Ibiza Insanity. Aimee Duffy
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‘Actually, it’s quite possible for a heart to break. It’s what keeps heart surgeons in a job,’ Gem retorted, but Ciara had hope it was a good thing since her friend had some of her spunk back.
‘Honey, if anyone is going to be heartbroken it will be the man you left behind. You’re resilient and officially on the rebound. Over here.’ Elle grabbed Gem’s arm and dragged her over to a stall.
‘He’s probably over me already,’ Gem grumbled.
‘Unlikely,’ Ciara said, trailing behind. ‘You teased me for having a resilient vag but yours must have held up its own.’
Elle wrinkled her nose, but recovered quick. ‘Not to mention all the spa treatments and facials he had with us. I’ll bet he misses us more than you miss him.’
That made Gem smile. ‘You’re right.’
True to form, the idea that she was pined over snapped Gem right out of her funk.
‘I’m always right,’ Elle said, then pulled a dark blue sundress off the rail of the stall. ‘And I’m going to be right once more saying this is the dress that’s going to get you laid tonight.’
She held out the material to Gem, whose eyes got all wide and excited. ‘It’s perfect!’
It really was, and would look great with her new sunglow and fire red hair.
A golden scrap of a bikini hanging above the owner of the stall caught Ciara’s eye. It was daring, but all the wild sex and walking for miles in the last week meant even her white linen trousers were hanging off her. The croissants were a distant memory. For the first time in a long time she was toned and her stomach was completely flat. If there was ever a time to pull something like that off it was now.
‘Can I see that?’ she asked the woman behind the counter, pointing to the bikini.
‘And you were wondering where I went? I think it’s Ciara we should be worried about,’ Gem said.
She turned to stick her tongue out at them while the woman brought the bikini over.
Elle’s eyes were shiny and her smile was proud as punch. ‘Our baby’s all grown up.’
‘Eejits,’ Ciara mumbled and took the offered bikini from the woman. It would never cover all her lady bits fully, but thankfully the bikini wax was one of the treatments she’d subjected herself to in Santorini.
And when she saw it was a measly thirty Euros, she decided there and then that it was going to be hers.
‘I’ll take it,’ she told the woman, digging into her bag for her purse.
‘And I’ll take this!’ Gem said, slapping the dress down on the counter and pulling out her Amex.
The woman shook her head at the card and Gem pouted. ‘Everywhere takes Amex.’
‘I don’t think that applies to stuff you buy at markets, Gem,’ Ciara said, pulling some notes out to cover both purchases. ‘It’s okay, I’ve got it.’
‘I love you, Ciara!’ Gem said, hugging her so hard her boobs got squished against Gem’s. ‘Maybe even in a gay way.’
‘Ew,’ Ciara said, pushing her away with a laugh. ‘I like the dicks too much to turn, even for you.’
‘Yeah me too,’ Gem said, then sighed. ‘I think I need to concentrate on finding a replacement for Milo.’
‘Well I’m not playing the fifth wheel again so I guess I’m on the lookout too,’ Elle said from the other side of the rack. ‘What do you think about this?’
She held up a deep purple bikini that would rival Ciara’s on the skimpy scale, and suit Elle with her dark tan and sun-kissed hair.
‘If we hit the beach with you wearing that I’ll never get noticed,’ Gem said, darting over to the rail to dig out her own skimpy scrap.
‘Relax, I only brought out a couple of hundred euros…’ When Elle and Gem were on a mission to outdo each other it could cost thousands, even in a market.
‘No problem, Cia. Wait here and watch the purchases. We’re going to find a cash machine.’ Elle passed her the bikini and then linked arms with Gem, dragging her away into the crowd.
She didn’t see a point in mentioning that they’d be charged for using their cards to withdraw money, especially abroad. The interest on the funds they had in accounts probably covered it anyway.
Sighing, she smiled at the woman and used a twirling finger at her temple to explain in any language how crazy her friends could be.
When the sun set it seemed like the population doubled. Even though they’d gotten ready early to hit a bar before they went out for some serious clubbing, the streets were mobbed with people their age and younger, all seemingly with the same idea.
Ciara instantly regretted going for comfort than insta-glam when she saw the way other girls had dressed, but feck it. She was on a mission to dance the night away and anything other than the tiny shorts would flash her knickers.
Leaflets were shoved into their hands by jittery street reps who either had an insomnia or drug problem – probably both by the way they jerked around.
‘No thanks,’ Elle said, handing the thing back.
‘What’s Destiny?’ Ciara asked.
A picture of all the people dancing and a hot looking DJ on the decks was the advertisement for the ‘best of the best in Ibiza’.
‘It’s a free club, need I say more?’ Elle asked.
Free sounded good to her, especially when she’d heard what the cover fee for Amnesia cost.
‘And if those junkies are any indication of the clientele I’m out,’ Gem added. ‘There are better chemical reactions than drugs, thank you very much.’
‘Endorphins?’ Elle guessed, no doubt correctly.
‘Super endorphins.’ Gem grinned.
Ciara giggled. ‘Let me guess, you get those from sterling orgasms?’
Her friend nodded. ‘But only when you’re chemically compatible. You have to be attracted to both looks and the pheromones. The super endorphins follow the spectacular orgasms. It’s quite addicting.’
‘How much did you drink before we left?’ Elle asked. ‘That sounds like voodoo, not science.’
‘Just dumbing it down for you two.’ Gem dodged Elle’s swing of her handbag. ‘But really you should try it.’
‘I think I know what you mean. Zack does something to me—’
‘And that’s the end of this conversation,’ Elle said, cutting