I Do! I Do!. Pamela Toth
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With a last enthusiastic whoop, she spun in a wobbly circle just in time to see her future boss getting into his truck right across the empty street.
If she’d had any doubt that he had missed her little show, the wave of his hand before he shut his door dispelled it.
Chapter Two
Mitch sat in his leather office chair frowning at the invitation to DJ Traub’s wedding. It wasn’t that Mitch begrudged DJ the happiness of marrying a woman he so obviously loved—it was just that he hated attending social functions by himself.
He slipped the invitation back into its matching envelope and tossed it into the top drawer of his desk. Glancing impatiently at the clock on the opposite wall, which had been made from a thin slice of Montana granite, he slid back his chair and got to his feet.
This was Lizbeth’s first day and she would be here at any moment. Convincing her to come to work for him hadn’t been easy, but she’d finally agreed to give her notice at the Lounge.
Mitch hadn’t been surprised to get an angry phone call that same day from Grant, accusing him of stealing the best bartender on staff. Lucky for Mitch that his friendship with Clifton went back far enough that the other man had calmed down almost immediately, even though he had acquired the reputation of being a real hard-ass. With a knowing chuckle, Grant even warned him about getting involved with a woman like Liz.
“It’s strictly business,” Mitch had replied without a twinge of guilt, “but if I do need dating advice, I’ll be sure to come to you first.”
It was no secret among the guys that Grant himself had at one time pretended a romantic interest in Lizbeth in order to make Stephanie Julen jealous. Perhaps he’d forgotten his little ploy, since he persuaded Steph to marry him, but Mitch hadn’t.
Restlessly, he sat back down and picked up a trade magazine. He was flipping through the pages when Suzy’s perky voice came over his intercom. She’d agreed to stay on for a few more days until Liz was comfortable.
“Boss, you said to let you know when Ms. Stanton arrived. She’s getting out of her Jeep right now.”
“Okay, thanks.” As he got to his feet and circled his desk, he could feel the same adrenaline rush he got whenever he began a new project. Well, in a crazy way, getting to know Lizbeth better on his own turf was a project of sorts, one he hoped would become a rousing success.
By the time he walked down the short hallway to the reception area adjacent to the showroom, Lizbeth was coming through the glass front door. Even though he recognized her, he nearly did a double-take.
The brightly colored butterfly who had previously captured his attention had evolved into a dull brown moth.
Lizbeth must have noticed his expression, because her smile faded. “I was supposed to start today, wasn’t I?” she asked hesitantly. “I thought you said to come in on Monday.”
Mitch gathered his scattered wits and hurried forward, hand extended. “Of course,” he exclaimed with a heartiness that sounded false to his own ears. “You’re right on time, isn’t she, Suzy?”
The younger girl bobbed her head. “Absolutely,” she agreed with an uncomplicated grin. “We start work at eight sharp.”
Lizbeth appeared relieved as she slipped off her tan coat. “Is there somewhere I can put this?”
“Shall I show her?” Suzy asked Mitch while he wondered what had happened to the brightly streaked auburn hair that was currently fastened into a tidy knot on top of Lizbeth’s head. Its severity went all too well with her dark brown jacket, matching slacks and low-heeled shoes, all proof of just how seriously she took her new job.
She was still beautiful, especially when she smiled, but he’d grown fond of her more eccentric appearance. It seemed like part of her personality, so perhaps that would be more subdued as well. He was curious to find out.
“No, that’s okay,” he told Suzy, who waited expectantly. “I’ll show her.” He indicated that his new assistant proceed him down the hall. “This way.”
After Lizbeth had hung up her coat, he introduced her to the bookkeeper, who handed her some payroll forms to fill out.
“When she’s done, bring her to my office,” he told Nita. If the older woman thought it was odd that Mitch was showing Lizbeth around personally, she didn’t let on. After all, it was a small office and Liz was going to report directly to him.
“Sure thing,” she said instead, handing Lizbeth a pen.
Once he was back behind his desk, Mitch swiveled his chair around so he could stare out the window at the view of jagged mountains. The sight never failed to remind him of his relative insignificance compared to such timeless grandeur. In the face of it, whatever he was wrestling with usually shrunk to manageable proportions.
Today the view barely registered as he stared blindly. Had he forgotten that this butterfly he’d hoped to impress with his success was a real person, with desires and ambitions of her own? Had he given a thought to what she might want when he had concocted this harebrained scheme?
A knock on his open door interrupted his silent self-condemnation. Swapping out his frown for a more welcoming expression, he got to his feet.
“Lizbeth, come on in,” he invited.
“Remember, I prefer Liz if you don’t mind,” she said softly. “And what should I call you now that you’re my boss?”
“I’m still just Mitch,” he replied. “We’re a pretty informal bunch here and a few of my people have been with me since the beginning.”
“I hope you’ll have the time to tell me about it.” She hovered just inside the door, hands clasped loosely in front of her.
Silently he reminded himself that she was probably trying to make a few points, but that she wouldn’t really be interested in the details of how he’d built Cates International from the ground up.
“For now let’s take a quick look at the shop,” he suggested. “I’ll introduce you to the foreman and the warehouse manager.”
By the time Liz got home to her sister’s cabin that evening, she was tired but elated. Everyone she’d met today seemed so nice. Especially Mitch.
As far as she knew, he was still single. The old Liz would have been focused on getting him to ask her out. Resisting his tall, dark and possibly dangerous appeal wasn’t going to be easy, but she was determined to keep this relationship professional.
After she had set down her purse and the bag from the local teriyaki take-out, she hung her new coat on a hook next to the door. The cabin didn’t provide any closets, just a tiny wardrobe in the single bedroom. Maybe someday she would move into town, but giving up the quiet setting and spectacular scenery wouldn’t be easy unless her sister and brother-in-law decided that they wanted the cabin for themselves. Meanwhile, Liz intended to focus all of her energy on learning everything she could about Cates International.
Liz’s third day on the job was her first without Suzy running interference. So far her duties had been light. Despite what Mitch had told her previously, if he was around he usually answered his own phone and took