Godsgrave. Jay Kristoff
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Red froth spattered the man’s lips as he turned astonished eyes to Mia. The girl slung her hair over her shoulder, whispering soft.
“Hear me, Niah,” she whispered. “Hear me, Mother. This flesh your feast. This blood your wine. This life, this end, my gift to you. Hold him close.”
And with a gurgle, the pit fighter toppled dead into the dirt.
Bewildered murmurs rippled among the crowd. Mia curtseyed to the sanguila, like a new dona at her debut ball. Then she turned to the next fighter in the row and leveled her wooden sword at his head.
“You’re next, prettyboy.”
The fighter (who was rather pretty) looked to his fellows, the corpse on the ground, and finally to the ledgerman. The greasy fellow glanced up at the sanguila, who were now staring at Mia intently. And turning back to the swordsman, he nodded.
The fighter stepped forward, Mia skipped up to meet him. Their match lasted less than ten seconds, ending with Mia’s bootprint embedded in the man’s crotch and her wooden sword shoved down his pretty throat, all the way to the hilt. The girl turned to the crowd and curtseyed again.
“A hundred priests,” came the call.
“One hundred and ten.”
Mia smiled behind her hair as sanguila began bidding. Within moments, her bid was two hundred silver coins—a decent sum by anyone’s measure. But as she looked up into the bleachers, she saw Leonides and Titus hadn’t uttered a word. Though the sanguila watched her intently, though Teardrinker was whispering in Titus’s ear and he was nodding slow, Leonides didn’t raise his voice to bid.
Time to stoke the flame.
Mia retrieved her wooden blade from the dead fighter’s throat, turned to the third and spoke loud enough for the bleachers to hear.
“You. Next.”
The big man looked at the two corpses at Mia’s feet.
“Fuck that,” he scoffed.
“Bring your friends.” Mia smiled at the fighters beside him. “I’ve always wanted to try three at once.”
The girl tossed her wooden sword onto the dirt.
“Or are you cowards all?”
The crowd hooted and jeered, and the fighters rankled. To be bested on their own soil was one thing, but to eat a plateful of shit from an unarmed girl half their size was another. With flashing eyes and swords raised, the men stepped out into the Pit.
With a dark smile, the girl stepped up to meet them.
“Maw’s teeth, are we going to be here ’til truelight?” Mia snarled.
Pietro raised an eyebrow, poured another measure of goldwine onto her bloody shoulder. Mia winced in pain, took a drag of her cigarillo with a shaking hand. She was sat on a low stone bench, Pietro behind her, swathed in his customary black robes. The Hand was busy sewing up the bloody gouge in her shoulder, and he’ d padded a wad of gauze about her backside, soaking through with red.
The chamber was sparse, dark stone walls and dim arkemical globes. Like most rooms in the Galante Chapel, it was perfumed with the faint stench of shit. The servants of Our Lady of Blessed Murder here in the Cityport of Churchesfn1 had built their hideaway among the vast network of sewers beneath Galante’s skin, and it was hard to escape the smell. In the eight months she’ d served here, Mia had become accustomed to it, but as a preference spent as little time down here as possible. Unless she needed stitching up or resupply, she really only visited when she needed to speak to—
“Well, bugger me all the way backwards,” said a familiar voice. “Look what the shadowcat dragged in.”
Mia looked up, saw a woman standing in the doorway, dressed in leather britches, long boots, and a black velvet shirt. She was finger-thin, light brown hair cut in a distinctly masculine style, dark shadows under her eyes. She walked with a singular swagger, and wore more knives than anyone in her right mind would know what to do with.
“Bishop Tenhands,” Mia said, inclining her head. “I’ d stand and bow, but the crossbow bolt in my backside isn’t too agreeable.”
“An interesting nevernight, then,” the woman smirked.
“Some coul—ow, fuck!” Mia glared over her shoulder again. “’Byss and blood, Pietro, are you stitching me up or sewing a dress?”
“All right, all right, bugger off,” Tenhands told the beleaguered surgeon. “I’ ll finish her up. I’ d like a word with our Blade alone.”
“My Bishop,” Pietro nodded, slapping a bundle of gauze none too gently on Mia’s bleeding shoulder and leaving the room. Tenhands sauntered around behind Mia, pulled away the bandage, the girl wincing as the blood stuck it to her skin.
Tenhands was a figure of infamy in Red Church lore, a long-serving Blade of the Mother with near twenty sanctified kills to her name. Old Mercurio had told Mia tales about the woman when she was younger, and Mia had grown up as something of an admirer.fn2 Serving in the Cityport of Churches, she’ d learned its bishop wasn’t much for civility. Or frivolity. But she liked results, so fortunately, Tenhands liked her.
“This looks like it hurts,” Tenhands muttered, eyeing the horrid wound across Mia’s back and shoulder.
“It’s far from ticklish.”
The bishop took up the bone needle, began sewing Mia’s wound with steady fingers. “I trust the pain was worth it?”
Mia winced, taking a long drag of her clove cigarillo. “Senator Aurelius’s son is being fitted for his death masque as we speak.”
“You used the lament?”
Mia nodded. “On the lips, just as you suggested.”
“I shan’t ask how you got access to the young don’s mouth, then.”
“Never kiss and tell.”
“And where’s young Dove?”
“Sadly,” Mia sighed, “my young