The Ryders: Jared, Royce and Stephanie: Seduction and the CEO. Barbara Dunlop

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The Ryders: Jared, Royce and Stephanie: Seduction and the CEO - Barbara Dunlop

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leaning on the end of the broom handle while she waited to see who would emerge from the backseat.

      It was an older man, distinguished in a Savile Row suit. He was tall, with a head of thick silver hair. He nodded politely to the chauffeur, then headed up the stairs to the wraparound porch, where both Stephanie and Jared appeared to greet him and usher him inside.

      The chauffeur shut the car door. He glanced curiously around the ranch yard before moving to open the trunk. Melissa peered at the house, but there was no way to guess what was going on inside. The man might be a friend, or perhaps he was a business associate.

      Jared’s sister’s house seemed like an odd location for a business meeting. Unless, of course, somebody wanted to keep the meeting a secret.

      Now that was an interesting possibility. Was there something clandestine in the works for Ryder International?

      As the chauffeur had before her, Melissa glanced curiously around the yard. Several young riders were practicing jumps in the main ring, their grooms and trainers watching. A group of stable hands were loading hay into a pickup truck beside the biggest barn, and three cowboys were urging a small herd of horses across the river with a pair of border collies lending a hand. Nobody was paying the slightest bit of attention to the Bentley.

      Then another vehicle appeared and pulled up to the house. This one was an SUV, larger but no less luxurious than the Bentley.

      A thirtysomething man with dark glasses and curly dark hair stepped out of the driver’s seat. He looked Mediterranean, and he was definitely not a chauffeur. He wore loafers, well-cut blue jeans, an open white dress shirt and a dark jacket. He also offered a polite greeting to the Bentley driver before striding up the stairs of the porch.

      Melissa’s journalistic curiosity all but ordered her to investigate. She leaned her broom up against the stable wall and started across the yard. She told herself she’d put in a good eight hours today. It was close to dinnertime, and the Bentley was at least vaguely in the direction of the cookhouse. She’d have a plausible excuse if anyone questioned her.

      Ironically she’d been disappointed not to get a job down at the main ranch. The foreman there had all but sent her packing this morning when she’d told him she was a stranded traveler. Luckily Stephanie Ryder had been there at the time. The younger woman had taken pity on Melissa and offered her a job at the Ryder Equestrian Center. Melissa had been plotting ways to get back to the main ranch when Jared and his horse had wandered into the yard. Talk about good luck.

      Now she was looking for more luck. She smiled brightly at the chauffeur, smudging her palms along the sides of her thighs, wishing she wasn’t covered in dust and sweat, and was wearing something other than blue jeans and a grime-streaked shirt. She wasn’t the greatest flirt in the world, but in the right party dress, she could usually hold a man’s attention.

      “Very nice car,” she ventured in a friendly voice as she approached.

      The man pushed the trunk closed and gazed critically at the Bentley. “I suppose dust is better than mud.”

      She guessed he was about her own age, maybe twenty-five or twenty-six. He was attractive, in a farmboyfresh kind of way, with blond hair, a straight nose and a narrow chin. He was clean-shaven, and his hair was neatly trimmed.

      She slowed her steps, taking in the Montana license plate and committing the number to memory. “Did you have a long drive in?” she asked pleasantly.

      “Couple of hours from Helena.”

      Helena. Good. That was a start. “So you work in Helena?”

      “Three years now.”

      She stayed silent for a moment, hoping he’d elaborate on his job or the company. She scanned both his uniform and the car for a logo.

      “Your first time at Ryder Ranch?” She tried another approach.

      He nodded at that. “Heard about it, of course. Everybody in the state knows about the Ryders.”

      “I’m from Indiana,” she supplied.

      “Grew up south of Butte myself.” He gave the dust on the car another critical gaze. “There a hose around here someplace?”

      She had no idea. “I guess you meet interesting people in your job?” She struggled to keep the conversation focused on his employment.

      “I do some.” He glanced around the ranch yard while a horse whinnied in the distance, and a tractor engine roared to life. Unfortunately he didn’t pick up the conversational thread.

      But Melissa wasn’t giving up, not by a long shot. She moved in a step closer, tossing back her hair, hoping it looked disheveled, instead of unruly.

      Her actions caught his attention, and he glanced at the ground.

      She lowered her voice as she gave him her brightest smile. “I’m a little embarrassed,” she cooed. “But should I know the man you dropped off?”

      The chauffeur looked back up. He didn’t answer. Instead, he swallowed hard, and his neck flushed beneath the collar of his uniform.

      “I only ask,” she continued, tilting her head to one side, surprised it took so little to rattle him, “because I don’t want …”

      He worked his jaw.

      She paused, waiting for him, but he didn’t make a sound.

      She suddenly realized his gaze wasn’t fixed on her. He was focused on a spot behind her left shoulder. Her scalp prickled.

      Uh-oh. She twisted her head and came face-to-face with Jared Ryder.

      It was clear he was annoyed. He was also taller than she’d realized, and intimidating, with that strong chin and those deep blue eyes. He wore a fitted, Western-cut shirt and snug blue jeans. His shoulders were broad, his chest deep, and his sleeves were rolled halfway up his forearms, revealing a deep tan and obvious muscle definition.

      “Don’t want to what?” he asked Melissa, his tone a low rumbling challenge.

      She didn’t have a quick answer for that, and his deep blue gaze flicked to the silent chauffeur. “There’s coffee in the cookhouse.” He gave the man a nod in the appropriate direction.

      The chauffeur immediately took his cue and hustled away.

      Jared’s tone turned to steel, the power of his irritation settling fully on Melissa. “I’d sure appreciate it if you could flirt on your own time.”

      “I …” What could she tell him? That she wasn’t flirting? That, in fact, she was spying?

      Better to go with flirting.

      “I’m sorry,” she told him, offering no excuses.

      He gave a curt nod of acknowledgment, followed by a long assessing gaze that made her glad she was only pretending to be his employee.

      “I don’t know why Stephanie hired you,” he finally stated.

      Melissa wasn’t sure how to answer that, or even if he expected an answer. The only thing she did know was that

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