It Had To Be You: Man of the Year 2016. Nikki Logan

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It Had To Be You: Man of the Year 2016 - Nikki  Logan

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Patrick Knight <[email protected]>

      From: Molly Cooper <[email protected]>

      Subject: Having a good time

      Hi Patrick

      Unfortunately I can only fit in sightseeing jaunts around my work schedule, but Brad and I have still been getting around. Yesterday we investigated Cleopatra’s Needle, which was rather impressive. It’s hard to believe it’s over three and a half thousand years old and was lying in the desert sands of Egypt until some English fellow dragged it back to London behind a steamer.

      While I was at work Brad went off on his own to check out the Cabinet War Rooms Museum. They’re leftovers from WW2, and still hidden away in tunnels and offices beneath Whitehall. Brad’s interested because his grandad served over here as a fighter pilot, but I was quite pleased to miss that trip. I’m still a bit iffy about spending too much time underground.

      All’s well here. Hope you’re fine, too.


      To: Molly Cooper <[email protected]>

      From: Patrick Knight <[email protected]>

      Subject: Re: Having a good time

      Molly, I’m glad you’re having such a fine time, and I’m pleased to report that I’ve made some exciting discoveries of my own. You’re not the only one who can break rules, you know. I’ve taken entire days away from the laptop to go skin-diving. Now that the stinger season is well and truly over I feel as if I need to make up for lost time, so I bought myself a snorkel, goggles and flippers and headed down to Florence Bay.

      Every day this week I’ve spent hours and hours in the sea. I’m surprised I haven’t grown gills.

      I’m hooked. It’s amazing. Mere metres below the surface, I enter a different and fascinating world. The water is a perfect temperature, the visibility is excellent, and as you know it’s like swimming in a huge aquarium, surrounded by millions of colourful fish.

      Thanks to your fabulously helpful illustrations, I’ve been able to identify lionfish, trigger fish, blue spotted stingrays, clownfish—and of course our cheeky friend Chelmon rostratus.

      I was so excited when I saw him poking his long stripy snout out from a piece of pink coral! I almost rang you just to tell you. I suppose I felt a bit the way you did the first time you spotted a film star on the King’s Road.

      Honestly, I’ve dived in the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, and I thought those reefs were beautiful, but I hadn’t dreamed the reefs on this island would have so much diversity.

      Using your map as my guide, I’ve now dived in all the main bays—Radical, Alma, Nelly, Geoffrey—and I’ve loved them all. Especially the range of corals in Geoffrey Bay.

      The locals tell me that these are only fringing reefs. If I really want to see something spectacular I should head out to the main Great Barrier Reef. So, as you can imagine, that’s on the agenda now as well.

      I think I’ll catch one of the big catamarans when they’re passing through on their way to the reef. I can’t wait. I might even head north to stay on one of the other Barrier Reef islands for a while.

      Sorry, if I’m sounding carried away, Molly. I think I am.



      To: Patrick Knight <[email protected]>

      From: Molly Cooper <[email protected]>

      Subject: Re: Having a good time

      It seems we’re both reaping the rewards of our daring decisions to break our own rules. I’m so pleased you’re enjoying the island’s reefs, Patrick. I got quite homesick reading your descriptions, and I found myself wishing I was there with you, sharing the excitement of your discoveries. Shows how greedy I am, because I wouldn’t want to miss all the fun I’m having here.

      Yes, I know I can’t have my cake and eat it, too.

      But, still … skin-diving with you would be so cool.

      I hope you enjoy your trip to the Great Barrier Reef, or to other islands further north. Don’t go if the weather’s rough, though. I’d hate you to be horribly seasick.



      To: Patrick Knight <[email protected]>

      From: Molly Cooper <[email protected]>

      Subject: Quiet

      You’ve been very quiet, Patrick, so I’m assuming you must have gone out to the Great Barrier Reef, or perhaps you’re exploring further afield. Please don’t tell me you’ve found another island you like more than Magnetic.


       Private Writing Journal, Lodon, May 23rd

       I almost didn’t bring this journal back to London, but I threw it in my bag at the last minute because writing in it has become something of a habit. My thoughts (sometimes) become clearer when I put them on paper. So here I am, two days after my mother’s wedding, pleased and relieved that it was the beautiful, emotional and happy event that both she and Jonathan wanted and deserved.

       My duty phone call to my father in Scotland is behind me, so now I’m considering my options.

       To see or not to see Molly.

       To fly straight back to the island, or stay on here in London for a bit.

       The thing is, I’m desperate to call on Molly while I’m here. I’ll admit I’m utterly fascinated by her (and my mother could hardly stop talking about her), but I’m hesitating for a number of reasons.

       1. The Australian boyfriend. It probably sounds churlish, but I don’t think I could enjoy Molly’s company if Brad the sheep farmer was hanging around in the wings.

       2. Our house swapping agreement. I’ve handed over my house for three months in good faith, and if I suddenly turn up on Molly’s doorstep in the middle of that time she’ll be placed in a confusing situation—not sure if she’s my hostess or my house guest. I guess this hurdle is one we could work our way around, but then there’s—

       3. The fantasy date with a gentleman. Here’s the thing: I have the right accent and the right clothes to meet Molly’s criteria, and if I was on my best behaviour I could probably pull off the role of an English gentleman. I could even take Molly on her dream date to the theatre. In fact, I’d love to.


      Maddeningly, I have a string of doubts

      • Does she still want that ‘dream’

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