Expecting Royal Twins! / To Dance with a Prince: Expecting Royal Twins! / To Dance with a Prince. Melissa McClone

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Expecting Royal Twins! / To Dance with a Prince: Expecting Royal Twins! / To Dance with a Prince - Melissa  McClone

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husband. At least for another couple of days until the High Court was back in session.

      Izzy toyed with the edge of the blanket covering her lap. “No, thanks. I’m not hungry.”

      “I will have a meal delivered to your room in case you are hungry later.”

      Room service? She wiggled her toes with anticipation. She’d never stayed at a nice hotel that offered room service. Maybe this trip would have some bright spots. “Thanks, but please don’t go to any trouble. I can order my own food.”

      “It is no trouble,” he said.

      But it was for her. “I prefer to do things myself.”

      “Luka already came by with the warm towels,” Niko continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “If you would like one—”

      “No, thanks. I’m good.”

      Tired, but good. Izzy yawned, hoping she wasn’t breaking some princess protocol. She needed more sleep. A shower wouldn’t hurt. Once she arrived at the hotel …

      “Ready to see your homeland?” Niko asked.

      Vernonia might be her place of birth, but she would never call it her homeland. “I suppose I can’t stay on the plane all day.”

      “You could.”


      “You’re a princess,” he said, as if she knew all the rules about being royalty. “But you might get bored.”

      “I don’t do well being bored.”

      “That doesn’t surprise me.”

      She stood and placed the shoulder strap of her backpack over her shoulder.

      “The crew will carry your backpack,” Niko said.

      “I don’t mind.”

      “The crew does. They consider it an honor to serve you.”

      “I’m, uh, not really comfortable with that. My wallet and ID are in it.”

      “It looks strange for a princess to be hauling around a backpack.”

      “It’s my purse,” she countered. “Besides I don’t care what other people think of me.”

      A muscle flicked at his jaw. “You’ve made that quite obvious.”

      Niko pressed his lips together. The same way he’d done in Charlotte. He wasn’t happy with her. He’d probably better get used to it for as long as she was in town.

      “Just so you know,” she said. “It bugs me when people try to tell me what I can or can’t do.”

      She walked down the aisle before he could say anything else to annoy her.

      The other passengers, who had been introduced by job titles, not names during the flight, had already deplaned. The flight crew, including the pilots, stood in a line at the front of the plane. Izzy thanked them and exited.

      At the top of the portable staircase, she took a deep breath. The crisp air refreshed her.

      The airport wasn’t as large as the one in Charlotte and seemed to be built on a plateau. Everything from the control tower to the runways looked brand-new. Beyond the runways the flat landscape gave way to foothills and rocky mountains beyond that.

      Niko joined her on the landing. He motioned to a black limousine at the bottom of the stairs. “Our chariot awaits.”

      Attached to the front of the car were two small blue and white flags with yellow emblems in the center. They fluttered in the cool breeze. Uniformed guards with large guns stood nearby. A man in a black suit unloaded the luggage from a cart. He carefully placed her battered duffel bag into the trunk as if it contained fragile Fabergé eggs, not thrift store bargain buys.

      Feelings of inadequacy swept through her. Izzy was completely out of her league here. She clutched the metal handrail like a lifeline.

      Niko extended his arm. “I’m only offering because you must be tired.”

      His gesture of chivalry brought tears to her eyes. Uncle Frank used to do the same thing before escorting her across the street or down a parking lot staircase. Izzy wiped her eyes with her hand.

      Boy, she must really be jet-lagged to get so sentimental. But Niko was right. Her legs were stiff from the flight. Her shoes fit tighter, making her wonder if her feet had swollen. She couldn’t pretend she wasn’t feeling more tired by the minute.

      Falling down the stairs was a distinct possibility in her current condition and would not be a good start to her visit to Vernonia. Forget making a faux pas. The stage was set for an epic fail. She couldn’t let that happen.

      Better safe than sorry. Izzy wrapped her arm around Niko’s. “Thanks.”

      Together, they descended the stairs. He went slowly, shortening his long stride. For her sake, Izzy realized. Her thoughts about him being a knight in shining armor weren’t too far off. Still she wasn’t comfortable needing his assistance. She’d been standing on her own two feet for the last five years, ever since Uncle Frank died. Leaning on someone else felt odd and unnatural, even if it was only for the length of the portable staircase.

      “You are not merely tired.” His gazed remained focused straight ahead, never straying her way. A slight breeze ruffled the ends of his hair. Even the scar on his face suited him. He wasn’t a perfect prince, but he wasn’t that bad. “You are exhausted.”

      “Yeah.” She struggled not to yawn. “Though I’m not sure why since I slept most of the flight.”

      “Jet lag. It’s the middle of the night in Charlotte,” he explained. “You need time to adjust. You can rest soon. Though not too long or your body clock will be thrown off even more.”

      “A short nap is all I need.”

      “A short nap you shall have.”

      His grin made her breath catch in her throat. Izzy wouldn’t mind if he tucked her in and kissed her good-night.

      Her foot missed a step. As if in slow motion, she fell backward. Her right hand clutched the railing. Her left hand gripped Niko’s arm. Somehow he caught her before her bottom hit the staircase.

      “Are you okay?” he asked.

      His strong arms righted her so she was standing upright. “Yes,” she said grateful. “Thanks to you.”

      “Only a few more steps.”

      Thank goodness. Her entire body trembled. Not because of the near fall, but because of Niko. Looks aside, his compelling presence drew her in like a tow truck’s winch. She needed to get away from him.

      As soon as Izzy reached the tarmac, she slid her arm from his. The chauffeur opened the back door. She climbed inside. Leaning back against the leather seat, she stretched out her legs, relieved to be away from Niko.


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