Bachelor's Bought Bride / CEO's Expectant Secretary: Bachelor's Bought Bride / CEO's Expectant Secretary. Jennifer Lewis
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“Almost.” Bree grinned. “I do love watching boats in the bay.”
“I guess you’ll miss the view when you move in with Gavin.” Elle lifted a brow.
Bree froze. “What? There’s nothing going on between Gavin and me. I only just met him.”
“Really?” Elle’s eyes widened. “I got the definite impression that you two were a serious item.”
“He was being very … solicitous, but I only met him the night before.”
“You’re kidding me.” Elle’s eyes narrowed. “I know you and I only just met, so I shouldn’t even ask this, but you’ve kissed, right?”
“Not even a peck.” A prickle of embarrassment ran over her. If she were cute like Elle, he probably would have tried. “I think he’s just being friendly.”
“But he kept putting his arm around you.” Elle cocked her head. “That’s not the kind of thing you do with a friend. Nope. He’s definitely after you. Probably just taking it slow.”
Bree shrugged, hoping the heat in her face didn’t show. “Let me get some plates.”
They chatted about the house and the neighborhood while they ate their pastries and sipped the strong coffee. After they ate, Bree showed Elle some of her photos.
“You have an amazing eye. In each picture there’s something of the essence of the individual. I know how hard that is to capture. I can’t take a decent portrait to save my life. I’m lucky if their eyes are open.”
“I wish I could offer some tips, but I’m afraid I’m not sure how I do it.”
“Genius. Talent. All those things I don’t have as a photographer.” Elle smiled. “It’s not hard to see why Gavin’s crazy about you.”
“Oh, stop! First of all, he’s not crazy about me. Second of all, he hasn’t seen my photos.”
“Yes, he has. He was showing everyone the Black Book in the office on Friday.”
“Was he really?” Bree bit her lip.
“One word. Besotted.” Elle crossed her arms. “A man in love. Sometimes it happens that fast.”
“Oh, come on. What could Gavin possibly see in me? I’m definitely not the type men fall head over heels for.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, let’s see. My hair has a mind of its own, which changes with the barometric pressure. I need to lose weight. And the only famous person I bear a resemblance to is one Duncan Kincannon, Tenth Laird of Aislin. You can see him halfway down the stairs in the main hall, wrapped in a gilt frame.”
Elle giggled. “I bet Gavin loves your sense of humor.”
“That’s about all there is to love.”
“What nonsense! Though …” She tipped her head to one side and pressed a figure to her lips. “If you don’t mind my saying so … I can see a little room for improvement.”
Bree cringed inside her baggy college sweatshirt. “More than a little room, I’m afraid.”
“You’re lovely as you are, but you could be lovelier.
I spent a summer working at a froufrou spa in Santa Barbara. I learned all kinds of brilliant tricks there.”
“Like what?”
“Your hair. It’s curly, right?”
“I think frizzy is a better description.”
“No, seriously, will you take it down for a sec?”
Bree pulled the ponytail band from her hair with shaky fingers. The heavy mass fell—frizzily—over her shoulders.
“Oh, yes. You’ve got lovely ringlets in there. We just have to set them free.”
“How do you do that?”
Elle smiled mysteriously. “We need to gather a few tools.”
It was nearly four in the afternoon by the time Elle was satisfied with her work. They’d spent an hour in the sun while Elle filed and polished Bree’s nails, and they waited for artfully applied lemon juice to scorch highlights into Bree’s hair.
Next, Elle conditioned her hair. She’d rinsed, then applied yet more conditioner—gloppy handfuls of it—and made Bree swear she’d never let her hair dry without conditioner on it again.
While Bree dripped conditioner onto the wood floors, Elle rifled through her wardrobe, tut-tutting and holding items up to Bree’s complexion. In despair, she marched Bree—hair still damp—out the door and down to Union Street, where she encouraged her to try on, and ultimately buy, three very expensive new bras and several mix-and-match pieces from a trendy boutique. Elle made the whole thing so enjoyable, Bree felt as if they were BFFs out for an adventure rather than two women who’d only met the night before.
Once coordinating shoes were found, they hurried back to the apartment where Elle applied a loose powder all over her face, “to brighten you up a bit,” as she said. She brushed light blush over Bree’s cheekbones, and smudged gray-green shadow around her eyes. A touch of rose-pink lipstick gave a subtle punch to her color, without making her look like a clown.
“Your hair’s finally dry.” Elle arranged it about her shoulders. “Why don’t you look in the mirror?”
Half afraid of what she’d see, Bree made her way across the studio—no small feat in the heeled ankle boots Elle had talked her into.
A long mirror hung behind the bathroom door, and she inhaled as she pulled it open.
She squinted for a moment, looking the image up and down. Then she laughed aloud. “Who is that woman in my mirror?”
“It’s you, babe.”
“Not possible. This woman is trim and elegant, and has silky ringlets with blond highlights.”
“It’s all you. Standing up straight is a big part of it. Tall girls like you often stoop because you’re afraid to stand out. If you do those yoga poses I showed you just once a day, you’ll really see a difference in your posture.”
“It never would have occurred to me that clothes which fit could make me look thinner!”
“You have a gorgeous, curvy figure and you should show it off.”
“Who knew?” Bree grinned at her reflection. “And I swear on my life, I’ll never let my hair dry without conditioner again.”
“That’s my girl. So, when are you seeing Gavin next?”
Gavin called on Sunday and invited Bree