The Christmas Bouquet. Sherryl Woods
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“I think Cait is mindful of that,” Noah said. “But it’s a delicate balancing act for her between knowing what’s best for our child and what she needs for her own fulfillment. This pregnancy came as a shock to her. I’m not surprised that she’s having a hard time adjusting.”
“It came as a shock to you, too, I imagine,” Mick said. “But you’re not lollygagging about doing what needs to be done. You want to get married.”
“Absolutely,” Noah confirmed. “But if there’s one thing practicing medicine has taught me, it’s to keep an open mind, to be flexible when it’s necessary. Cait’s not learned that lesson yet.”
Mick gave a nod of satisfaction. “So, how do we get her to that point?”
Noah gave him a startled look. “I was hoping you’d have the answer to that. You’ve had a lot more practice dealing with her stubbornness than I have.”
Mick laughed, then shrugged sheepishly. “According to my wife and even my son-in-law—Caitlyn’s stepfather—my ways tend to backfire, at least at first. I thought maybe you’d have more finesse.”
“I think getting Caitlyn down the aisle is going to take more than finesse,” Noah replied candidly. “She’s worried about giving up on something she’s been working toward for a long time now. You probably know a lot about that kind of drive and determination.”
“I certainly do,” Mick said. “Took me a little too long, though, to figure out there’s more to life than a career. I’m a happier man since I discovered that.”
“You could tell Caitlyn about your epiphany,” Noah suggested.
“I’d be happy to, but it took me years to figure out what’s truly important. I lost all that time with my wife because of it. Caitlyn knows that, too. We don’t have that kind of time to waste. There’s a bit of urgency to this situation.”
Noah could hardly argue with that. “But she respects you, sir. She doesn’t want to disappoint you.”
Mick shook his head. “At the moment, anything I say is considered suspect. She knows what I’m expecting, an engagement and then a wedding. She won’t think I’m taking her needs into account.”
Noah actually found himself commiserating with this man who’d apparently always thought he possessed all the answers when it came to his family. For a man who’d had his own life planned out for some time, Noah had been feeling a bit at a loss himself now that he had to take Cait’s dreams into account. Balancing her goals with his own required some of that finesse Mick was talking about.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure Cait’s happy,” he told Mick. “Even if that doesn’t include me.”
Mick regarded him with shock. “You’d give up without a fight?”
Noah shook his head. “Not without a fight, no.”
Mick nodded happily. “Okay, then, let’s talk this through and come up with a plan,” he said eagerly. “I spoke to our priest yesterday and he’s ready to cooperate.”
Noah smiled. “You don’t leave much to chance, do you?”
“Not if I can help it,” Mick confirmed.
“She’s not going to be happy thinking we’re in cahoots,” Noah reminded him.
“Play this right and she never has to figure that out,” Mick replied confidently.
Noah wanted to believe that was possible, but he knew better. Cait, of all people, had her grandfather’s deviousness pegged. As Mick began to toss out ideas, some more outrageous than others, Noah started to realize the depths of it himself.
* * *
Caitlyn was trying to focus on Nell’s instructions, but she was too distracted by the thought of Noah being interrogated by her grandfather. They’d been alone too long. Just when she was about to burst into her grandfather’s office to rescue Noah, Jenny walked into the kitchen, a grin on her face.
“You!” she exclaimed, giving Jenny a mock scowl.
Jenny Collins Green, whose mother was married to Caitlyn’s great-uncle Thomas O’Brien, laughed. “My mom called about your news. I understand you’re blaming this situation on my bridal bouquet, so naturally I had to fly home from Nashville to defend myself. Caleb’s in the recording studio night and day with his new album or he’d be here, too. He’s thinking there might be a hit song in this predicament you blame on the two of us.”
“Of course he does,” Caitlyn said, then asked plaintively, “You couldn’t have tossed that bouquet in Carrie’s direction?”
“She didn’t need my help,” Jenny replied, pausing to give Nell a warm hug before turning back to Caitlyn. “Your sister will fall in love all on her own. She’s had lots of practice at looking for the right man.” She shrugged. “Besides, everybody knows I was never a tomboy. I had very little control over where that bouquet went.” She looked around the kitchen. “Where is this man who managed to slip past your defenses?”
“In Grandpa Mick’s office being grilled,” Caitlyn said with a shudder. “Do I need to be worried for his safety?”
“You don’t have a ring on your finger yet, so no,” Jenny said. “Mick’s not about to kill the groom-to-be before he has the two of you married.”
Caitlyn laughed, relaxing at last. “I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re right. Grandpa Mick has a single goal right now and it trumps any desire he might have to make Noah pay for his role in this.”
Jenny regarded Nell fondly. “Mind if I steal your helper? I think a walk in the fresh air before dinner will be good for her. She seems a little tense.”
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