dried herbs hanging, throwing flickering light upon the root that Mother Gundring held up in her knobbled fingers.
‘And this?’