For Joy's Sake. Tara Quinn Taylor

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For Joy's Sake - Tara Quinn Taylor

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      Julie fiddled with the collar of the T-shirt on her own page. Waiting to see what came next in Joy’s drawing.

      Two dots, where eyes would go.

      And then little broken lines straight down from them.

      Julie didn’t need to be a psychiatrist to get that one. Just as Joy didn’t need to be an artist to draw an understandable depiction. Or use words to speak.

      The precious little girl, whose father had most likely just abducted her mother, was crying inside.

      * * *

      LILA MCDANIELS, IN brown pants and jacket, with a top that was a darker shade, met Hunter and Edward in the small public lobby of The Lemonade Stand. Other than the nondescript, tiled room, the rest of the premises were accessible only by pass code or key.

      “Edward.” The Stand’s managing director took the doctor’s hand briefly, released it and stepped back immediately. Hunter didn’t know if Edward noticed or not, but he didn’t think the reception boded well. “Hunter.” Lila turned her attention to him with a smile that, while not effusive, still held what seemed like genuine welcome.

      What the hell?

      “I’m so grateful to you for entertaining my plea,” Edward said, his tone about as far from standoffish as Hunter had heard. He crossed his hands one over the other in front of him and gave the older woman a smile.

      She quickly turned to lead them toward a private door...

      Shrugging off his impressions, putting them down to his own discomfort, he followed the other two back down the hall. The same hall they’d walked through when they’d come here a few days ago.

      Edward’s granddaughter was now a resident at the Stand. Which made him more of a client than the total stranger he’d been the last time they’d visited. The man’s daughter was missing. His grandchild was traumatized. What did Hunter know about the nuances of any of that?

      Figuring they were heading toward Lila’s office again, he was surprised when they stopped short before they reached it. They stood in front of an open door that looked like it led to some kind of small but nicely appointed conference room.

      Not a lot of space for mingling, he noticed first. But the upholstered chairs at the long table were an attractive touch. Comfortable.

      The beige color on the back wall offset the flowered prints. Not his personal taste, but for an event...

      He’d set a dinner there if the room had been offered for his use. It would suit a small charity board consisting of members who all knew each other well—and didn’t intend to stay long.

      Lila, with Edward standing at her side in the doorway, was introducing him and turned, stepping more completely into the room, so that Hunter could come forward, as well.

      And actually see the two women sitting at the table.

      He supposed the managing director continued to speak. He heard a voice. But he was no longer paying attention.

      Julie Fairbanks was one of the women at that table.

      Which confused the hell out of him.

      * * *

      HUNTER HAD AN hour to spare for Edward’s meeting. He wished he had all night. While he didn’t like feeling superfluous, particularly when he had so much to do, he walked into the conference room, took the seat next to Edward and stared at Julie Fairbanks.

      Why was she there?

      He tried the silent approach, trying to get her to look at him and read his mind. It failed.

      “Dr. Mantle, I appreciate the urgency of your situation, but before we could even consider arranging a meeting between you and your granddaughter, we need to talk with you.”

      The speaker, Sara Havens Edwin, as she’d been introduced, was a full-time counselor at the Stand. The introduction of Julie had included no title.

      Edward nodded. “Of course.” His hands were folded on the table now, his attention fully on the blonde counselor. Lila, at the head of the table, had handed the meeting over to Sara.

      For the most part, Hunter watched Julie. Was she a counselor, too? No one had ever said so. Surely Brett would’ve told him if she worked for him, when he’d asked about her on the golf course.

      What had Brett said?

      That she’d been hurt.

      He’d assumed that meant she’d gone through a painful breakup.

      She didn’t look in his direction. She watched Sara, with a glance or two at Edward as he answered basic questions about himself, including the fact that he’d taken a leave of absence from his practice.

      “You can always go through the courts to get an order for visitation with your granddaughter.”

      Hunter’s glance swung from Julie to Sara when he heard the counselor’s words.

      “I’m aware of that,” Edward said. “Ms. McDaniels and I have spoken about it.” Edward’s smile at the director held gratitude. She nodded, and then he focused on Sara.

      “In the first place, that would take time,” Edward continued with the air of one in charge, “although I understand there’s the possibility of an emergency temporary order. At this point, I’m not interested in my rights. I’m interested in the best care for my granddaughter...” His voice faded as he cleared his throat.

      Hunter felt he should jump in. Say something to lighten the moment. It was the whole reason Edward had asked him to be there.

      But Edward didn’t know Hunter well. When it came to emotional drama, he went surfing.

      “I understand that further disruption in Joy’s life wouldn’t be good. I also know for a fact that family love is a strong healer,” Edward continued, then looked Hunter’s way.

      He figured his uncle by marriage was doing just fine. So, fingers steepled at his lips as though he was completely familiar with such things, he nodded.

      “Can you plan to stay around awhile if necessary?” Sara asked, giving Edward a piercing glance.


      “He’s got a room at my place anytime he wants it and for as long as he needs it.” Hunter addressed the counselor.

      “I...didn’t realize Hunter was going to be here...”

      He turned to Julie the second he heard her voice.

      “I had no idea you were related to Joy’s grandfather,” she said.

      “By marriage,” he felt compelled to say, to be completely truthful on that score. “His sister’s married to my father.”

      Julie looked between Sara and Lila. “I’ve known Hunter awhile. He wouldn’t be here if he thought there was any reason to worry where Edward’s concerned.”

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