The Man She Married. Muriel Jensen
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“You know, the Heart and Health Association proved me right on that one.”
“Or—” Prue talked over her “—you interfere in my love life.”
Paris gave her a look. “Do you even have a love life?”
Prue angled her chin. “I might someday, and I wouldn’t want you to interfere.”
“I understand,” Paris said gravely.
“Incidentally…” Prue couldn’t help the wide smile. “Remember when I was five and you were seven and we stole the chocolate-chip cookie dough while Mom was talking to Dad on the phone?”
Paris nodded. “We told her Mopsy got it. We were so bad at fibbing. Your creative nature apparently didn’t kick in until later.”
“She believed us,” Prue told her. “I just found out this morning. When I told her we lied, she was shocked.”
Paris grinned with the old mischief of their childhood. “You’re kidding! That story was so transparent!”
Prue made a face. “Now I feel guilty. I suppose she loved us, so she trusted us.”
Prue thanked Paris for the ride and promised to call her when she was finished for the day. Then she got out of the car and let herself into the building as Paris drove away.
Trust. There was that word Prue didn’t want to hear again. At least not today, because it brought to mind the image of Gideon’s face telling her he didn’t want her back because he couldn’t live with anyone who didn’t trust him.
Well, she was embarking on her own future, and she didn’t want to have to trust anyone but herself.
GIDEON SAT on an antique settee in front of the fire in the parlor of the Yankee Inn. He’d had a long telephone conversation with Dean, who told him there was little point in his coming to Kenton Cove until the lodge was rebuilt and, now that cold weather was setting in there, work wouldn’t start until spring.
Disappointed but trying to put a positive face on the situation, Gideon had canceled his flights and was perusing the Maple Hill Mirror, trying to decide what to do with himself for the next seven or eight months.
The inn’s door burst open suddenly and he found himself surrounded by a group of wet-haired children smelling of chlorine and carrying damp towels. There were three girls and a boy, and not an adult in sight. Jackie had disappeared into an office at the back and hadn’t returned.
“Hi.” A pretty little blond girl about ten or eleven sat beside him. “You’re the senator, aren’t you?”
Gideon smiled politely, wondering where she’d gotten that information. “Well, I was. I’m not a senator anymore,” he said, folding down a corner of the paper. “You’re that kid that’s been to the swimming pool.”
She giggled. “How’d you know that?” Then remembering her wet hair and her obvious towel, she giggled again. “Oh, yeah. We have swimming lessons after school.”
Another little blonde, several years younger than the one next to him, stood with a scolding expression. “You’re not supposed to get naked with somebody unless you’re married to them.”
“Rachel!” A dark-haired child with large brown eyes whose age appeared to be somewhere between the other two came to sit on his other side. She looked mortified. “I’m sorry,” she said to Gideon. “My sister’s too little to understand about gossip and how you’re not supposed to believe it or pass it on.”
Oh, good. Even children knew he was the object of gossip and what it was all about. He folded the paper and put it on the low table in front of him.
“I’m not too little!” Rachel denied. “Mom said that Grandma said—”
“Grandma gossips!” the older sister interrupted her. “And Mom doesn’t want us to do that.” She turned to Gideon. “Our mom owns the inn.”
“Ah. You’re Mrs. Whitcomb’s children.”
“Her name’s Jackie,” Rachel informed him. “Our dad’s Hank. He’s our second one. The first one died.” She pointed her wet towel at the brunette. “That’s Erica, and that’s Ashley. She’s our friend.” She pointed to the young boy beside her. “This is Brian.”
“He’s my brother,” Ashley said.
“Only, he’s not really.” Rachel seemed to have a compulsion for detail. “His mom’s in jail, so Mariah and Cam adopted him. Everybody died in Ashley’s family.”
Erica rolled her eyes and groaned in dismay. “That’s private stuff!” she said to Rachel. “You don’t just blab it to everybody!”
Rachel frowned in hurt surprise. “We know him.” She pointed to Gideon. “Well, we know about him. He’s Prue’s husband, and Prue’s friends with Ashley’s mom and dad. And Dad said he liked him.”
Gideon met Brian’s eyes, wondering how he was taking the girls’ candor. He was pleased to see that it didn’t seem to be bothering him. Brian was obviously well adjusted to his new situation. Gideon had met Cam that morning over the eventful breakfast at the Barn. He’d seemed like a good guy. They all had.
He held his hand out to the boy. “Hi, Brian. I’m Gideon.”
Brian shook his hand and smiled. “You know judo,” he announced with enthusiasm. “Uncle Hank said! Can you throw me?”
“Sure.” Gideon stood, and without giving the boy a moment, he tossed him spectacularly over his right hip, protecting the boy’s landing with a firm grip on him. Then he pulled him up.
“Wow!” Brian was flushed with excitement.
The girls were all on their feet. “Do me!” Rachel demanded. Gideon complied. Squeals of hilarity reigned as he swung the other two girls to the floor.
Hank pushed his way into the lobby just in time to catch Brian pleading to be thrown a second time.
“Daddy!” Rachel ran to him, caught his hand and pulled him toward the laughing group of children, talking all the time. “He can do judo!” she exclaimed. “And he made Brian fly through the air, then he did it to me, then he did everybody!”
“And he’s gonna do me again!” Brian shouted. “Go ahead, Gideon.”
Gideon looked at Hank in question. He nodded his approval. Brian went over with a giggling cry.
“Whoa.” Hank came closer, smiling. “You’re going to have to teach me to do that.” He frowned teasingly at the kids. “And when I take the trouble to pick you up, it would be nice if you didn’t race off and leave me behind the minute the car stops.”
“Sorry, Dad,” Erica said, then without drawing a breath asked Gideon, “Can you throw Daddy?”
Gideon shook his head. “Space is too small. And I’m