The Girl He Left Behind. Patricia Kay
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“Happy graduation, sweetheart,” her dad said.
Eve’s heart constricted as she slowly removed the paper and opened the box. Inside, nestled in cotton, was a stunning gold heart pendant studded with rubies. “Oh,” she said, nearly speechless. “It—it’s so beautiful.”
“We’re so proud of you,” her mom said. “And I know it’s not your birthstone, but rubies represent love and mean good fortune for the person who wears them. You have an amazing future ahead of you.” Her mother’s smile said everything she was feeling as she gazed at Eve.
“You’ll be the first Cermak to go to college,” her dad said. His voice trembled with emotion.
“And to think you won such a wonderful scholarship,” her mother said. She reached over and squeezed Eve’s hand.
“You’re the best daughter anyone could ever have,” her dad said. “Never given us one moment’s worry.”
“And we know you’ll keep on making us proud,” her mother added tremulously.
Eve’s heart felt like a brick in her chest. How could she leave them without a word? How could she disappear on the eve of her high school graduation, abandon them and all they’d done for her and go off with a boy they knew absolutely nothing about, one they didn’t even know she was seeing? The shock, the scandal, the disappointment, the unbearable pain would kill them.
Later, in her room, when the clock read 8:00 p.m. and then eight ten and finally eight fifteen and Eve knew the bus was leaving Crandall Lake, she told herself Adam had changed his mind. That he would call her. That the phone would ring any second, and she would snatch it up and call out to her parents that it was for her, and he would say he just couldn’t do it. He couldn’t leave without her.
Wouldn’t he?
* * *
Adam spent most of his time at the hospital for the remainder of the week. And late Saturday afternoon, eight days after his mother’s heart attack, when her doctor said she could probably move over to the rehab center on Monday, Adam took a relieved breath and grinned at her. “So, Ma, you’re going to live.”
“We Crenshaws are tough,” his mother said softly.
Adam nodded. They were tough. Well, hell, they’d had to be. His father, Frank, had been a gambler and a drunk, and he’d abandoned his family when Adam was six, then been killed in a freak amusement park accident a year later. The former Lucy Costa, his unlucky wife, had waited tables by day and cleaned an office building by night to support herself and her three boys. And even then, it was a struggle.
“Heart problems run in my family, though,” Lucy added.
“Yeah, I know.”
“So you’d better take care of yourself or you’ll find yourself in the same boat one of these days.”
Adam nodded again. He’d heard this same lecture many times before. In fact, Lucy had gotten on the “good health, take care of yourself” boat every time she’d visited him over recent years.
“I do take care of myself, Ma.”
“Really? Do you exercise every day? Do you eat right? I never see you eat anything except pizza.”
“I eat all kinds of healthy stuff,” Adam protested. “And I work out all the time.” But he was mentally crossing his fingers, because he’d been slacking off lately. On both counts.
A few minutes later, Austin, followed by Aaron, entered the room, and Adam, after greeting his brothers and giving his mother a goodbye kiss, told them he was leaving for the day. “I promised Sally I’d drop into the homeless shelter tonight, maybe play some music for the guys there.” Sally was a favorite nurse of his mother’s and they’d struck up a friendship.
“Need me to come along?” Aaron asked. In addition to all the social media and publicity stuff Aaron did for Adam, he was also Adam’s right-hand man and main gofer, both at home and on the road. Adam had initially put him to work because Aaron needed something to keep him on the straight and narrow, but in the past few years Aaron had made himself invaluable, and Adam depended upon him for just about everything he couldn’t do himself.
“Nah. I’ll be fine. It’s only Crandall Lake.”
Aaron shrugged. “Okay. But give me a buzz if you need me.”
Adam said he would and left. He wasn’t worried about needing Aaron. So far the paparazzi had been pretty respectful of his mother’s illness and left Adam alone. Except for a few pictures on Instagram and Twitter, they’d found bigger fish to follow. Adam knew all that would change when he returned to his normal life, so he might as well enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasted.
He was looking forward to talking to and singing for the homeless people in the shelter. Except for a really lucky break at the end of his first month in Nashville, he might have ended up in a shelter himself. Down to his last few dollars—he’d even had to chuck his cell phone because he could no longer afford to pay for it—he’d finally gotten a producer to listen to his demo and give him a chance. That same producer had made a ton of money off him in the intervening years, and they’d remained good friends.
As Adam drove to the shelter, he thought about the songs he’d sing. And afterward, he’d have an early night at the hotel and a good night’s sleep. No drama, no groupies, no photographers chasing him.
And absolutely nothing to worry about.
Eve couldn’t sit still. The kids should’ve come home tonight, but Bill had called early that morning and asked if he could keep them over the weekend because the Kelly family reunion was taking place in San Antonio and he wanted the twins to be there with him. Eve hadn’t wanted to agree, but how could she say no?
That was the biggest problem she had with Bill. He was always so reasonable she could never refuse him when he wanted something. Even if he hadn’t been reasonable, she owed him. Not that he ever said so, but the knowledge was always there, unspoken, between them.
I rescued you. You owe me.
She knew that was what he was thinking. And why shouldn’t he? She was thinking it, too. He had rescued her, and she did owe him. Even now, after nearly twelve years, she still felt grateful. In fact, she couldn’t imagine what her mother would say if she knew. Even thinking about the problem made Eve’s heart beat a little faster.
Her mother would never know. That secret was safe. Bill would certainly never tell anyone—it would be the last thing he’d ever want people to know—nor would she. They both had a huge stake in keeping their secret safe.
So she’d said yes to this weekend, even though he could have given her more warning. Surely he’d known