His Ring, Her Baby / His Bride for the Taking: His Ring, Her Baby / His Bride for the Taking. Sandra Hyatt

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His Ring, Her Baby / His Bride for the Taking: His Ring, Her Baby / His Bride for the Taking - Sandra Hyatt

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to future meals.”

      She looked at him to see if he was being sarcastic but his features were calm and controlled.

      “By the way, your duties may be more extensive than you thought.”

      She tensed. Was he going to want bed as well as breakfast?

      With a knowing look in his eyes, he placed his napkin on the table and stood up. “Leave the cleaning up for now. I have a surprise for you in the barn.”

      That got her attention.

      She looked up at him suspiciously. “What sort of surprise?”

      “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you,” he drawled.

      She went with him out the kitchen door and along the path that led to a large barn. She’d seen a couple of horses in the fenced paddock connected to the back of it earlier today, but she was wary of horses and had decided she wouldn’t be going near them any time soon.

      Just like she was wary of Kirk, she reminded herself, not relaxing until she stepped inside the barn and saw the puppies. They were playing in an area cordoned off so that they couldn’t escape.

      “Ooh, aren’t they’re gorgeous?” she said, instinctively falling to her knees to pat their soft fur, forgetting to be guarded with Kirk. “How old are they?”

      “About six weeks.”

      She laughed as the puppies surrounded her and a mediumsize dog came trotting up and sniffed her hand. “Is this their mother? Is she some sort of sheep dog?”

      A wry smile coated his mouth. “She thinks she is, but no, little Suzi’s what we call a ‘bitza.’ A bit of this and a bit of that.” He crouched down and patted the dog’s head. “I suspect that’s why someone dumped her.”

      Her heart saddened. “They dumped her? Out here?”

      He nodded. “She turned up here one day a few years back, starving and her paws bleeding. She’s been with me ever since.”

      Her assessment of the man went up. She stood and brushed the dirt from her knees. “I guess you need someone to take care of them.”

      He got to his feet. “If you want to.”

      “I’d love to,” she said sincerely.

      He looked almost surprised by her response. “Good. One of my men has been looking after them while I’ve been away but I’m sure he’ll be happy to pass the job to you.”

      They were standing close and instantly she felt all tingly and aware of his strength. “Er.” She stepped back. “Well, I’d better go clean up the dinner things.”

      She hurried away without waiting for a response, aware of him watching her. Lord, the attraction was still there between them and if she thought eating together was going to be hard, then how was she going to cope with moments like these?

      Right now she didn’t have the answer.

      Ten minutes later, he walked through the kitchen. “I’ll be in the study,” he said tersely.

      She was relieved. “Do you need anything else?”

      His eyes flickered but all he said was, “No. Nothing.”

      He was remote again and that was fine by her. She wanted it to stay this way. Please God.

      She finished cleaning up, then went to her room and watched television before showering and falling into bed. It had been a long day for Josh, but it had been an even longer day for his mother.


      At six the next morning, Vanessa stood in the doorway of the kitchen and watched Kirk cooking breakfast at the stove. How was she going to stand looking at this every morning? This being one male dressed in a khaki shirt and denim jeans who looked more delicious than the breakfast he was making.

      As if he sensed he was being watched, he glimpsed over his shoulder, his gaze flicking down over her white top and black jeans. “Good morning,” he said, his voice telling her nothing, but his eyes had darkened.

      Her nipples instantly tingled and she frowned to cover up her fast-beating heart. “What are you doing?” she asked, taking control of the conversation. Lord knew she had to take control of something.

      He turned away to crack an egg into the frying pan. “Cooking breakfast.”

      “But why are you doing it? I thought that was why I was here.” Pride suddenly made her tense. “I told you before I don’t accept charity.”

      His head shot up. “And I didn’t offer it. You’re here to run the household, not only the cooking.”

      She let out a slow breath. Okay, so she’d overreacted a little, but was it any wonder when the man in front of her looked as if he’d been lifted from the cover of a women’s magazine.

      “You should have left breakfast to me,” she felt obligated to say, glad that at least she was going to be of use around here.

      “I thought I’d let you settle in on your first morning here.”

      “Thanks, but I rose ahead of time so I could get things ready for you in case Josh woke early, too.”

      “No need to do that. I can always wait. Your son can’t.”

      Her heart tilted. She was not sure she wanted to see more of the caring side to Kirk Deverill. She wanted to dislike the man. “I would think—”

      “Then don’t. If I need to have breakfast early in future and you’re not around, then I’ll make it myself.”

      “You shouldn’t have to.”

      He slanted her a sardonic glance. “I think I can manage to feed myself occasionally.”

      Fine. Who was she to tell him what to do?

      “By the way, there’s no need for you to feed Suzi this morning. I’ve already done it. You can start tonight.” He began transferring the bacon onto a plate. “Take a seat. Breakfast is ready.”

      She looked across at the bacon and eggs, then up at the man himself. For a moment she was distracted again by the look of him. “I think I hear Josh,” she said, spinning away.

      She hurried down the hallway. She hadn’t heard Josh at all, but she needed time to get used to sharing breakfast alone with an attractive man other than her husband.

      Of course, she had to remember Mike had often been doing shift work and hadn’t been home for breakfast, though that wasn’t the point. Not being used to intimacy with another man was the main thing here.

      Josh was just waking up as she tiptoed over to his crib. She gave him a big good-morning kiss and proceeded to change his diaper and dress him, and by the time she headed back to the kitchen

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