Millionaire Mavericks: The Oilman’s Baby Bargain. Michelle Celmer
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“Your brother has humiliated my family,” he told Mitch.
“I know he has, sir. Once more, I would like to express our deepest apologies.”
“Rejecting my Lexi for a lowly secretary,” he scoffed, as if Kate’s profession somehow made her unworthy. Mitch wondered how the senator would feel if he knew that while she was supposed to be planning a wedding with Lance, his precious daughter Lexi had been seducing Mitch instead.
“He was in love with Kate,” Mitch said, which seemed to carry little or no weight.
The senator just glared and said, “I don’t think we have anything left to discuss, Mr. Brody.”
Mitch had never had to grovel in his life, but there was a first time for everything. His brother had damn well better appreciate this. “I’d like you to consider a compromise, sir.”
The senator narrowed his eyes. “What kind of compromise?”
“We still need your support, Senator Cavanaugh, and I’m assuming you still want the best for your daughter.”
“Your point is?”
“The Brody name can provide that.”
“What are you suggesting?”
He had to force the words out. “A marriage between Alexis and me.”
He looked wary, but also intrigued, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms over his chest. “Explain.”
In other words, kiss the old man’s ass, make this worth his while. “I think this arrangement will be in everyone’s best interests, Senator. Married to me, Alexis will be set for life financially, and remain in the upper echelon of Texas society.”
“And in return?” the senator asked.
“With your senatorial support, my brother and I will expand Brody Oil and Gas and take it to heights our father never dreamed possible.”
“I’m sure you can imagine how humiliated my Lexi was when your first arrangement fell through. If I do say yes, what assurances do I have that you won’t fall in love with your secretary and decide to marry her, instead?”
It annoyed Mitch the way he referred to her as “my Lexi,” as though she were a possession, or a commodity. If he really cared about his daughter, would he expect her to settle for an arranged, loveless marriage? Wouldn’t he want her to be happy? Or maybe in his mind, wealth and security equaled happiness.
Whatever the man’s motivation, it wasn’t Mitch’s problem. Besides, as far as he was concerned, Lexi was getting exactly what she deserved. He should have realized that the woman under the sweet and demure exterior was in reality a viper. Not unlike his mother, who made his father fall in love with her, gave birth to his sons and then abandoned them.
Lexi had played with his emotions and used him. Now he was going to return the favor.
“In the first place,” Mitch told him, “my secretary is sixty-eight and married with grandchildren. Second, I am not a frivolous man when it comes to my emotions. I’m prepared to do anything for the sake of my business. I also have a plan to counteract any humiliation my brother’s rejection caused. When all is said and done, Lance will be the one who comes out looking like a fool.”
“How will you manage that?”
“With all due respect, sir, I would prefer to discuss it with Lexi first, to be sure that she’s okay with it.”
Senator Cavanaugh silently considered that for several moments, then he nodded. “I’m inclined to say yes, but under one condition. I won’t force Lexi to marry you. She must be agreeable to the match, or the deal is off.”
Mitch winced. That could definitely be a problem. She obviously despised Mitch. He was going to have to get creative, make her an offer she couldn’t refuse. Perhaps a credit card with no limit and all the department store accounts she could dream of. He would give her everything her spoiled and greedy little heart desired. That is, if she had a heart.
“Agreed,” Mitch said. He rose from his chair and offered the senator his hand. The man’s grip was firm and binding.
“One more thing,” the senator said, as Mitch turned to leave. “If you hurt my daughter in any way, shape or form, I will crush you and your brother. Understand?”
Mitch nodded, then turned and walked to the door, hoping he hadn’t just made the biggest mistake of his life.
Lexi stood in her private bathroom at her father’s Houston estate feeling as though she might be sick. She’d been feeling that way every morning lately. Which was what had motivated her to finally take a home pregnancy test. That, and two missed periods. And sure enough, when the little wand was ripe, up popped that little pink plus sign.
She groaned, and dropped her head in her hands. She had always been the perfect, dutiful daughter. The one time in her life she’d had the guts to say to hell with what her father wanted and have some fun, this was what happened.
Didn’t that just figure?
There was a soft rap on the door and her personal assistant, Tara—the one who had been kind enough to fetch the pregnancy test in the first place—poked her head in. “Well?”
Unable to make herself say the words, Lexi held the results up so Tara could see for herself. “I am so completely screwed.”
Tara crossed the room and wrapped Lexi up in a hug. “We’ll get through this,” she promised. “Everything will be okay.”
Lexi rested her head on Tara’s shoulder and let herself be comforted for a minute. Tara was the closest thing she had to a best friend. Lexi’s father was particular about who Lexi was allowed to befriend. As far as he was concerned, no one was good enough for his little girl. As a result, people believed she was a snob.
And what would they think if she had a baby out of wedlock? Her father would be absolutely mortified. He talked for years about how someday she would marry and give him grandsons to spoil, but this was not part of his carefully laid plan.
“If my father finds out, he’ll kill me,” she said.
Tara held her at arm’s length. “You have options.”
Lexi knew exactly what she meant, and shook her head. “Termination isn’t an option.”
“So, you’ll have it?”
“If I do, my father will disown me.” Of that she had little doubt. Perception meant everything to him. He would probably accuse her of doing it on purpose, to sabotage his reputation. He would accuse her of not loving or respecting him after everything he had done for her. How many times had she been tempted to ask, what have you done for me? Other than shelter her, control her life and treat her more like political leverage than a daughter.
But she would never have the courage to say the words. Despite everything, he was still her father. Without him, she had no one.