Lost and Found Father. Sheri WhiteFeather
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A few minutes later, Kaley walked into the kitchen. The product of their union, Victoria thought. She’d more or less stumbled out of bed. She was still wearing her pajamas, and on her feet were novelty slippers that looked like fuzzy creatures with eyeballs. She called them her purple people eaters after an old song she thought was funny.
“Morning,” Victoria quickly said. “Now that you’re here, I’ll start breakfast. Ham and cheese omelets with hash browns on the side.”
“Yum. Okay. Thanks.” Kaley plopped down at the table and said, “Hey,” to Ryan.
“Hey, yourself.” He smiled at her outfit.
Victoria began by peeling potatoes. She loved cooking for her daughter, relishing the mommy feeling it gave her. She would have to be careful that whipping up meals for Ryan didn’t create a wifely feeling. Old dreams. Old bewitchments. This was not a family in the making.
Ryan said to Kaley, “I got the box down from the attic this morning. So anytime you’re ready, we can look through it.”
“Really? Wow. That was fast.”
No kidding, Victoria thought. Not only had he spent time outside, he’d rummaged around in the attic, too.
“We can look through it after breakfast,” Kaley said. “Then afterward, I’ll get my photo album.” She grinned. “We can have a picture party.”
Ryan grinned, too. Boyish as hell. Victoria cursed the knee-jerk reaction it gave her.
He said to their daughter, “Too bad we don’t have any cake and ice cream to go with it.”
Kaley tapped her purple people eaters together, making the eyeballs roll around. “Victoria is going to teach me to bake.”
“Yes, she told me. That’ll be cool. You two can fatten me up while you’re here.”
He was still leaning against the counter, with his lean male hips and whipcord arms. Cake and ice cream wasn’t about to fatten him up. Funny thing, too, he probably stayed in shape from his country-fresh lifestyle, hiking and biking and lifting bales of hay, whereas Victoria belonged to a trendy gym, taking scheduled classes and running on a treadmill like a hamster on a wheel.
He refilled his coffee and asked Kaley, “Do you want a cup?”
“No thanks. I’m more of a cappuccino girl.”
“With purple feet?” He chuckled. “There’s a gourmet coffee machine in the break room at the clinic. It’s one of those single-serve models with disposable brewing cups. No one ever really uses it. I can bring it in here, if that suits you.”
She shot him a winning smile. “Thanks. That’d be super.”
He left by way of the mudroom.
After he was gone, Kaley sad, “He’s nice. He’s handsome, too, for the dad type. But so is my dad. I wonder if they’re going to become friends.”
“They’re not going to know each other very well, honey. It could be a long time before they ever meet.”
“Why? Because they live so far away? They’re going to have to hang out, eventually. I want both of them to be at my college graduation.”
“You’re only just starting school in the fall. You’ve got at least a full four years to go.”
“I know, but there are other things, too. Like me getting married and having kids. If they don’t become friends, stuff like that will be awkward for everyone.”
“Let’s focus on one life-altering event at a time.” Victoria didn’t want to consider how many times in the future that she would be required to see Ryan.
He returned with the gourmet coffeemaker and set it up, brewing a single cup of flavored cappuccino for Kaley.
Victoria finished making breakfast and set the table.
“This is nice,” Ryan said, as the three them sat down.
Apparently Kaley thought so, too. She hummed while she ate, tucked cozily between her birth parents. Victoria was glad that her daughter was enjoying herself, but that still didn’t make them a family.
Ryan remarked how good the food was, and Kaley agreed, marveling over the fact that they were feasting on fresh eggs and drinking milk provided by a miniature cow.
“This feels so fifties,” Kaley said.
“That’s the era this table is from,” Ryan told her. “It belonged to my dad.”
Victoria spoke up. “I’ve been wondering if it was the same one.”
He shifted his attention to her. “You recognized it?”
She nodded. Everything about the past was resurfacing. Everything she’d worked so doggone hard to forget.
He said, “When I first bought this place, Dad moved in with me because he was recovering from a stroke. He insisted that he was going to get well and to move back out on his own. So I put all of his stuff in storage, including this table.” He ran his fingers along the Formica. “But Dad didn’t get well. About a year later, he had another stroke and died. I ended up keeping the table, maybe because it had been around for so long.”
“How long?” Kaley asked.
“Since before my mom died, and I was five when it happened.”
“How did she die?”
“In a car crash. I was too young to hear the specifics, and I never asked about it later. Soon after she died, Dad boxed up any reminders of her, and that was pretty much the end of it. She was a wife and mother who no longer existed.”
“That’s sad,” Kaley said.
Victoria thought so, too. It also explained why his childhood home had been devoid of pictures or mementos.
Kaley turned quiet. Thinking, it appeared, about Ryan’s family. Then she asked, “Did your dad ever date anyone after she was gone?”
“There were a few women, but nothing serious. Mostly he kept to himself.”
“My dad hasn’t dated, and if he has, then it hasn’t gone well. He never brings anyone home. I don’t think that’s healthy.” She turned to Victoria. “Do you?”
Victoria frowned. She rarely dated, and the boy she’d once loved was still alive—and seated right across from her, of all things. “People need time to grieve.”
“It’s been seven years.” Kaley was frowning, too. “I want my dad to have someone in his life.”
“I know, but he has to want a relationship. And contrary to popular belief, there’s nothing wrong with being alone. My parents think that I should be married by now. But we all need to do what’s right for us.”
Victoria could feel Ryan watching her. He’d obviously