Their Secret Child. Mary Forbes J.
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He was grinning when she poked her head from the doorway. “Is that okay?”
“Yup, it’s yours. And so are these boxes.” He walked to five piled in the corridor, hoisted two into his arms. When they had carried them in, he said, “Have at it, honey. Decorate it any way you want.”
She flung her arms around him in a quick, rare hug. “Thanks, Dad.”
“My pleasure.” He walked to the doorway. “You going to be okay for a bit? I’d like to wander over and introduce myself to Ms. Malloy and her daughter. Might as well find out now if I’ll need to plant a twenty-foot wall in front of my house.”
Her eyes were apprehensive. “Really?”
Skip laughed. “Just kidding, Bean.”
“Oh. Want me to come?” She looked longingly around her room.
“No. You have fun. I’ll be back in two shakes.” He started down the hallway.
“Dad?” She peered around the doorjamb.
“Don’t let Ms. Malloy scare you.”
“Why? Is she ugly?” From what he’d seen across the school gym last week, she looked as he remembered. Petite and pretty.
Becky shook her head. “Her eyes are mean.”
He couldn’t imagine it. Addie had the prettiest, bluest eyes he’d ever seen. And they gazed at him every day from Becky’s dear face.
All through lunch, the memory of Skip’s daughter smiling at Michaela dug like a sliver into Addie’s thoughts. He had a daughter who looked like him. Who was almost the age their child would have been. Wasting time had obviously not been a priority in Skip Dalton’s life. How incredibly dumb she’d been to presume he had mourned the loss of their child. Instead, he immediately found someone else and—She slammed the last rinsed lunch plate onto the drying rack and bit her tongue to keep from screaming.
Some rich guy looking for a summer place. Too late she associated the chitchat in Burnt Bend regarding the house in the trees across Clover Road….
He had been that guy.
Such a fool she was, keeping her head in the sand, shunning gossip. She hated it at seventeen when she found herself pregnant, and she hated it today, but sometimes, dammit, she should listen. On rare occasions that grapevine fed vital information.
A laugh welled in her throat—before anger, dislike and hurt surged forth. Damn him.
He would have known she lived within shouting distance. He would have investigated his neighbors, the area surrounding his land. A successful and affluent man like Skip Dalton would have taken precautionary steps before moving into a community, especially a rural community where trees and three-hundred-yard driveways concealed houses from view. He was money now. Barrels of money.
“Mommy?” Michaela spoke at her side.
Cool head, Addie. Your daughter is all that matters. “What, angel?”
“Can I lick s-s-some honey off a s-s-spoon after we check the b-b-bees?”
“Oh, button.” Addie cupped her child’s face, kissed her silky hair. “You bet.” And just like that the hurt in her heart eased. “Go to the washroom, then we’ll head out.”
Smiling, she watched the child run from the kitchen. Michaela loved honey—such a natural source of nourishment—and, amazingly, was not afraid of the hives.
Michaela, she thought. Her baby, her reason for living.
Two minutes later, she led the way down the path to the wooden honey shed where she kept their “spacemen” suits, as Michaela called the white coveralls they wore to attend the hives, and where, in an hour, she would be melting the wax off the honeycombs with a hot knife before running the honey.
For years, Addie’s father operated eighty hives, but Addie’s main responsibility was Michaela. Added to that was the high school where she’d begun teaching again after her divorce. So last winter, she had reduced the apiary to twelve hives. Eight on a red clover field three miles down the road, and four on a neighboring cucumber-squash patch. Although she harvested the bulk of the honey the first week of August, the clover bees would continue to produce until Labor Day.
She was stacking the fresh frames—combs in which bees produced harvestable honey—when Michaela darted for the shed door. “Mom! I f-f-forgot F-F-Felicity.”
Chuckling, Addie handed her daughter the house key. “Can’t have that, button. Don’t forget to lock up when you come out.”
From the time Michaela was old enough to come along, Addie had set the rule that only one doll came for the trip when they went to see the bees, and that doll remained secured in the truck’s cab away from the insects.
As Michaela rushed down the path toward the back door, Addie headed for the pickup with their coveralls and gear: hive tool, smoker and the last stack of fresh frames.
That’d be so cool, Becky Dalton had told Michaela when she asked if the girl wanted to see the hives thirty minutes ago.
How old was she? Eleven, twelve? What did it matter?
A lot, dammit!
He’d moved on without a second’s thought after telling Addie how much he loved her, and that nothing short of death would keep them apart. Lying rat. God, how could she have been so stupid?
Rehashing the memories, she wanted to scream and stamp her feet.
A thought had her stumbling. What if he’d gotten a college girl pregnant around the same time he and Addie—
Oh, God. Her heart hurt. How often had she stood at the edge of that game field over the years and looked up at the bleachers? And remembered.
Remembered sitting among the hundreds of cheering students, watching the boy in the black-and-gold Fire High uniform take charge of his team.
How many times had she wondered if their baby had his eyes or mouth or those crazy elongated lashes? Whether she was tall or short, dark or blond? If she had his runners’ legs?
Most of all, she wondered if the child knew how badly Addie had wanted her. And failed her.
She threw the gear into the bed of the truck harder than necessary, then reached down to the stack of frames on the ground. Forgive me, little one.
A shadow fell across her face. From the corner of her eye she caught sight of a pair of ratty men’s sneakers.
“Hello, Addie.”
Her heart slammed her ribs. His voice. So familiar and at one time so beloved. She couldn’t move, couldn’t move an inch. He’s here