Bedroom Seductions: Two Weeks in the Magnate's Bed. Nicola Marsh

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Bedroom Seductions: Two Weeks in the Magnate's Bed - Nicola Marsh

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waved her hand. ‘Go ahead. I’m sure you’ll tell me anyway.’

      His hands shot out, cradling her face in their warm, firm grip before she could blink.

      ‘Because I like you. You. Not your clothes, or your will-ingness to help me out, or because I want you to sleep with me. You. You’re funny and smart and you make me laugh.’

      ‘So now I’m a clown—’

      ‘Shut up.’

      He kissed her—a soft, tender kiss that reached down to her soul, shattering her defences along the way, scaring her beyond belief.

      ‘Now, it’s time to head back. And I don’t want to hear another word.’ She opened her mouth and he pressed his finger to it. ‘Not one word. Not another character assassination. Not another assumption. Not one word unless you agree to play nice. Got it?’

      Her lips twitched, and his answering smile made her heart sing.

      He wasn’t asking for anything, didn’t expect her to sleep with him, and hadn’t belittled her when he’d heard the sorry truth about her inexperience with men.

      So what should she do? Spend some more time with him? Get to know him better? With the aim to do what?

      He had his life on the sea. She had a great apartment in Sydney, a few colleagues she could call friends at a pinch, and a good job at the museum. They didn’t have a future, no matter how well they got to know each other.

      ‘Come on. Stop thinking so much.’

      He held out his hand, and for the second time in as many hours she silenced her voice of reason and took hold of it.

      ‘How about we go with the flow, see what happens over the next week? How much trouble can we get into in seven days?’

      She raised an eyebrow, and he grinned as a scary thought flitted through her mind.


      THOUGH she would have preferred silence, they made desultory small talk on the drive back to the ship, as a multitude of thoughts swirled through her mind—most of them focussed on the man sitting next to her.

      She’d never met anyone like him.

      Confident and charming, yet astute enough to look beyond the surface and home in on exactly what she wanted: a guy to recognise she had a brain, a sense of humour, and a yearning not to be taken for granted.

      She couldn’t believe he’d said all that stuff, had seriously cracked the protective shield around her heart with his sincerity.

      So what now? She wouldn’t have the guts for a fling, no matter how far her confidence soared. She couldn’t do something like that unless she was emotionally involved. And while Zac said he liked her, like didn’t equate to what she craved: a lifelong love from an incredible man who’d put her first.

      Completely moronic, completely delusional, completely crazy, but she’d been dreaming of her own happily-ever-after for so long she’d somehow taken his genuine niceness and tangled him up in her fantasy.

      She cast a sideways glance at his profile and sighed, her heart hoping for a minor miracle while her head shouted, Wake up and smell the sea air.

      ‘What are you thinking?’

      ‘Not much.’ He really, really didn’t want to know.

      ‘I can hear your mind ticking from here.’

      ‘If you’re that perceptive, you tell me.’

      ‘I think you’re mulling over what I said back at the cove. Close?’

      There he went again, being way too perceptive.

      ‘Don’t give up your day job. You’d make a lousy mind-reader.’


      ‘So you told me not to say anything unless it was nice, and I’m having a hard time coming up with anything.’

      His chuckles warmed her better than the sun’s rays. ‘See—that’s why I like you. Every prickly, cynical, blunt inch of you.’

      ‘Yeah, well, I can’t help it if you’ve been spending too long in this tropical heat.’

      He slowed the Jeep and turned onto the dock. ‘You know, you can hide behind that smart mouth of yours all you like, but I’m going to get to know you better whether you like it or not.’


      He stopped the engine and turned to her, his slow, sexy smile sending a shiver through her. ‘Yeah. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.’

      Charming sailor boy she could handle. Single-minded sailor boy with a determined glint in his too-blue eyes had her plans to hold him off sinking faster than the Titanic.

      Hoping her voice didn’t quiver, she aimed for flippant. ‘I stand duly warned. Thanks for the tour.’

      ‘My pleasure. Hope it lived up to your expectations.’

      If she’d had any he’d blown them clean out of the water with his shrewd observations back at the cove. She didn’t want to get involved with a guy like him. But what if it was too late?


      ‘Great. I better get this Jeep back to Raj. See you at dinner?’

      She nodded, the thought of spending more time with him after the day they’d just had sending a tiny helix of joy interwoven with doubt spiralling through her.

      He winked, sent her a jaunty half-salute, and drove away, leaving her mind spinning and her tummy tossing with nerves at the many possible ways he could ‘get to know her’ over the next few days.

      Zac pulled up at the front of Raj’s and switched off the engine, wishing he could switch off his thoughts as easily.

      Things were out of control. Or, more to the point, things with Lana were out of control.

      After lunch and his chat with Sujit he’d been all gungho, determined to explore the possibility of a relationship with her. Then they’d talked at the cove and things had rushed downhill from there.

      He’d known she was inexperienced—but not even dating? Hell, did that mean she was a virgin too? No way. She’d had that moronic ex—not that that meant much—and there was the way she’d responded to his kisses, the way she had that funny gleam in her eyes at times. But what did that mean? That she had a bit of sass lurking beneath her prudish front?

      He didn’t dally with virgins. In fact he didn’t dally with women, period, considering it took all his concentration these days to perpetrate his plan.

      But he wasn’t fooling around with Lana. Had known

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