Hot Nights with a Spaniard: Bedded for the Spaniard's Pleasure / Spanish Aristocrat, Forced Bride / Spanish Magnate, Red-Hot Revenge. India Grey

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Hot Nights with a Spaniard: Bedded for the Spaniard's Pleasure / Spanish Aristocrat, Forced Bride / Spanish Magnate, Red-Hot Revenge - India Grey

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to be a reporter hot on her trail!

      ‘Is everything all right, Rafe?’ Cairo queried once the three of them were seated at a shaded table in the square where they had decided to have lunch.

      He raised dark brows. ‘Why shouldn’t it be?’

      Cairo frowned. ‘You seem—preoccupied, that’s all.’

      ‘I get that way when I’m hungry,’ he dismissed, before pointedly turning his attention to reading the menu.

      Cairo continued to look at him for several more seconds before looking down at her own menu; after all, she had no reason for complaint as long as Rafe continued to help keep Daisy entertained.

      Besides, he was probably as worried about Margo as Cairo was.

      She had spoken briefly to Jeff on the telephone this morning, her brother-in-law promising to call her later today once he had any news about Margo and the baby. Cairo’s mobile was turned on in her shoulder-bag for just that reason.

      It was very pleasant sitting here in the sunshine, Cairo decided as she relaxed back in her chair once they had given their order to the waiter and Daisy and Rafe were busy discussing the merits of the beaches in the area, something they were both familiar with if the friendly argument that ensued was anything to go by.

      Cairo watched the two of them from behind dark sunglasses, appreciating how good Rafe was with Daisy, talking to her as an adult rather than a child as he considered the merits of her suggestions, Daisy obviously equally enthralled with him.

      Again Cairo asked herself why he had never married and had children of his own …

      Rafe was thirty-seven now, at the very top of his profession, a successful director, as well as one of the most sought after—and sexy—actors in the world: the most sexy according to that American poll last year!

      There had been plenty of women in Rafe’s life over the years, too, photographs of him with those beautiful women often appearing in the glossily expensive magazine that she occasionally read while waiting in her trailer to be called on set.

      Yet he had never married, had remained one of the most elusively eligible bachelors in the world … whom Cairo knew herself to be completely physically aware of!

      It would be futile to claim otherwise when she was sensitive to everything about him, from his silkily dark hair that brushed the collar of his black polo shirt, down to the bareness of his slimly elegant feet casually thrust into black deck-shoes.

      He was as sexy as hell, Cairo acknowledged achingly. Even more so than he had been eight years ago, maturity having added another dimension to his already many-faceted personality, lines of experience now beside the deep blue of his eyes, his rare smile one of mocking challenge.

      ‘She’s a great kid, isn’t she?’ Rafe said as Daisy excused herself to go to the ladies’ room inside the restaurant.

      ‘Er—yes, she is,’ Cairo agreed abruptly even as she wrenched her gaze away from the moulded perfection of Rafe’s sensually curving mouth and her thoughts from the memory of how forcefully that mouth had claimed hers yesterday afternoon.

      Rafe’s gaze narrowed on her flushed cheeks. ‘Have you ever wondered that if we had made it together, we might have had a daughter of Daisy’s age by now? Maybe a couple more, too?’

      ‘Certainly not!’ she denied firmly.

      Rafe shrugged. ‘Just a thought.’

      Thank goodness she hadn’t become pregnant during their three-month affair—that really would have complicated a situation that had ultimately proved heartbreaking enough when Rafe had become bored with her naïve adoration and secretly turned his attentions to another, much more experienced, woman.

      But she couldn’t deny that at one time, in her naivety, she had inwardly, deliciously thought about becoming the mother of Rafe’s children….

      ‘I think I’ll just try giving Jeff a call while Daisy isn’t here.’ She took her mobile from her bag and put the call through to her brother-in-law, effectively putting an end to that conversation.

      But if nothing else, it had served as a reminder that Cairo hadn’t been enough for Rafe eight years ago, and despite her earlier thoughts of how wonderful he was with Daisy—of what a good father he would make to his own children someday—Cairo knew that she wouldn’t be enough for him now, either.

      Rafe took advantage of Cairo’s preoccupation to sit back and run a lazily sweeping glance over the busy square, aware that he still had that uncomfortable prickling sensation at the base of his nape, as if he was being watched.

      Not that he had actually seen the driver of the blue car again.

      But perhaps that wasn’t surprising after Rafe had shown him so clearly in the car park that he was aware of the other man’s interest?

      Or maybe Rafe was wrong and it really was coincidence that he had seen that particular man in that particular car twice in one day?

      Maybe …

      He just didn’t happen to believe that strongly in coincidences—

      ‘Dammit!’ Rafe grated harshly even as he surged angrily to his feet and turned to stride towards where he had just seen Daisy emerge from the ladies’ room in the restaurant.

      To where a man—the same man who had earlier been driving the blue car, Rafe was sure of it—had stopped her and engaged her in conversation!


      ‘FOLLOW him, Rafe!’ Cairo cried anxiously behind him as the man saw Rafe’s approach and quickly broke off his conversation with Daisy to turn on his heel and hurry out through the back entrance of the restaurant.

      Rafe didn’t need any encouragement—he had every intention of going after the other man.

      ‘Take care of Daisy,’ he instructed grimly, before hurrying out the back entrance himself.

      But no matter how hard Rafe looked both ways up the street and in several shops, he couldn’t find him, the other man having apparently disappeared. He knew where the man’s car was, of course, and debated whether or not he should just go straight to the car park and hope to get there before the other man did.

      But Rafe’s first concern had to be Daisy and Cairo, so he returned to the restaurant.

      ‘I lost him.’ Rafe scowled as Cairo looked at him, her face having taken on a greyish tinge, her hands trembling as she held Daisy tightly against her. ‘I’m pretty sure it isn’t what you think, Cairo,’ he added more reassuringly. ‘I’ll explain later.’ He shot Cairo a warning look before going down on his haunches beside the little girl. ‘Okay, Daisy-May?’ he prompted gently.

      ‘Can we have lunch now, Uncle Rafe?’ she asked hopefully.

      He gave an appreciative chuckle. ‘Sure we can. Okay with you, Cairo?’ He looked up at her.

      Cairo felt too sick with reaction to answer him immediately.

      She hadn’t even realized there

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