Expecting Royal Twins! / To Dance with a Prince: Expecting Royal Twins! / To Dance with a Prince. Melissa McClone

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Expecting Royal Twins! / To Dance with a Prince: Expecting Royal Twins! / To Dance with a Prince - Melissa  McClone

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mechanics, gave her an understanding of how the opposite sex thought and operated. The one standing in front of her wearing a nice suit and shiny shoes was trouble. Dangerous, too.

      The limo, expensive clothing, personal aide and police escort meant he lived in a completely different world than her, a world where she was seen as nothing more than a servant or wallpaper or worse, a one-night stand. Having to deal with mysterious rich people intimidated her. She wanted nothing to do with him.

      But she didn’t mind looking. The man belonged on the cover of a glossy men’s magazine. He moved with the grace and agility of an athlete. The fit of his suit made her wonder what was underneath the fancy fabric.

      Everyone else around him seemed to fade into the background. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had this kind of reaction to a guy. No doubt the result of working too much overtime. Time to take a night off and have some fun. That would keep her from mooning over the next gorgeous guy who crossed her path.

      “You are Isabel Poussard.” His accent, a mix of British and something else, could melt a frozen stick of butter.

      She nodded, not trusting her voice.

      His assessing gaze traveled the length of her. Nothing in his eyes or on his face hinted if he liked what he saw.

      Not that she cared. Not much anyway.

      A hottie like him would never be interested in a grease monkey like her. Still he was a yummy piece of eye candy. One she could appreciate.

      Izzy raised her chin again, but didn’t stare down her nose the way she’d done with Jovan. She wasn’t ready to send this one on his way just yet. “You know my name, but I don’t know yours.”

      “I am Prince Nikola of Vernonia.”

      “A prince?”


      She supposed a prince would have a police escort as well as an aide, but this was just the kind of prank Boyd would pull and kid Izzy about for the rest of her life. She glanced around looking for a camera. “Am I being punk’d?”

      Jovan grinned.

      Nikola pressed his lips together. “No.”

      Yeah, on second thought, she couldn’t imagine the police participating in a joke. But she still had a hard time believing royalty would come to Rowdy’s. This wasn’t the worst part of town, but it wasn’t the best, either. “Am I supposed to call you Your Highness or something?”

      “Niko is fine,” he said.

      Better than fine, but he probably already knew that. Men as attractive as him usually did. “So Niko, why are you here?”

      Jovan started to speak, but Niko held up his hand and silenced his aide.

      Nice trick. Maybe he really was a prince. Or maybe he liked being the one to talk.

      “You posted on the internet looking to find a key to a box,” Niko said. “The box is mine.”

      She stared down her nose. “I don’t think so, dude.”

      He winced.

      “The box belonged to my mother,” Izzy added. “I’m just looking for the key.”

      “I know you want the key, but the box in the picture never belonged to your mother.”

      Oh, boy. Rowdy and Boyd had told Izzy if she posted on the internet she would get some strange replies. But she’d received only one email from a person who described the box so perfectly she’d sent him a picture of it. “You’re HRMKDK?”

      “That’s my father,” Niko explained. “His Royal Majesty King Dmitar Kresimir.”

      Like a king would ever email a total stranger about a wooden box. Sure it was pretty, but it was old. Izzy had thought the only value was sentimental. Maybe she was wrong about its worth. “I did correspond with your, um, dad, but I already told you, the box belongs to me.”

      “The box is technically yours, but only because I gave it to you.”

      What a ridiculous statement. The box was Izzy’s only connection to her mother who had died when Izzy was a baby. That was why she was desperate to find the missing key and open the bottom portion to see if anything was inside. With Uncle Frank gone, she had no family, no connection to her past. She wanted to know something … anything.

      Fighting her disappointment over not finding the key, Izzy squared her shoulders. “I’ve heard of Vernonia, but I’ve never been there. I’m certain we’ve never met. I’ve had the box for as long as I remember.”

      “You have had the box for twenty-three years,” Niko said. “I gave it to you when you were a baby.”

      “A baby,” she repeated, as if hearing it a second time would make more sense than the first time. It didn’t. The guy wasn’t that much older than her—that would mean he’d been just a kid. Ludicrous.

      “Yes,” Niko admitted ruefully. “I must sound crazy.”

      If he wasn’t, then she was. “You do.”

      “I can assure you I’m not crazy,” Niko stated matter-of-factly. He glanced at his aide standing next to him. “Isn’t that true, Jovan?”

      “Not crazy,” Jovan agreed, though he continued to look amused by what was going on.

      “I’m guessing you’re paid to agree with him, Jovan,” Izzy said, irritated.

      “Yes, but I’m also a lawyer if that adds to my credibility.”

      “It doesn’t.” Maybe this was how good-looking, eccentric royals wasted their time and money. She wished they would go bother someone else. “I think you both must be certifiable.”

      The two men looked at her with puzzled expressions.

      “Insane.” Izzy glanced at the police officers. She couldn’t imagine them wasting their time and tax dollars protecting some mental case claiming to be a prince. Surely they would have checked him out and asked to see his diplomatic papers or passport or something. “Let’s pretend what you say is true—”

      “It is true,” Niko said.

      She took a deep breath to control her growing temper. “Why would you give a baby the box? Is there some significance to the gesture?”

      “It’s customary.”

      It was her turn to be confused. “Huh?”

      “Tradition,” Niko clarified. “When a Vernonian prince gets married, he presents his wife with a bride box on their wedding day.”

      “That still doesn’t explain why you would give the box to me.”

      “Because I am your husband.”



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