What the Paparazzi Didn't See. Nicola Marsh

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What the Paparazzi Didn't See - Nicola Marsh

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maintained strict independence for a reason. Depending on anyone for anything inevitably led to heartache.

      Not that she’d be depending on Wade for anything, but letting her guard down came with a price. It left her vulnerable to feeling, and having her defences weakened, even for a short time, made her skittish.

      She’d loved her dad. He’d abandoned her without a backward glance.

      She’d depended on her mum. She’d eventually left too.

      She’d thought sweet, easygoing Jimmy would always be there for her. He’d done a runner too.

      No, it was easier maintaining aloofness, not letting anyone get too close. And that was exactly what Wade would be doing shortly...getting exceptionally close.

      Ironic, it wasn’t the prospect of some stranger seeing her naked that had her half as anxious as the thought of being intimate with him and enjoying it too much.

      She’d never been a needy female and had tried to instil the same independence into Cindy despite her physical limitations, yet there was something about how much she wanted to be close to Wade tonight that terrified her.

      She could blame it on her impulsive need to celebrate and do something completely out of character.

      Or she could admit the truth, albeit to herself. That she craved a connection, even if only physical, for just one night.

      The soft swoosh of the key card in the lock had her fingers clenching on the windowsill.

      So much for escaping.

      He entered and her tummy fell away in that uncharacteristic swoop that signalled she really wanted this guy.

      She tingled all over from it, her nerve endings prickling and putting her body on notice, a heightened awareness that made her want to rub against him, skin to skin.

      Then it hit her.

      She’d never been so attracted to any guy before. Not even Jimmy, whose body she’d known in intimate detail from the time they’d lost their virginity together in the back seat of his car at seventeen.

      Because of the clothes she wore and the persona she presented to the world, guys assumed she was an easy mark. Even while she’d been dating Jimmy and Henri—albeit platonically in his case—guys had hit on her.

      Fellow soccer and basketball stars who assumed WAGs were up for anything. Commentators and managers and agents who thought WAGs would do anything for stardom and recognition, including accept outlandish proposals.

      The whole scene had sickened her and, while she’d seen enough hook-ups at parties in her time, she’d never been remotely interested.

      What made Wade Urquart so special that she wanted to rip her clothes off the moment his sizzling-hot gaze connected with hers?

      ‘Glad you’re still here.’

      He closed the door and slid off his jacket, where she caught sight of a tell-tale box bulging from the inside pocket. What looked like a surprisingly large box for what she’d envisioned as a brief interlude.

      Her skin tingled again.

      ‘I contemplated making a run for it.’

      ‘What stopped you?’

      He stalked towards her, stopped less than two feet away.


      She laid a hand on his chest, felt the heat from his skin brand her through the expensive cotton of his shirt.

      He didn’t move as her palm slid upward. Slowly. Leisurely, as she savoured the contours of hard muscle, desperate to feel his skin.

      He watched her, his gaze smouldering as her fingertips traced around his nipples, his breathing quickening as her fingers skated across his pecs, along his collarbone and higher.

      When her hand reached his neck, she stepped closer, bringing their bodies less than an inch apart.

      She could feel his heat. She could smell his expensive citrus aftershave. She could hear his ragged breathing.

      She’d never wanted anything as badly as she wanted Wade at that moment.

      With a boldness she’d had no idea she possessed, she tugged his head down towards her and kissed him.

      The moment their lips touched Liza forgot her doubts, forgot her past, forgot her own damn name.

      She couldn’t think beyond their frantic hands and loud moans. Couldn’t get enough of his long, deep, skilled kisses.

      Her body ignited in a fireball of passion and she clung to him, eagerly taking the initiative, pushing him down on the bed so he lay sprawled beneath her like a fallen angel.

      His lips curved into a wicked grin as she shimmied out of her dress.

      Another first. Letting a guy see her naked with the lights on.

      She didn’t like being seen during intimate moments. She spent enough of her life in the spotlight, being scrutinised and evaluated, she didn’t need it in the bedroom too.

      But this was a new Liza, a new life.

      Time to shed her old habits and take what she wanted.

      Starting with the sexy guy beckoning her with a crook of his finger.

      ‘Bronze is your colour,’ he said, propping on his elbows when she straddled him.

      ‘I like to colour coordinate my outfit and underwear.’

      ‘While I appreciate the effort—’ he snagged a bra strap and tugged it down, trailing a fingertip across her collarbones and doing the same on the other side ‘—I’d prefer to see you naked.’

      He surged upward so fast she almost toppled off, but he wrapped his strong arms around her waist, anchoring her, holding her deliciously close. ‘Now.’

      She cupped his face between her hands and stared into his beautiful brown eyes. Eyes that held shadows lurking behind desire. Eyes that intrigued.

      She briefly wondered if they were doing the right thing. Before ignoring that thought.

      She wanted to celebrate her new life tonight. Having an exciting, impulsive fling with a hot guy who made her pulse race with the barest touch?

      What a way to do it.

      She inched towards him and murmured against his mouth, ‘What are you waiting for?’

      * * *

      Wade knew Liza had vanished when he woke.

      It didn’t surprise him. He’d half expected her to disappear when he’d gone condom shopping.

      Even now, after six hours of sensational sex and a much-needed two hours’ sleep, he couldn’t quite believe she’d stayed.

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