Girl in a Vintage Dress. Nicola Marsh

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Girl in a Vintage Dress - Nicola Marsh

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Immy made her more nervous.

      And she was nervous, terrified in fact, for she’d agreed to meet Chase in a few hours to run through a proposed itinerary.

      Her nerves had nothing to do with a lack of confidence in her work and everything to do with her irrational, erratic physical reaction to a guy who made her pulse race just by looking at her.

      Imogen winked and tapped the side of her nose.

      ‘Sure, you’re going to concentrate on work and forget the fact Melbourne’s hottest bachelor is looking over your shoulder. Just think, all those one on one consultations to ensure the hen’s party runs smoothly, all those late night meetings, all those cosy chats to—’

      ‘Don’t you have mannequins to dress?’

      Imogen’s grin widened. ‘Oh yeah, you’re just dying to do this.’

      She was dying all right but not for the reason Immy thought. While this may be just another job on paper the reality was far different. People like Chase, who moved in moneyed circles, had different expectations to the rest of them. What if the service she provided wasn’t good enough? What if she wasn’t good enough?

      And that was bothering her the most, that she’d be found wanting in the same disheartening, discouraging, confidence sapping way she had been every day growing up.

      ‘Want some help planning your wardrobe?’

      Lola took a sip of tea and sighed with pleasure. ‘Don’t you mean the wardrobe for the party?’

      Imogen cupped her mug and raised an eyebrow over the rim.

      ‘Honey, you’re likely to run into the sexiest guy in Melbourne on a regular basis for a week straight. Who cares what dress ups the brats play around with? It’s you who needs to dazzle.’


      Her hands trembled as she clutched her cup more tightly. The thought of meeting Chase at Dazzle, his workplace, in a few hours set loose a bunch of rampaging butterflies on speed in her belly.

      Taking a few sips of her soothing tea and finding it did nothing for her increasingly prevalent nerves she tipped the rest in the sink and rinsed the cup.

      ‘Can you hold the fort for the next hour while I nip upstairs and do some serious planning for this party?’

      ‘Sure, it’ll be good practice for when I hold the fort on my own for a week while you’re swanning around with chiselled Chase.’

      ‘It’s not like that,’ she said, managing a wry smile at the thought of her swanning around with a guy like Chase.

      Imogen cocked a hip as she leaned against the fridge. ‘Then what’s it like?’

      ‘I’ll let you know by the end of the week,’ she said, her grin widening as Immy stuck out her tongue, the sound of childish smooching noises following her as she headed for the stairs.

      Chase stared at his computer screen, trying to assimilate an inordinate amount of nonsensical information from the Go Retro website in an effort to be prepared for this meeting with Lola.

      But the harder he tried to concentrate, the more the words blurred before his eyes, his attention constantly snagged by a small picture of Go Retro’s proprietor in the top right hand corner.

      A scoop-necked cherry dress cinched at the waist hugged her hourglass figure in all the right places, her hair falling in soft golden waves around a heart-shaped face dominated by those big brown eyes and ruby-slicked lips.

      She looked incredible; and the picture didn’t do her justice.

      Lola Lombard in the flesh was something else.

      He should know. He’d spent the last few hours replaying their encounter: the way her lips pursed when she wasn’t pleased, the feisty way she’d snatched his phone, the nervous flick of her tongue when she damped her lips when their fingers touched.

      She was so not his type but there’d been a moment in that shop, surrounded by all those bows and whistles he’d wanted her to be.

      The intercom on his desk buzzed and he clicked back onto his home screen. Lola Lombard had distracted him enough for one day.

      ‘What is it, Jerrie?’

      ‘Your sister to see you.’

      ‘Send her in.’

      He loved the way Cari dropped by to see him despite her manic schedule and today he was especially glad. She may not want a fancy wedding but he’d make sure she enjoyed his gift.

      He stood and made it halfway across his office before she strode into the room, her black business suit creaseless, her hair and make-up immaculate for someone who’d hit the courts ten hours earlier.

      He’d always been immensely proud of Cari and all she’d achieved and while she was getting married he couldn’t help but wonder if she was slotting in her marriage among the rest of her appointments in the meticulous diary she kept.

      ‘Hey, sis. Glad you could make it.’

      He kissed her cheek, smiling when she barely paused en route to his desk, where she started searching it.

      ‘Where’s this surprise you mentioned on the phone?’

      ‘Ah…so that’s why you dropped in. And here I was, thinking you missed seeing your amazing brother who you haven’t had time for all week.’

      ‘I don’t have time for this so cut to the chase.’

      She tempered her brisk tone with a cheeky smile, the same one she’d given him every time she used the well worn phrase; she’d been telling him to cut to the chase for a long time now.

      ‘Fine. I won’t bore you with details so here’s the low-down.’

      He perched on his desk, enjoying himself immensely. ‘You know how you’ve cleared your schedule for a month for the wedding?’

      ‘Yeah, I don’t know how Hugh talked me into that.’ She blew out an exasperated little huff but the corners of her mouth curving into a smile belied her belligerence. Hugh Hoffman was the only guy who’d come close to taming his strong-willed sister and it had been nothing short of a miracle that he’d coerced her into taking a whole month off from her precious job.

      ‘I’ve talked to Hugh and he’s given me the go-ahead to snaffle a week of your time.’

      She frowned and glared at him over the top of her rimless spectacles.

      ‘Not that Hugh has any say in what I do and how I spend my time, but what are you raving on about?’

      Grinning, he spun around his computer screen. ‘I’m throwing you a hen’s party, sis. Not just a night, a whole week’s worth.’

      ‘You’re insane…’ The rest of her protest died on her lips as she focused on the screen, the spark of interest obvious as she caught sight of the Go Retro home page.


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