Sunrise at Butterfly Cove: An uplifting romance from bestselling author Sarah Bennett. Sarah Bennett
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‘There are more in the car,’ Mia said, a slightly sheepish look on her face. ‘Once I got started, I decided that I really wanted to see the room as finished as possible. I know it’s foolish when there is so much other work to do, but I think it is the way I want to do this from now on. Tackle a room and finish it completely before moving on to the next one. It might not be practical but I feel so energised after months of straggling from one bit of the house to another, never quite finishing anything. Does that make sense?’
Daniel was touched she cared about his opinion enough to ask and it struck him anew how hard it must be for her to try and pull this huge house into a semblance of order by herself. ‘I think you need to do this in whatever way feels right for you. I’m happy to help if you can stand me under foot a bit longer. The work I’ve done over the past few days feels like the only positive and productive thing I’ve done in months. I don’t want to push you, I know you said I could stay for only one week, but you can’t possibly do this alone.’
Daniel trailed off as he watched her face tighten. Shit, shit! Stupid idiot. Who was he to tell her what she could and couldn’t do?
He turned away to stare out of the little window above the sink. Ivy crawled across the glass and he made a mental note to get out there and cut it back in the morning. If he was still there, that was.
He sighed. ‘Sorry, that came out wrong. You can do whatever you set your mind to; you have done so much already. All I’ve done is splash a bit of paint around the place. It’s just that now I know how big this project is, I don’t want to walk away and leave you to do it alone. You’d be doing me a favour if you would consider letting me stay on for a bit.’ Daniel sighed and scrubbed his hands through his hair in frustration, knowing he sounded pathetic and desperate as he tried to force Mia to let him stay.
The silence stretched between them making his gut churn and bile burn in the back of his throat. He risked a glance over his shoulder. Mia sat with her eyes closed and he watched her take a couple of slow, deep breaths. The tension in her frame loosened as she opened her eyes and sent him a considering look.
‘I don’t know what to say, Daniel. I don’t know what the right answer is to give you. I didn’t want you here; I didn’t want anyone here, and yet having another person around to help fill the space has made me feel more positive about things. I just don’t know whether it’s fair to take advantage of you when you’re clearly vulnerable. I feel like I would be exploiting you for my own selfish needs.’
Daniel gaped incredulously. She thought she would be taking advantage of him? He shook his head and gave a little snort of disbelief. ‘Perhaps we should stop worrying about it and take advantage of each other.’ He’d only meant to lighten the mood, but horror filled him when she paled and he shook his head frantically. ‘Oh, shit, no, not that. I didn’t mean it like that! I didn’t mean that we should take advantage of each other sexually. Oh, crap, I just need to stop talking before you throw me out on my arse.’
Mia bit her lip and tried not to laugh. The utter horror in Daniel’s voice was amusing and yet a tiny part of her hurt at the forcefulness of his denial. What a contrary, emotional headcase she was. How could she be terrified he was propositioning her one moment and insulted when he clearly wasn’t the next?
Her animal hindbrain decided that it had been quiet for long enough and conjured up an image from the first night when Daniel had stood in almost the same spot he occupied now, stripped to the waist as he washed his hair at the sink. She remembered all too clearly how the light caramel tone of his skin had glowed warmly in the soft light, one small trail of water rolling down the centre of his spine. Mia closed her eyes and shuddered. Her animal hindbrain needed to shut the hell up. She loved Jamie; she didn’t want to think about another man. She wasn’t ready.
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