Deliver to Dublin...With Care. Aimee Duffy
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‘I’ll help,’ she said, feeling a zing of excitement for the first time in weeks. ‘It could be really fun.’
He tried to hide his smile behind a hunk of fish but she caught it. ‘That’s great, because I told her you’d be round at seven.’
She rolled her eyes. It had been the same thing with Oxford. He’d applied and then, when she got accepted, planted the suggestion until she came round to the idea. At least this time there wasn’t an argument about it.
‘Can’t wait.’
To: Elle Muir, Gemma Howard
From: Ciara Bree
Subject: Catching up
Hi girls,
Just checking in to see what you’ve been up to? Gem, any progress with Brian yet?
Elle, I really hope you’re settling into the business. Gem tells me your granddad is really proud of how far you’ve come. I’m so happy for you and I bet you’re loving bossing around those interns!
This week has been crazy busy. I started working at a café in Dublin part-time and twice a week I’m tutoring a local boy in maths. I’m really enjoying it and have just discovered an open learning university are looking for part-time distance learning tutors! It’s got me really excited, but of course I might not get the job. Fingers crossed!
I miss you both so, so much. Sometimes I wish we were back at uni, chatting about this stuff over a bottle of something strong. Those days were the best. I’m so glad I met you girls.
Love you both,
To: Ciara Bree, Elle Muir
From: Gemma Howard
Subject: Zomifuckinggod!
Ladies, forget super hormones, even super pheromones. You need to find yourselves a Brian! After dating this fine specimen for over a week, I begged on my hands and knees for him to give me a go on his disco stick and what a go it was! I spent the weekend in his bed and we were late to work on Monday because I couldn’t get enough. I will give you the details later. I’m too knackered to get it right. Oh and the dating isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, though it does include a LOT of non-naked time which is a shame.
Cia, that’s great! Did you get the job? Sorry I’ve been MIA.
Elle, what’s new? You’ve been quiet.
Love Gem
(Definitely not in a gay way. I’ll never turn now I’ve had a go of Brian’s dick)
To: Elle Muir, Gemma Howard
From: Ciara Bree
Subject: Re Zomifuckinggod
SEE? I told you dating wouldn’t be so bad! My retinas could have done without the page long description of his privates, followed by a verse on how talented his tongue is around your body – but I’m so happy that you’ve found someone you gel with, in and out of the bedroom.
Still, I feel like I know Brian better than I should… ;o)
I got the job! And the course I’ll teach starts at the end of this month – I can’t wait! Oh and I’ve got two more private students, one who’s struggling with the math part of his uni course in Dublin and another who’s in school. I really think this is my calling, I just hope it sticks.
I’ve been speaking with my da about the way I get sometimes. He said I should go to the doctor so I’ve made an appointment next week. I know it’s a waste of time, I am who I am and can’t change that but he’s worried about me so I’ll go.
Elle, I’m sorry for calling all the time. I know you don’t want to talk to me, so I promise I’ll stop. I’m always here if you ever want to talk, or anything. I miss you so much. You’re the glue that put us all together and you taught me everything about being a woman. I fucked up really bad and can’t ever put that right if you don’t let me try.
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