Falling for Mr Dark & Dangerous. DONNA ALWARD

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Falling for Mr Dark & Dangerous - DONNA  ALWARD

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      Maggie knew it was wrong, but it felt right.

      Why now, after all this time, did she finally feel connected to someone? There were so many reasons why he was wrong for her. He was a man who lived for his work, and thought nothing of putting himself in danger. He had his life ahead of him. They didn’t even live in the same country.

      And in a very short time he’d be gone. And she was shocked to find, in the circle of his arms, that she would miss him when he left.

      But she had right now, and she burrowed deeper into his chest, letting the clean scent of him surround her. Letting his body form a cocoon as the slightest bit of healing trickled into her.

      Donna Alward can’t remember a time when she didn’t love books. When her mother would take her to town, her ‘treat’ was not clothes or candy but a trip to the bookstore. This followed through university as she studied English Literature, writing short stories and poetry, but never attempting full-length fiction. In 2001 her sister told her to just get out there and do it, and after completing her first manuscript she was hooked. She lives in Alberta, Canada, with her husband and children, and when not writing is involved in music and volunteering at her children’s school.

      To find out more about Donna, visit her web page at www.donnaalward.com, or her blog at www.donnaalward.blogspot.com, and sign up for her newsletter!

       Recent titles by this author:




       Dear Reader

      Why is it that sometimes the thing we want the least is exactly what we need the most?

      When I was writing HIRED BY THE COWBOY and MARRIAGE AT CIRCLE M, I got to wondering about Mike’s cousin, Maggie. Maggie became Mike’s foster parent when she wasn’t that much older than he was, and I wanted to know what had happened to her. I got to know her, and realised that the strength she displayed in her childhood had been tested in her adult years. So much so that she had resolved never to love again.

      I realised she needed a hero who could restore her faith...in herself, in life, in love. And that hero was Nate Griffith, a US Marshal sent to Canada on a case. The kind of man she shied away from—young, vibrant, principled, and in a profession that carried far more danger than she was comfortable with. The kind of man who could show her that there was more to life than complacency and fear. That living without risk isn’t living at all...it’s just existing.

      Nate comes to realise that his job isn’t always about punishing the guilty. It’s also about protecting the innocent. And when Maggie sees this...sees this code of honour and duty...well, even a heart as closed off as hers can’t stay immune for long.

      I enjoyed writing this book very much—enjoyed creating Mountain Haven Bed and Breakfast, and loved how Maggie somehow started cooking some of my favourite recipes for Nate! I hope you enjoy it too.

      You can visit me at my website, www.donnaalward.com, or write to me care of Mills & Boon. I’d love to hear from you.








      When I decided I wanted to write a book with a cop hero, I turned to Mark Graham, US Marshal, who not only provided me with all the law enforcement information I needed but also gave me a glimpse into what it’s actually like to do the job that he does. Thank you, Mark, for the info and the laughs. You rock.


      My paternal grandmother was an avid reader, even bringing up several children during the depression and beyond. Her attachment to Mills & Boon romances is legendary in our family. So much so that at one point or another we’ve all been called ‘Myrtle’ after her—my mother, my sisters, even me. Now my own children have taken on that tradition; this summer found my girls on a bunk with a book more often than not, and at one point or another they were dubbed ‘Myrtle’.

      Gram passed away when I was seventeen, but I think of her often these days as I’m now writing the stories that she loved so much.

      I dedicate this book to Gram, for passing on her love for books to all of us, and hope that in some small way I have done her proud. This is for you, Grammie.


      THE crunch of tires on snow let Maggie Taylor know he was here. The U.S. marshal. The man who’d thrown a monkey wrench into things before he’d ever even arrived.

      She parted the curtains and looked out over the white-capped yard. A late March storm had dropped several centimeters of snow earlier in the week and then the temperature had plunged. Now it looked more like Christmas than impending spring.

      Maggie sighed as the black SUV pulled up beside her truck. She’d almost booked a trip to get away from the late surge of winter. She’d always found an excuse not to travel, but now that Jen was away from home, she’d decided to treat herself for once and go somewhere hot, where she’d be catered to instead of doing the catering. In fact, she’d been taking extra time browsing around the travel agent’s on a trip to Red Deer when he had called, requesting a room for a prolonged stay.

      Of course, since she’d been out at the time, Jennifer had taken the call and booked him in without even asking. Not only had it spoiled her plans, but it had caused a huge argument between her and Jennifer. She pressed her thumbs against her index fingers, snapping the knuckles. If it hadn’t been about that, it would have been something else. They were always arguing, it seemed. They never saw eye to eye on anything anymore.

      As if preordained, Jennifer chose that moment to gallop down the stairs. Maggie stared at the pink plaid flannel that covered her daughter’s bottom half, topped by a battered gray sweatshirt that had seen far better days. Maggie felt guilty at the relief she knew she’d feel when Jennifer went back to school after her spring break. These days they got along much better when there were several miles between them.

      She dropped the curtain back into place, obscuring her view of the man getting out of the vehicle.

      “Honestly, Jen. You’re still in your pyjamas and our guest is here.” She ran her hands down her navy slacks and straightened the hem of the thick gray sweater she’d put on to ward off the chill.

      “I haven’t done my laundry yet.” Jennifer skirted past her and headed straight for the kitchen.

      Maggie sighed. Even though Jen complained that there was nothing to do around here, she somehow always left laundry and chores up to Maggie. And Maggie did them rather than frustrate herself with yet another argument. Their relationship was fragile enough.


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