Trapped With The Tycoon. Jules Bennett

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Trapped With The Tycoon - Jules Bennett

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“I’m relieved to hear that. I love my job and want all of my clients happy. Still, dancing when I should be working isn’t something I make a habit of.”

      His thumb continued to lightly stroke the bare skin on her back. The man was potent, sparking arousal without even trying. Or maybe he was trying and he was so stellar at being charming, she couldn’t tell.

      It took her a moment to realize that Braden had maneuvered her into a corner. With his back to the dancers, he shielded her completely with those broad shoulders and pinned her with that dark, mesmerizing gaze. “I heard what he said to you.”

      Zara froze, took a deep breath and chose her next words carefully. “I assure you I would never let anyone or anything affect my ability to work. Shane is—”

      “Not going to bother you again,” he assured her with a promising yet menacing tone. Braden’s eyes darted over her body, touching her just the same as his talented fingertips had done mere moments ago.

      No. No, no, no. Hadn’t she already scolded herself for having lustful thoughts? He was her boss, for pity’s sake. No matter how intriguing Braden O’Shea was, she had no room for sex in her life right now. No wonder she was grouchy.

      “Storm is kicking up.” Braden nodded over her shoulder toward the floor-to-ceiling window. “Do you live far?”

      “Maybe twenty minutes away.”

      “If you need to leave—”

      “No.” Zara shook her head, holding a hand up to stop him. “I’ve lived in Boston my entire life. Snow doesn’t bother me. Besides, I would never leave an event early.”

      Braden studied her a moment before nodding. “I’m happy to hear that, but I don’t want you driving on these roads. My driver will make sure you get home.”

      “There’s no need for that.”

      Braden leaned in, just enough for her to feel his breath on her cheek. “Let’s not waste time arguing when we should be dancing.”

      Snaking an arm around her waist, he pulled her against his body once again. Apparently her break wasn’t over. Good thing, because she wasn’t quite ready to leave the luxury of brushing against his taut body.

      * * *

      Her curves were killer from a visual standpoint, but to have them beneath his hands was damn near crippling. Braden knew she was a sexy woman, but he hadn’t expected this sizzling attraction. He had a plan and he needed to stay focused. Those damn curves momentarily threw him off his game.

      Zara in her elegant black cocktail dress with a plunging neckline showcasing the swell of her breasts was absolutely stunning, eye-catching and causing him to lose focus on the true intent of this party.

      Which was why he hadn’t missed the encounter when one of his most hated enemies sidled up next to the woman Braden had been gazing at off and on earlier in the evening. A flash of jealousy had speared him. Ridiculous, since Zara was merely the events coordinator...and that job had not come about by chance. Braden had purposely chosen her. He needed to get closer, close enough to gain access into her personal, private life and into her home. His family’s heritage could be hidden in her house, and she’d have no clue if she stumbled upon the items.

      Nothing could keep him from fulfilling his deathbed promise to his dad.

      Braden was all for adding in a little seduction on his way to gaining everything he’d ever wanted. Pillow talk always loosened the tongue, and if Zara could tell him everything he needed to know, then he wouldn’t have to break any least where she was concerned. He’d be a fool to turn that combination down and there was no way he could ignore how her body moved so perfectly against his. He also hadn’t missed how her breath had caught the second he’d touched her exposed back. He had to admit, just to himself, the innocent touch had twisted something in him, as well. Arousal was a strong, overwhelming emotion, and one he had to keep control over.

      For now, he needed to remember he was the head of the family and as the leader, he had a duty to fulfill. Flirting, seducing and even a little extracurricular activities were fine, so long as he kept his eye on the target.

      Tonight O’Shea’s Auction House was celebrating not only being a prominent, world-renowned auction house for over eighty years, but also the opening of two more satellite locations in Atlanta and Miami, thanks to his brother, Mac, who had moved down to Miami to oversee the properties.

      Boston would always be home to the main store, Braden’s store, now that his father was gone. And now that Braden was fully in charge, there were going to be some changes. This family had to move toward being legit. The stress and pressure Braden had seen his father go through wasn’t something Braden wanted for his future. The massive heart attack that stole Patrick O’Shea’s life wasn’t brought on by leading a normal, worry-free life.

      Braden had a five-year plan. Surely in that time they could remove themselves from any illegal ties and slowly sever those bonds. The killings had to stop. That was the first order of business, but tonight, after seeing Shane manhandle Zara, Braden was almost ready to go back on his vow.

      Death was nothing new to him. He’d witnessed his father give a kill order multiple times for reasons he’d always justified. Braden may not have always agreed with his father’s ways, but his father was an effective businessman and well respected.

      Zara’s deep chocolate eyes shifted around the room before landing back on him. “Your brother is coming this way.”

      Braden didn’t turn, didn’t relinquish his hold on Zara. The music continued, guests around them danced and chatted, but Braden paid them no mind.

      “We need to talk,” Mac stated.

      Braden stopped dancing but didn’t let go of Zara as he threw Mac a glance over his shoulder. “I’ll meet you in the study in five minutes.”


      Braden resisted the urge to curse. He prided himself on control. “Five minutes,” he said, before turning back and focusing solely on Zara.

      He picked up right where they’d left off dancing. He could still feel Mac behind him, so Braden maneuvered his partner toward the edge of the dance floor. Zara was his for now, and sharing their time wasn’t an option.

      “You can go talk to him.” Zara smiled, a deep dimple winking back at him. The innocence of the dimple and the sex appeal of that dress were polar opposite. “I should be working anyway, you know.”

      He was paying her to work, but that didn’t mean he didn’t like the feel of her in his arms, against him. There would be time for more later. He’d make sure of it. Gaining her trust on a personal level would lead him exactly where he needed to be.

      Gliding his fingertips over her exposed back one last time, Braden stepped away from Zara and tipped his head. “I’ll find you when I’m done with Mac. If you have any more problems with Shane, you come straight to me.”

      Zara nodded, clasping her hands in front of her and searching the room as if trying to get a location on the man in question. “I’ll be fine. Go talk to your brother, and thank you for the dance. I have to get back to work.”

      Braden closed the space between them, picked up her hand and kissed her

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