Recipe For Disaster. Nina Harrington
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‘Well, that’s crazy. So what would it take to make you feel better? Besides my hot chocolate, of course.’
‘Besides that, funding to open another deli some time in the next six months would be nice. I have the orders and I know that I could make a go of it. But I’m not sure I want to go cap in hand to yet another bank. Not yet anyway.’
‘Why not? You will get the funding you need. I’m sure of it. I mean, look at you.’
Alex waved her arm around. ‘Gorgeous girl. Busy deli and ideas to open more like it. Plenty of pubs and bistros clamouring to serve your grub. There are loads of reasons why a bank would fall over itself to loan you the cash to fund an expansion. And I know you have a brilliant business plan because I helped you write it.’
‘Yes, you did. And it is brilliant. Except for one thing. Security. The last two banks I went to both wanted me to take a mortgage out on the deli as security for the loan. I can’t do it, Alex. Won’t do it. All I have to do is remember how much trouble my mum got into over the years and it scares me witless. I’ve only just stopped paying off all of the loans she took out to try and keep her dreams alive. I can’t take the risk of losing the deli. We sacrificed so much to keep it going. It’s the only thing that nobody can take away from me.’
Alex grabbed her hand, gave it a squeeze, then topped up their hot chocolate and nodded. ‘Keep the deli. Righty. Now we know what we need to do. Got it. What about the Brannigans?’
‘They would help if they could but the family are way too busy organising the latest Brannigan wedding for me to bother them with my problems. My uncle Pat sent me a lovely birthday card.’
Bunty narrowed her eyes. ‘And before you go there, I would eat my own feet before I asked the Carusos for a loan.’
Alex coughed and choked on a biscuit crumb and washed it down before answering. ‘Hey. It’s me. I would never say the C word in your presence. I suppose Luca has been begging you to write more cook books for him when your deal ends next week?’
Bunty lifted both of her hands high into the air in a dramatic flourish. ‘Begging and pleading. Emails coming in every week offering me an extension.’
Alex giggled and shuffled in her seat like an overexcited five-year-old high on sugar and artificial colours. ‘Did you make him grovel? Did you? Did you?’
‘Of course. Then I declined his offer in a polite and totally professional manner. It was a glorious moment. There are five more days left on my contract with Luca. Count them. Five. Then I shall finally be free. No more writing cook books for Luca. No more working for a pittance. Free to do what I want with my genius.’
Alex lifted her beaker in a toast. ‘Now that is something worth celebrating. Busy or not, it’s your thirtieth birthday. You are coming out to party this evening and enjoy yourself even if I have to drag you out. You know you want to. I can see you weakening.’
‘You are so bossy.’ Bunty paused, then lifted her chin and blinked a few times, then nodded. ‘And I hate it when you are so blindingly right. I should celebrate. These past few months have been tough but I survived the first Christmas without Mum. This is it, Alex. Tomorrow morning the new Bernadette will be in charge. No more messing about on the side lines. No more saying no to opportunities when they come along. This time next year I will be running, not one, but two Brannigans delis and my life will be back in control. No matter what. Deal?’
‘Deal. That’s why you love me.’ Alex looked up at the sound of rustling from the deli. ‘Now where is my lovely sister with the biscotti and…? Oh, my!’ Then her eyes widened with just enough of a sharp intake of breath to make Bunty swing around in her chair to see what all of the fuss was about.
‘Bunty.’ Fran giggled and pressed her fingers to her mouth. ‘You have a…visitor.’
Fran was right. She did have a visitor.
Because strolling into her kitchen was the same man she had just been looking at in a bookshop window.
Luca Caruso.
In the flesh.
Right down to the silk and cashmere midnight-blue suit and gleaming white shirt and a natural tan that told her more than she wanted to know about where he had spent the winter.
Luca was holding a bouquet of yellow rose buds in one hand and in the other one of the pastry cream cannoli from her chiller cabinet. He was calmly nibbling at it as though he walked into his cousin’s deli every day of the week.
The whole scene was so surreal Bunty blinked several times to make sure that she was not imagining it. He had stolen one of her cannoli and was eating it. In front of her! In her kitchen!
What the…?
‘Hi, Bunty. I hope you don’t mind me popping in unannounced.’ Luca smiled between bites of the cannoli, revealing his excellent dental work. ‘But I was in this part of town for a book signing and I thought it would be mightily rude not to say hello.’ He stepped forwards and presented her with the roses. ‘These are for you, by the way. Happy birthday. I see that you are having a lovely tea party.’
Then his gaze shifted along the table and just for a second Bunty was so stunned that all she could think about was that the Botox injections he was having were totally amazing. His eyebrows lifted but his brow was rigid.
‘Is that Alex McGee? Wow. This is turning out to be my lucky day. Looking good, Alex!’
Alex replied with a snort through her nose. ‘What! Looking good? Don’t you tell me that I am looking good, mister. You stink. Do you really think you can turn up after all these years and make yourself at home as though you own the place?’
Luca leant against the edge of the table with his legs crossed and finished off his cannoli. ‘Such sweetness and light. It’s good to know that some things stay the same, Alex. Whereas Bunty here has made some serious changes to this place.’ His gaze scanned the kitchen and Bunty could almost feel those blue eyes rest on the immaculate stainless-steel pans and work surfaces.
‘Impressive. Very impressive. Congratulations, Bunty.’
By pressing her fingernails deep into her palm Bunty managed to both keep a faint smile on her face and not throw the hot-chocolate dregs at Luca’s smug and condescending and so very handsome, perfect face. It would almost be worth it to see the chocolate drip down his pristine shirt.
But that was what he expected her to do. And she was better than that. A lot better.
So instead she made a fuss of smelling the roses and taking a moment before she lifted her chin and replied in as calm a voice as she could manage. ‘Thank you, Luca. How very kind of you to pop in. It has been such a long time since you last graced us with your presence. Is this a social call?’
He tipped two fingers to his perfectly cut dark hair in salute. He pushed out his lower lip and bowed slightly from the waist in her direction. ‘The only reason that I am signing books today is because of the great work that you have been doing to make those books so successful over the years. You’ve been fantastic. So, I thought that I would deliver your end-of-contract bonus in person.’
Luca carefully brushed the pastry crumbs from his fingers before reaching into the inside pocket