Bachelor's Bought Bride / CEO's Expectant Secretary: Bachelor's Bought Bride / CEO's Expectant Secretary. Jennifer Lewis
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Eyes closed, an expression of pleasure lighting his chiseled features, Gavin looked more heartbreakingly handsome than ever. Bree’s heart squeezed. Could he be the one?
She’d more or less given up hoping that Prince Charming would come sweep her off her feet. Every little girl has that dream, but a grown woman of twenty-nine has learned that most frogs don’t improve all that much upon kissing.
Ooh. She wriggled as Gavin’s fingers sent a shockwave zinging through her. A tiny moan escaped her lips. Gavin’s eyes opened a crack, and a wicked smile played at the edges of his sensual mouth.
Hot and slick under his touch, she felt more aroused than ever in her life. Gavin eased closer, until their bodies pressed together all the way from his broad shoulders to his sturdy thighs. Then he raised himself up onto a powerful arm, rolled on a condom with expert ease, and climbed over her.
She couldn’t help an involuntary shudder as he entered her. All her nerve endings were alive and buzzing. Eyes closed, she gave herself over to the sensation. Her fingers dug into the hard muscle of his back as he slid inside her, slow and gentle, opening her like a secret chamber left unexplored for far too long.
Once inside her, Gavin released a throaty moan—a sound of relief mingled with pleasure. He started to move, and Bree’s hips automatically joined in the dance, just as her body had flowed with his so readily on the dance floor at the charity gala. Maybe they were meant to be together….
She let the delicious thought flow through her as she followed him into a new realm of pleasure. Gavin’s hands roamed over her body, squeezing and enjoying every inch of her, as they moved together. She explored the muscled ridges of his back and the firm curve of his backside.
Desire fluttered in her chest—and in all kinds of places she didn’t know existed—as Gavin deftly shifted them into different positions. Heat pulsed through her and her thoughts jumbled and scattered as primal sensation shoved thought aside. Her body cleaved to his, writhing and twisting, steamy and slick.
She arched under him, taking him deeper, her breath coming in unsteady gasps, until suddenly everything exploded.
Or imploded.
Her body convulsed and twitched as tidal waves of wringing pleasure crashed through her bloodstream.
Then a low groan filled the air and she felt Gavin’s arms wrapped around her like a vice. He throbbed inside her, sending further sparks of nuclear fission to her fingers and toes.
“Wow.” His voice, thick and rough, echoed her exclamation after their kiss.
“Uh-huh,” she murmured back, half amazed that she could still use language. Her brain seemed to have switched off for a few moments there. She opened her eyelids a tiny bit and her gaze locked onto Gavin’s. His gray eyes dark with passion, he gazed at her, wrapped up in her completely.
Bree’s chest tightened, filled with too much emotion. Gavin Spencer was too much for her. Way too much. Sweet, kind, caring, thoughtful—and ridiculously handsome. Things like this didn’t happen to her. She was boring old Bree, the one you could always count on in a pinch because you knew she’d be free.
Or was she?
Maybe, after Elle’s clever alterations, and with the help of Gavin’s experienced touch, she’d truly morphed and changed into someone new. Someone exciting and desirable, whose life would now unfurl and brighten like a flower after the rain.
“I’ve never met anyone quite like you, Bree.” Gavin rested his head on the pillow, peering at her through sleepy, half-closed eyes.
“Me? There’s nothing special about me.” She kicked herself for giving in to the familiar urge to run herself down.
A frown furrowed Gavin’s brow. “Everything about you is special.” He stroked her chin with his thumb. “You’re warm and kind and caring. You’re clever and creative and artistic.”
Bree swallowed. She’d heard those before. They were the kind of compliments her starchy aunts offered, usually after critiquing her posture and lamenting her lack of marital prospects.
“And you’re the best looking woman in San Francisco.”
“Only in San Francisco?” She couldn’t help teasing. His smoky gaze roamed over her naked body making her feel like the most beautiful woman on earth.
“Definitely in the whole Bay area. And the State of California. And the entire West Coast.”
Bree mock pouted. “And there I was hoping for the Midwest, as well.”
“I haven’t spent much time there so I’m not an authority.” His narrowed gaze twinkled with mischief.
“Never mind then.” She tossed her curls. Gavin took one in his fingers and tried it on like a ring. “That’s rather suggestive,” she murmured.
“Perhaps that’s my intention.” He cocked his head slightly.
She bit her lip to stop a naughty smile sneaking across her mouth. “Shouldn’t we get some sleep? Tomorrow’s a workday.”
“Actually, I’m on vacation. Had to use it or lose it.”
“Lucky you.”
“But if you have a busy day, I quite understand.” He twirled her curl softly around his finger.
“Actually, I don’t.” She didn’t have any plans at all, in fact.
“Then I have an idea.” His brow furrowed again. “A big idea. A crazy, mad, wonderful idea.”
Curiosity prickled through Bree. “What?”
He shifted until he was sitting up. “I’ll be right back.”
With a navy towel around his waist, Gavin strode to the study.
Definitely crazy, but the idea had seized him. Maybe because everything about Bree felt so right. Their lovemaking was sensational. Bree was every bit as passionate and erotic as he’d imagined, and that unbelievable body of hers…. He frowned at the erection already getting started again.
No question he was mad. Everyone would tell him that. Heck, Bree would probably tell him that. They’d only known each other for two and a half weeks. But sometimes the universe was on your side and everything came together, like the time he won the big Stayco account.
No. This was nothing like the time he won the Stayco account. That was a business relationship. This would be a lifetime commitment.
His chest tightened. A lifetime with Bree. Right now that seemed very appealing.
In the study, the display on the digital clock gave off just enough illumination for him to see the drawer handles.
Yes, the one million dollars offered by her father was an enticement. But it wasn’t the only one, not by any means. It was more like a pearl necklace around the neck