Ottercombe Bay – Part Four: Shaken and Stirred. Bella Osborne

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Ottercombe Bay – Part Four: Shaken and Stirred - Bella  Osborne

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with a cup of tea.

      ‘Morning, love. I’m not working today. I wondered if you’d give me a hand cutting the Buddleia back. Are you all right?’ she said, taking in Daisy’s glazed expression.

      Daisy took the proffered tea. ‘Thanks and no, I’m not all right at all.’

      Aunt Coral sat on the bed and Bug came and joined her (after three failed attempts to jump up Coral took pity on him and picked him up). She listened intently and nodded in the right places until Daisy had finished her story.

      ‘So Guillaume is safe because Jason saved him and Max saved you but he’s been arrested for supplying drugs. Is that right?’

      She had hoped it would make a little more sense once she’d gone through it out loud but it still made no sense at all. Daisy snatched up her mobile and rang Jason’s home number, when there was no reply she tried his mobile but it went straight to voicemail. Daisy threw back the covers. ‘I need to see Jason. Perhaps he can explain everything.’ She wished somebody would. She headed for the front door hoping Tamsyn would know where to find him, and then thought even popping next door in her pyjamas probably wasn’t socially acceptable so she scurried back to put something else on.

      Tamsyn also had no idea where Jason was so they decided to go to the police station together in Tamsyn’s car. Daisy went through the events of the previous evening again, as much for herself as for Tamsyn. If she was voluntarily going into a police station she may be asked to make a statement and it would be nice if she had some understanding of what she had witnessed.

      ‘Jason sent a text last night to say no Doctor Who because he was on an emergency. I just assumed it was an RTC. That’s road traffic collision,’ added Tamsyn proudly.

      Daisy eyed her friend. ‘This was no RTC.’

      ‘I think you should turn yourself in,’ said Tamsyn, her face deadpan.

      Daisy blinked. ‘What did I do?’

      ‘You got Max to hire the boat that Guillaume had to be rescued from.’

      Tamsyn had a point.

      The police station where they were holding Max was a few miles away, gone were the days of one in every village. The car journey gave Daisy time to studiously inspect her fingernails.

      When they got there Tamsyn made a big deal of making sure her car was parked properly in the space despite Daisy pointing out that being crap at parking wasn’t actually an offence. Inside there were quite a few people but a distinct lack of anyone who looked like a policeman.

      ‘Shall we ask for Jason?’ said Daisy, feeling unsure.

      ‘Or Max?’

      ‘I’m guessing they’d be more likely to send Jason out to the front desk to explain things to us.’

      ‘Oh, okay then,’ said Tamsyn, seemingly oblivious to the sarcasm.

      Daisy joined what she hoped was the right queue and waited. Behind her she heard raised voices. It was one of those moments where you knew making eye contact could be a disaster but still something tells you that you have to look. She turned to see Pasco reversing through some double doors with Max poking him in the shoulder. ‘You think it makes everything else all right? What about the locket? Did you think I wouldn’t recognise it? Was it you who—’ Max stopped dead as he realised who his audience was.

      Daisy was shaking as she looked from Max to Pasco. Her mouth had gone dry and she was struggling to make sense of what she’d just heard. She stepped out of the queue and walked right up to Pasco. ‘Did you steal my mother’s locket?’

      Pasco turned to Max who was looking uncomfortable and raking his hands through his hair, which was even more messy than usual. He looked a state – tired, unshaven and still in yesterday’s clothes.

      ‘Daisy, let’s go somewhere and have a talk.’ Pasco rested his hand on her shoulder and she shrugged him off.

      ‘No, I think a police station is the perfect place to discuss a theft.’ She stood firm and stared him down.

      Pasco’s eyebrows shot up. As if on cue Jason strode purposefully through the double doors.

      ‘Max, you are free to go but don’t go disappearing in case we want to check any facts.’ Max gave him a derogatory glare, which Jason didn’t seem to notice. ‘You too, Pasco.’

      ‘Hey, I’m innocent,’ said Pasco, hastily trying to usher everyone out of the police station.

      ‘See you later,’ said Jason, giving Tamsyn a little wave.

      ‘Stop,’ said Daisy, forcefully. ‘Jason, where is Guillaume?’

      ‘I’m off,’ said Max, putting a hand on the door. Nobody responded so he slunk out closely followed by Pasco.

      ‘Guillaume has been charged with possession of drugs with the intent to supply.’

      ‘Where is he?’ Daisy’s voice was gruff and implied she wanted to do him harm.

      ‘He’s not here. The criminal gang he was doing business with were being watched by a bigger police operation. The local force didn’t get much of a look in.’ Jason appeared thoroughly disappointed by this.

      ‘Right. Who were the people who chased me and Max?’

      ‘Guillaume was a middleman. He was meant to collect the drugs from another boat at sea and then pass them to those two at the cove. It was all a bit last minute; apparently the deal was meant to be next week but when they had a tip-off someone was onto them they brought everything forward. Hence they picked the cove not realising it wasn’t accessible.’

      ‘You know Max had nothing to do with it.’

      ‘Yeah, they still interviewed him for half the night because he hired the boat and the others weren’t talking but Guillaume eventually came clean. He exonerated you of any wrongdoing too.’

      ‘I should bloody well think so.’

      ‘He admitted he only came here to set up the drugs handover.’

      ‘Duped again,’ said Daisy.

      ‘Yes, well. I still have a bit to finish up here then I’m heading home. It’s been quite a night.’

      ‘If I wanted to bring charges for theft, do I speak to you?’

      Jason’s tired face registered some interest. ‘You can. What and who are we talking about?’

      ‘My locket and Pasco.’

      Jason looked surprised. ‘Do you have proof?’

      ‘Not exactly but—’

      ‘You know if it wasn’t for Pasco keeping watch on you— Well, all I’m saying is if it hadn’t been for Pasco stepping in to save you …’ His speech was speeding up and he looked agitated.

      ‘Save me?’ Daisy was sceptical.

      ‘These people

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