Marrying the Enemy. Nicola Marsh
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That floored her. She gaped and he placed a fingertip under her chin to close her mouth.
He chuckled. ‘You don’t honestly think I’d go through all this trouble to gain entry into moneyed circles only to bolt in a few months’ time?’ He shook his head. ‘Uh-uh. I’m here to stay.’
When she remained silent, continuing to stare at him as if he’d sprouted horns, he ducked down to whisper in her ear.
‘Still want to be my wife? Indefinitely?’
He expected her to retract, to bluster, to bolt.
He should’ve known she’d one-up him.
Sliding a hand around his neck to anchor him, she stood on tiptoes.
‘I do,’ she murmured against the side of his mouth, a moment before she kissed him.
‘WHO’S the hot blonde you were lip-locking?’
Jax depended on Murray, his manager in Melbourne, but that didn’t mean he had to like him. The guy had waltzed into this shindig, shaken hands with half the crowd before eventually sidling up to his boss.
If Jax didn’t value his expertise, he’d fire his schmoozy ass.
He followed Murray’s line of vision, where Ruby held court in a group of preened, pampered women. They fawned over her, admiring her jewellery, touching the diamonds dangling from her ears. She smiled and nodded and chatted, at ease in this environment while he struggled to comprehend the enormity of what they’d agreed to.
‘She’s my...fiancée.’
Damn, saying it out loud didn’t make it easier to understand.
Murray whistled low. ‘Your what?’
‘You heard me.’
Murray smacked his palm against his ear. ‘Could’ve sworn you just said that hottie is your fiancée. Wow, she’s—’
Jax’s withering glare silenced his manager whose curious gaze swung between him and Ruby.
‘Why didn’t you say something?’
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