Once Upon a Christmas. Sarah Morgan

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Once Upon a Christmas - Sarah Morgan

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to have noticed her anyway. ‘That’s a coincidence.’

      ‘Is it?’ David’s eyes glittered ominously and he sat back in his chair as the waiter poured more wine into his glass. ‘Aren’t you beginning to wonder why it is that Jack Rothwell would want to sabotage every date we have?’

      ‘Sabotage?’ Bryony looked at him in astonishment and gave a puzzled laugh. ‘Jack has nothing to do with the fact that our last two dates haven’t worked out that well.’


      ‘Well, he’s certainly not sabotaging tonight,’ Bryony said reasonably. ‘I mean, he hasn’t even noticed we’re here. He’s with a woman himself.’

      She glanced across the restaurant again and immediately wished she hadn’t. Jack was leaning forward, his attention totally focused on his beautiful companion.

      Bryony looked away quickly, trying not to mind. Knowing that she had no right to mind.

      And, anyway, she was with David.

      But he was looking at her with an odd expression on his face. ‘He knows you’re here,’ he said quietly, ‘and no man could fail to notice you, Bryony.’

      She blushed at the compliment. ‘Well, that’s very kind of you, but I can assure you that Jack certainly doesn’t notice me in the way you’re suggesting.’

      In fact, he didn’t seem to notice her as a woman at all. Until she wore something that he disapproved of, she thought gloomily. Goodness knew how he would have reacted had she been the one dressed like his date. He probably would have had her locked up. But evidently the girl staring into his eyes at that precise moment was allowed to dress however she pleased.

      Realising that she was staring again, Bryony turned her attention back to David but the atmosphere had changed. She made a valiant attempt to keep up lively conversation but it seemed like hard work.

      In the end they ate their starter in virtual silence and Bryony’s gaze flickered surreptitiously to Jack yet again.

      Immediately their eyes locked and she swallowed hard, aware that he must have been looking at her.

      His eyes held hers and everything and everyone else in the room gradually faded into the background. For Bryony there was just Jack and he seemed as reluctant to break the contact as she was.

      Her heart banged against her ribs with rhythmic force and the sick feeling started in her stomach.

      And still Jack’s eyes held hers.

      They might have stared at each other for ever if the waiter hadn’t chosen that moment to deliver their next course, walking across their line of vision.

      Staring down at her plate, Bryony realised that suddenly she wasn’t hungry any more. Her insides felt totally jumbled up.

      Why had Jack been staring at her like that?

      Did he disapprove of her seeing David? Did he think that she was dating the wrong man?

      She pushed her food around her plate, miserably aware that David had finished his main course and was now watching her in silence.

      Finally he spoke. ‘You don’t seem hungry.’

      ‘Not very.’ She put her fork down and smiled at him apologetically. ‘I’m so sorry.’

      ‘It doesn’t matter.’

      She bit her lip, embarrassed that the evening was going so badly. ‘I’m just a bit tired—it’s been a pretty busy week.’

      ‘Do you want to go home?’

      She hesitated and then nodded. ‘Yes. If that’s all right with you.’

      ‘Shall we have coffee first?’

      She remembered her resolution to kiss him. ‘No,’ she croaked. ‘Let’s have coffee at my house.’

      He looked at her thoughtfully and seemed to relax slightly. Then he nodded and rose to his feet. ‘Good idea. Come on. I’ll settle the bill while they get our coats.’

      ‘If you’ve finished, I’ll take her home.’ Jack’s deep voice came from right beside her, his eyes fixed on her face. ‘It’s on my way.’

      The two men stared at each other with ill-disguised hostility.

      ‘She’s my date,’ David said tightly, and Jack smiled.

      ‘You’ve had your date,’ he drawled softly, ‘and now I’m taking her home.’

      Realising that everyone in the restaurant was staring at them, Bryony flushed scarlet and tugged Jack’s arm.

      ‘For goodness’ sake, Jack! Everyone’s looking at us.’

      Jack gave a dismissive shrug that indicated just how little he was bothered by other people’s opinions and then he smiled as his date for the evening joined them. ‘Nina, this is David. He’s offered to take you home.’

      Nina gave Jack a longing look that left no one in any doubt as to how she felt about him. And then she sighed and shot David a dazzling smile. ‘If you’re sure it’s no trouble …’

      Wondering why Nina was giving up so easily, Bryony watched as David’s eyes dropped to the neckline of Nina’s dress which revealed a hypnotic amount of female flesh.

      He stared in blatant fascination and then finally cleared his throat and dragged his gaze up to Nina’s. ‘It’s no trouble at all,’ he said hoarsely and Bryony resisted the temptation to scream with frustration.

      Men were just so pathetic!

      Boiling with anger, she said goodnight to David and Nina and followed Jack across the car park.

      He unlocked the car and opened the door for her and she slid inside and yanked at the seat belt.

      As Jack settled himself in the driver’s seat, she let rip.

      ‘David was my date! You had no right to interfere.’

      Jack reversed out of his parking space. ‘I merely offered to take you home.’

      ‘You didn’t offer, Jack,’ she said caustically, ‘you insisted. David was taking me home and he was ready to argue until your Nina thrust her chest in his face.’

      Jack grinned, maddeningly unperturbed by her outburst. ‘impressive, isn’t she? I thought as I was taking you away from him, I ought to offer him something in compensation.’

      ‘So I suppose she was the booby prize?’ Bryony’s voice dripped sarcasm and Jack’s grin widened.

      ‘Booby prize.’ He repeated her words and chuckled with appreciation. ‘I admit I hadn’t thought of it in exactly those terms, but now you mention it …’

      Bryony ground her teeth in frustration. ‘You are so hypocritical, do you know that? You have the nerve to criticise my black

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