The Apple Orchard. Сьюзен Виггс

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The Apple Orchard - Сьюзен Виггс

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have time to finish your tea.”

      Tess smiled, liking this woman almost in spite of herself. “All right. Would you like me to leave the contract with you or—”

      “That’s not necessary,” the old lady said, touching the faceted pink topaz. “I won’t be selling this.”

      Tess blinked, shook her head a little. “I’m sorry, what?”

      “My mother’s lavaliere.” She pressed the piece against her bosom. “It’s not for sale.”

      Tess’s heart plummeted. “With this piece, you could have total security for the rest of your life.”

      “Every last shred of security was stripped from me forever by the Nazis,” Miss Winther pointed out. “And yet I survived. You’ve given me back my mother’s favorite thing.”

      “As you say, it’s a thing. An object you could turn into comfort and peace of mind for the rest of your days.”

      “I’m comfortable and secure now. And if you don’t believe memories are worth more than money, then perhaps you’ve not made the right kind of memories.” She regarded Tess with knowing sympathy.

      Tess tried not to dwell on all the hours she’d spent combing through records and poring over research in order to make the restitution. If she thought about it too much, she’d probably tear out her hair in frustration. She tended to protect herself from memories, because memories made a person vulnerable.

      “You must think I’m being a sentimental old fool.” Miss Winther nodded. “I am. It’s a privilege of old age. I have no debt, no responsibilities. Just me and the cats. We like our life exactly as it is.”

      Tess took a sip of strong tea, nearly wincing at its bitterness.

      “Oh! The sugar bowl. I forgot,” said Miss Winther. “It’s in the pantry, dear. Would you mind getting it?”

      The pantry contained a collection of dusty cans and jars, its walls and shelves cluttered with collectibles, many of them still bearing handwritten garage sale stickers.

      “It’s just to the right there,” said Miss Winther. “On the spice shelf.”

      Tess picked up the small, footed bowl. Almost instantly, a tingle of awareness passed through her. One of the first things she’d learned in her profession was to tune into something known as the “heft” or “feel” of the piece. Something that was real and authentic simply had more substance than a fake or knockoff.

      She set the tarnished bowl on the table and tried to keep a poker face as she studied the object. The sweep of the handles and the effortless swell of the bowl were unmistakable. Even the smoky streaks of age couldn’t conceal the fact that the piece was sterling, not plate.

      “Tell me about this sugar bowl,” she said, using the small tongs to pick up a cube. Sugar tongs. They were even more rare than the bowl.

      “It’s handsome, isn’t it?” Miss Winther said. “But the very devil to keep clean. I was not in a terribly practical frame of mind when I picked it up at a church rummage sale long ago. It’s been decades. Rummage sales have always been a weakness of mine. I’m afraid I’ve brought home any number of bright, pretty things that just happened to catch my eye. Once I get something home, though, it’s anyone’s guess whether or not I’ll actually use it.”

      “This is quite a find,” Tess said, holding it up to check the bottom, and seeing the expected hallmark there.

      “In what way?”

      Could she really not know? “Miss Winther, this bowl is a Tiffany, and it appears to be genuine.”

      “Goodness, you don’t say.”

      “There’s a style known as the Empire set, very rare, produced in a limited edition. I’d have to do more research, but my sense is, this could be extremely valuable.” Not that it would matter to the old lady, who preferred her artifacts to cash. “It’s a lovely piece, regardless,” Tess conceded.

      “What a surprising aspect of your job,” Miss Winther said, clasping her hands in delight. “Sometimes you stumble across a treasure when you’re looking for something else entirely.”

      Tess watched the sugar cube dissolve in her cup. “It keeps my job interesting.”

      “Tell me, is this something your firm would sell?” asked Miss Winther.

      “It’s possible, though even with the sugar tongs, a single piece—”

      “I didn’t mean just the bowl. I meant the entire set.”

      Tess dropped her spoon on the table with a clatter. “There’s a set?”


      Seated at a view table in San Francisco’s best bar, Tess was drinking a dirty martini, salty with olive brine. The olives were the closest thing she’d have to dinner. As always, she had worked right up until happy hour.

      She worked. That was who she was and what she did with herself. She worked...and she counted herself lucky to have a job she loved. Yet meeting Miss Winther, seeing the old lady all alone with her cats, had unsettled Tess. The encounter tapped into her most secret fear—that she would go through life alone and end up surrounded by treasures with no one to share them with. Working kept her from thinking too hard about how alone she was.

      Backing away from the thought, she reminded herself of today’s accomplishment and of the fact that she had good friends to celebrate with. She and her friends had a standing happy hour at the Top of the Mark, crowning the historic Mark Hopkins Hotel perched at the pinnacle of Russian Hill. It was a San Francisco landmark, ultra-touristy, but known locally for its stunning views, well-made martinis and live music.

      Thanks to her peripatetic childhood, she’d grown up with very little in the way of friends and family. Yet here in the heart of San Francisco, she’d made her own family, a small and convivial tribe of people like her—young professionals who were independent and ambitious. And fun—gypsies and geniuses, hard workers who also remembered to kick back.

      There was Lydia, an interior designer who was a constant source of client referrals for Tess. She found things like Duncan Phyfe sofas and Stickley tables stashed in people’s attics and storage units. She understood the adrenaline surge of a treasure hunt better than anyone Tess knew. The third member of their trio was Neelie, a wine broker who sometimes did business with Sheffield House. She had brought a new guy along tonight, Russell, who couldn’t keep his eyes off her boobs. Neelie kept sending secret text messages to Tess’s phone: Well? What do you think of him?

      He can’t keep his eyes off your boobs.

      You say that like it’s a bad thing.

      The two of them grinned at one another and lifted their glasses.

      “You two look like you’re up to something,” said Jude Lockhart, a guy Tess worked with at Sheffield.

      “That’s because we are,” she said, patting the seat beside her.


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