The Cowboy's Baby Bond. Linda Ford
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“Willow. Stop.”
Her heart lurched. Who knew her name around here?
“Wait. Stop. Those men have gone.”
She turned to stare at the man who called out, in time to see Johnny ride up to her side.
She blinked, as if to clear her vision, but when she reopened her eyes, he was still there.
He reached for her hands and unwound her fingers from the reins.
It took forever for her mind to begin functioning again. She looked behind her and saw nothing but twin tails of dust as the men rode away. She brought her gaze back to him. “What...? Where...?”
He grinned. “They didn’t stick around once they saw the scales were balanced.” He leaned back to check on Adam, who gurgled in pleasure. “Why, I think the little scamp enjoyed the race.” Johnny regarded Willow with some concern. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
She shuddered. “I’m fine. But where did you come from?”
He swung off his horse and reached up to lift her down. It never crossed her mind to refuse or wonder about his intentions.
Her knees rattled, so she couldn’t stand on her own, and she clung to his arm.
Adam climbed from his little nest and crawled toward them. Johnny took the boy in one arm and, with Willow clinging to the other, led them to a grassy spot. “Let’s sit down for a few minutes until you’re feeling better.”
How did he know her stomach alternately clenched and rolled? Was it so evident in her expression? Not that it mattered. She gratefully sank to the ground, glad that Johnny had Adam. Her arms were too weak to trust herself to hold him.
“Who were those men?” Her voice came out in a frightened whisper. She must get herself under control. This weakness could not be allowed. She must be strong and in control.
“I’ve never run into them before, but rough men pass through from time to time. I expect we’ve seen the last of those two.”
She shuddered again. “I certainly hope so.”
Johnny edged forward so he could look her directly in the eyes.
She met his gaze and felt her fear instantly abate. She hoped he saw nothing but courage in her glance. She repeated her question. “Where did you come from?”
He smiled gently, almost undoing her determination to be strong on her own. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel a pair of sturdy arms about her? No, she would never again trust a man’s arms to shelter her.
“I got as far as where I found you and little Adam yesterday.”
Hearing his name, Adam chuckled. “Man,” he said. “Man.”
Any other time, Willow would have been thrilled to hear him say a word she could understand, but right now she wanted to know why Johnny was there.
He paused to grin at Adam. “Me, man. You, boy.” Then he shifted Adam to one side so he could give Willow his attention. “When I got there I knew I couldn’t go on. I felt responsible to see you and your sisters get settled in your own home. So here I am.”
“I have to say I’m thankful. Those two men were frightening.”
“Who was responsible for the shot I heard before I got here?”
She grinned at him. “That would be me. I needed to scare them off.”
He shook his head. “Sure am grateful you didn’t try to scare me off yesterday.”
“You were a gentleman or I would have.” They considered each other at length until a chill raced up her spine. What was there about this man that threatened all her hard-learned lessons?
She pushed herself to her feet and reached for her son. “Thanks for your help. Now I’ll be on my way.”
Johnny rose, too, and shifted Adam to his hip as if he’d done this all his life. He led the way back to the wagon, grasped his horse’s reins and, using his free hand, tied them to the back, then offered Willow a hand up to the bench.
She hesitated. “You’re coming with me?”
“Thought I would, if you have no objections.”
Objections? She had plenty of them. “None at all.” Where had those words come from? She tried to clear her thoughts. Then gave up and shook her head as she settled herself on the bench. He handed her the baby and climbed up beside her, then drove across the ford with an ease that made her feel safe. Maybe it didn’t hurt to accept help once in a while.
They said little as they continued on toward the town. She tried to ignore Johnny’s presence beside her as she planned what she would do as soon as they arrived. “Where will be the best place to ask about houses to rent?”
“I’d suggest Mr. Marsh at the general store. He knows pretty much what’s going on in the town. I’ll take you there first, if you like.”
“Yes, please. What time does the train come in?”
“There was talk about changing the schedule, so I can’t rightly say.”
What if her sisters had already arrived and she wasn’t there to meet them? What would they do? If they hadn’t changed greatly, Celia would be angry and set off to find her own way, and Sarah would go along because she didn’t have any choice, but she’d protest the whole way, saying they should just wait.
Soon the wagon approached the town. It appeared to be a decent size, which provided encouragement. The children could go to school here and Willow could find employment rather than deplete her little stash of gold.
They pulled up at a store and before she could move, Johnny hurried around to lift her and Adam down and then escort them up the steps and inside. She breathed deeply. It had been a long time since she’d been in a store that didn’t reek of tobacco smoke and unwashed bodies. For the most part, the populace of Wolf Hollow cared more about finding gold than they did about cleanliness.
“How do, Johnny. How’s your folks?”
Willow’s gaze followed the sound to a man at the end of the counter, a big canvas apron covering most of him. Mr. Marsh, she presumed.
“Just fine.” Johnny introduced Willow to the owner of the general store. “Mrs. Reames is looking for a house to rent.”
“Hmm.” Mr. Marsh rubbed his chin several times. “Only thing I can think of offhand is the one at the end of the street behind the hotel. It belongs to the Sears family, but they left last fall. I’m sure he won’t mind you using it. I have his forwarding address. You can write him and make arrangements with him. Now, mind you, it’s a little run-down on the outside. I haven’t been inside, so can’t speak for what it’s like. But it’s about all there is at the moment.”
“I’ll take it.”