How to Get Over Your Ex. Nikki Logan

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How to Get Over Your Ex - Nikki  Logan

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read the actual lines.

      She shifted in her seat outside Zander’s office.

      Behind the frosted-glass doors, an elevated voice protested strenuously. There was a low murmur where the shouted response should have been and then a final, higher-pitch burst. Moments later one of the two doors flung open and a man emerged—flushed, rushed—and stormed past her. He glanced her way.

      ‘A lamb to the bloody slaughter,’ he murmured, a bit too loud to have been accidental, before storming down the corridor and into one of the studios off to one side. She followed his entire progress.

      ‘Georgia.’ A smooth voice dragged her focus back to the doors.

      She straightened, stood. Reached out her hand. The tiniest of frowns crossed Zander’s face before he enclosed her hand in his and shook it. His fingers were as warm and lingering as last time. And still pleasingly firm. ‘I was beginning to think we’d never see you again.’

      ‘I had to think it over.’ And over. Looking for any reasonable way out. And avoiding the whole thing, really.


      She sighed. ‘And here I am.’

      He stood back and signalled at his assistant, who was politely keeping her eyes averted, but not so much that she didn’t immediately decode and acknowledge his signal. Did that little finger-twiddle mean, Hold my calls? Bring us coffee? Or maybe, If she’s not out in five minutes interrupt me with something fake but important.

      Perhaps the latter if the furrows above his brow were any indication. He didn’t look all that pleased to see her. So maybe she really had taken too long with the contract.

      ‘I needed to be sure I understood what you were asking.’ Ugh, way too defensive.

      His eyes finally found hers and they didn’t carry a hint of judgement. ‘And do you?’

      She waved the sheaf of papers. ‘All signed.’

      A disproportional amount of relief washed across his face. He sat back in his expensive chair.

      She tipped her head. ‘You weren’t expecting that?’ She hated the thought that maybe there’d been more room for negotiation after all. She hated being played.

      ‘I’ve learned never to try and anticipate the actions of people.’ His eyes drifted to the door where the man had just stormed out.

      ‘I had one question...’

      The relief vanished and was replaced by speculation. ‘Sure.’

      ‘It’s about the interviews. Is that really necessary? It seems very formal.’

      ‘We just need an idea of who you are, so we know what we’re starting with.’

      ‘By filling out a questionnaire? I thought maybe if I had coffee with your assistant, told her a bit about myself—’

      ‘Not Casey. She’s not subjective enough.’

      ‘Because she’s a woman?’

      ‘Because she’s a card-carrying member of Team Georgia.’

      Oh. How nice to have at least one person in her corner.

      ‘Unless you were angling for a free lunch?’

      She glared at him. ‘Yes. Because all of this would be totally worth it if only I could get a free bowl of soup out of you.’

      His scowl moderated into a half-smile.

      ‘What about one of your other minions,’ she tried.

      His eyebrows shot up. ‘Minions?’

      ‘You have an assistant to do your bidding. And that man leaving just now didn’t look like a man who enjoyed fair and equal status in his workplace.’

      His frown deepened. ‘I don’t have minions. I do have staff.’

      ‘Then any one of your staff.’

      He studied her across the desk. ‘No. Not one of my staff.’

      She sighed. ‘I’d really rather not do a questionnaire, Zander. It’s too impersonal.’ And a little bit insulting. As though a computer could tell her what was missing in her life when she was still struggling to work that out.

      ‘Not one of my staff and not a form.’

      ‘Then what?’


      ‘You what?’

      ‘I’ll interview you.’ He reached for a pen.

      ‘N-now?’ she stammered.

      The half-smile graduated. ‘No. I’m just making a couple of notes for Casey for tomorrow.’

      She swivelled in her chair. ‘She’s gone?’

      ‘Yes. Why?’

      ‘I thought you... Didn’t you signal for her to do something for you just now?’

      ‘Yes, I told her to go home. Just because I keep long hours doesn’t mean she has to. She’s got a young family to get home to.’

      So they were...alone? Why on earth did that make her pulse spike? Just once. She’d walked in a secluded wood with him. Being alone in an office wasn’t all that scandalous. Except that it was his office, full of his comfy, oversized furniture and all of a sudden she felt a lot like an outclassed Goldilocks.

      She pushed half out of her chair. ‘I should go.’

      ‘What about the interview? I thought we could go and grab a drink, talk. I can get what I need.’

      For a bright woman, an astonishing amount of nothing filled her head just then. He prowled to the front of his desk and stood by her chair so that she had no choice but to stand and let him shepherd her out of his office.

      ‘The contract...’ she breathed.

      He relieved her of the pages, flicked to the back one and signed it, unread. She pressed her lips together. ‘I should have gifted myself a luxury car in small print.’

      His lips parted, revealing smooth, white, even teeth. ‘Where would you drive a luxury car?’

      ‘You never know. Maybe that’s something I’d like to get experience with—I’ve never driven anything flashier than a Vauxhall.’

      His eyes softened as they alighted on her. Then he reached deep into his trouser pocket and tossed her a bundle of keys. They were still warm from his body heat. Toasty warm. She lifted her eyes to his.

      ‘Never too early to get started. Consider this the first Year of Georgia activity. Driving a luxury car.’

      ‘Not your Jag?’ she gasped.


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