Italian Tycoon, Secret Son. Lucy Gordon

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Italian Tycoon, Secret Son - Lucy  Gordon

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you ever stop and simply enjoy yourself?’

      ‘But I do enjoy myself when I’m jotting things down. Often I only know afterwards how I’m going to use them. They dance around in my head and take on a life of their own, and who knows what may come of it?’

      ‘Fantastic,’ he agreed at once. ‘Throw the dice in the air and watch to see what happens.’

      ‘I guess that’s how you live.’

      ‘I like to let life surprise me, just like you. We’re alike, plenty of freedom and no ties. That’s the way to be.’

      ‘How do you know I have no ties?’

      He shrugged. ‘You’re either free or you have a partner who’s content to sit at home while you climb mountains.’

      A little devil prompted her to say primly, ‘And why not? We each follow our own path out of mutual respect.’

      Renzo’s face was a picture of comical disgust. ‘Dio mio! You ought to get rid of him fast. Hell would freeze over before I let my woman risk her neck without me there.’

      ‘Let? Let? What century are you living in?’

      ‘Any century rather than one where this can happen. But you’re fooling me, aren’t you? Don’t tell me this paragon of dreary virtue actually exists.’

      ‘No, he doesn’t.’ Mandy gave a melodramatic sigh. ‘I just dream of meeting him.’

      ‘Sure you do. And it would serve you right if he turned out to be just like you described.’

      ‘What about you? No ties and you mean to keep it that way?’

      ‘For a while at any rate. Ties are all right— one day.’

      ‘No, I think you’ll live and die a free man, because that’s what life means to you.’

      He raised his glass in salute. ‘Very clever of you.’

      She lifted hers in response. ‘So be careful what you say. I see everything. I’m a witch.’

      He peered at her in the shadows.

      ‘No,’ Renzo said softly, ‘not a witch, a cat— a sleek, graceful, green-eyed cat.’

      ‘Then beware my claws,’ she said, suppressing the flare of pleasure that this gave her.

      ‘I’ll take my chances, because it’s so nice to talk to someone who understands freedom. But, at the risk of being bopped, I’d like to know why you’re alone. Have the men no eyes?’

      ‘Perhaps they don’t always like what they see,’ she mused. ‘He said he preferred a woman with “a bit of meat on her”.’

      Renzo nodded, far too intelligent to ask who ‘he’ was.

      ‘He sounds like an Englishman,’ he observed. ‘That’s the charming way they talk. But you speak of him in the past.’

      ‘One day he just didn’t turn up for a date and I never heard from him again.’

      ‘You’re well rid, and it saves you the chore of dumping him.’

      ‘How do you know I would have dumped him?’

      He made a face. ‘Because you have too much taste to tolerate for long a creature who has the soul of a pig. And, besides, you’ll never find your perfect man, because you’re not really seeking him.’

      Mandy thought for a moment. Could that possibly be true? The man who’d almost broken her heart—but only almost—wasn’t she recovering remarkably fast?

      She had a strange sensation that Renzo had looked directly into her and seen things that were hidden from herself.

      ‘That might be it,’ she conceded, nodding slowly.

      ‘What made you come up here? It’s more than seeking material for your notebooks.’

      ‘I needed the change. I like to get out in the open and do something adventurous. Slaving over a hot computer isn’t enough.’

      ‘I know. I spend too much time cooped up, as well.’

      ‘I thought you’d practically live in the mountains.’

      ‘I don’t do this for a living. I used to climb a lot but now I sell sports equipment. I learned to climb with Pierre, who owns this firm, and is the man you were expecting. We’ve stayed friends, and when he needs help he calls me. It gives me the chance to get back here.’

      ‘Away from noise and silly irritations,’ she murmured.

      Renzo nodded. ‘The mountains may endanger you, but they’re never trivial.’

      ‘And even the danger—’ She stopped and drew in a breath of pure satisfaction.

      ‘You too? Yes, it’s true. There’s pleasure in going to the edge—perhaps closer than you should—’

      ‘The moment when you feel you might just have gone too far,’ she murmured, ‘but you get away with it.’

      ‘There’s nothing like it,’ he agreed appreciatively. ‘And then you’re a winner, ruler of the world. And next time—’

      He stopped and their eyes met.

      ‘Should you be talking to me like this?’ she asked humorously. ‘You—teacher. Me—pupil. Surely you should be preaching safety, not leading me astray with the delights of danger?’

      ‘You’re already “astray” or you wouldn’t have known what I meant so quickly,’ he said. ‘But you’re right. I shouldn’t talk like that, and I wouldn’t to anyone else. I rely on you not to repeat it.’

      ‘I promise,’ she said and they chinked glasses.

      ‘Especially him!’ Renzo added as Henry’s bellow reached them from inside. It was clear that he was heading towards them.

      ‘Is that the time?’ Mandy asked hastily, rising. ‘I think I’ll get an early night.’

      She was annoyed with Henry, who’d ruined a moment she was enjoying. The discovery that Renzo had hidden depths had opened a new path that might have been fun to explore. Best of all had been the understanding that had flashed between them. He was the last man with whom she would have expected this, which only made it more intriguing.

      But she remembered that they would only be together for a few days. Then he would return to his country and she to hers, and that would be that.

      Next day the weather was good and they travelled fast. With every step the air became clearer and brighter, and the peaks seemed tantalizingly closer.

      ‘It’s like we could get to the top today,’ Mandy breathed when they were halfway up.


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