A Royal Christmas Proposal. Leanne Banks

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A Royal Christmas Proposal - Leanne Banks

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stumbled backward, glaring at me. “I thought you had left to get an alarm system. What are you doing here now? And why didn’t you knock?”

      “First, since I’m your security detail, I’m like a member of the family. I don’t have to knock,” he said.

      “Oh, yes, you do,” she said. “You’re not family. You’re staff. All staff knocks before entering.”

      “Plus I didn’t want to wake your baby if he was sleeping,” he continued.

      She opened her mouth then closed it, feeling as if someone had let the air out of her balloon. “Well,” she said, desperate to establish some boundaries with this man who seemed to take up entirely too much space. “You shouldn’t come up behind me like that and startle me. There’s no excuse for that.”

      “I was examining the hallway for the best alarm system.”

      He was so implacable, she thought, her irritation growing. “I’m not sure this is going to work,” she said, and walked past him. “My nanny and I are working perfectly well together. Your presence is disruptive.”

      “Give me a couple days,” he said. “You’ll barely notice I’m around.”

      That did it, she thought. Mr. Walker was going back to the States. She would talk with Stefan that afternoon.

      Except Stefan wasn’t picking up his private cell phone, and his assistant said he was indisposed. Stalling tactics. Ericka recognized them because he’d used them before on rare occasions when he wanted things his way. She considered calling Stefan’s wife, Eve, but with two young children and another on the way, Eve had her hands full. Besides, this was between her and Stefan.

      Ericka made another call. “Bernard, this is Ericka again. How are you?”

      “Quite well, Your Highness.”

      “I realize Stefan is quite busy today,” she said.

      “Yes, yes, he is,” Bernard said.

      “Lots of activity in his palace office,” she said.

      “It’s often busy in the Prince’s office. As you know, he works hard for the people of Chantaine.”

      “Of course he does. Since he is at the Palace office today, I’ll just scoot over for a quick visit. I promise it won’t take more than a moment or two. Ciao,” she said.

      “But, but, but—”

      Ericka disconnected the call and smiled grimly to herself. Two could play this little game. Stefan would be hard-pressed to avoid her if she was standing outside his office.

      Ericka found Nanny Marley taking a well-earned break reading in the sunroom. “Marley, I need to make a quick trip to the palace. I won’t be gone long.”

      “Yes, Your Highness. I’ll keep an ear out for him.”

      Ericka shook her finger at the sweet middle-aged woman. “We’ve already discussed this. You’re not supposed to address me as ‘Your Highness.’ Please call me Ericka.”

      “I keep forgetting,” the woman said. “It just doesn’t feel respectful.”

      “It’s my wish,” Ericka said. “So that makes it respectful. Please?”

      “Yes, Miss Ericka,” Nanny Marley said.

      Ericka smiled. “That’s a little closer. I’ll be back soon.”

      “No hurries on my account, ma’am,” the nanny said.

      Ericka drove her tiny smart car through the winding streets of Chantaine. Her route to the palace took her past the view of the azure ocean trickling against a white sandy beach. She’d never realized how much she’d missed her homeland until she’d returned. In fact, she’d fought the idea of ever returning. She’d had too many memories of feeling confined and suffocated in Chantaine. Leaving had felt so freeing.

      Even now, she felt twinges from her memories, but she was determined to keep her feelings and future in perspective. One of her most important decisions had been not to live at the palace. Another important decision had been to hire Nanny Marley. The next decision would be to get rid of her assigned security man, Mr. Walker.

      As she pulled up to the palace, the gates were opened and she was waved through. Parking her car at the side of the main building, she touched her finger to the sensor that would allow her inside the door. Her shoes echoed on the marble floor of the hallways as she made her way to her brother’s office. The same office had once belonged to her father, although her father had spent far less time performing royal duties and much more time on his yacht with his mistress du jour. She’d always found it amazing that her father had managed to sire six legitimate children despite his numerous affairs. Now that Ericka was grown, she could look back and see that her mother had continued to have children in hopes of truly winning her father’s heart. Unfortunately, her mother’s wish had never come true.

      Ericka’s stomach knotted as she remembered feeling that same sense of desperation at losing her husband. She’d been all too aware of the deterioration of his feelings for her. In fact, she’d made love with him in a final effort to win him back. When she thought of how weak she’d been, she could hardly bear it. It had taken her over a year to find herself again and get centered. She never wanted to be that weak woman, dependent on a man again. Never.

      Reaching her brother’s office, she knocked on the door and waited. Impatience nicked at her and she knocked again.

      The door swung open and one of her brother’s assistants dipped his head. “Your Highness,” he said.

      “I need to see my brother,” she said.

      “But he’s—”

      “It won’t take long. I promise. Stefan,” she called. “I know you’re in there. Do you really want me yelling outside your office?”

      Her brother’s assistant groaned and seconds later, he backed away, allowing her entrance. Stefan frowned at her. “I just got off a conference call with two dukes from Spain and Italy.”

      “Great timing,” she said, and shot him a broad smile. “I thought you might be signing off around this time.”

      “I actually had some other items on my list,” he said, his irritation clear.

      “I imagine they could wait until tomorrow. Eve and your little ones would probably love to see you tonight.”

      His hard gaze softened. “You’re probably right. Eve is worn out by the end of the day with this pregnancy, although she would deny it.”

      “You married a strong woman,” she said.

      “So I did,” Stefan said. “I suspect you’re here to complain about your new security man.”

      “Your suspicion is correct. I specifically requested someone low key, who won’t interrupt my routine or bring undue attention.”

      “Mr. Jackson will work out with no problem. He comes highly recommended. I wanted the best for you and Leo.”


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