New Arrivals: One Secret Child: Mistress, Mother...Wife? / Wealthy Australian, Secret Son / Her Prince's Secret Son. Margaret Way
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Thumping her pillow in pure frustration, Anna released a pained groan. Then, with her eyes determinedly shut, she sent up a swift plea to the universe for the incessant worry going through her mind to grind to a halt so that she might at least get a couple of hours’ rest before having to rise for work…
‘You’re late, Miss Bailey.’
The clipped pronouncement came not from the owners of the hotel, nor Jason their son, but from Dante. He was seated at the head of the meeting table in Grant and Anita’s office, wearing another mouthwateringly tailored dark suit that he’d teamed with an elegant black shirt—the only splash of colour came from his vivid cobalt silk tie and his disturbing light eyes…eyes that now pierced Anna like the dazzling beams of sunlight reflecting on water as she stood in the doorway, wrestling with her embarrassment at being reprimanded.
So the gloves were off, were they? Clearly he’d reflected on her news of yesterday and he did mean to punish her. Making it clear he was the one in charge, he’d probably make her rue the day she’d kept Tia a secret from him and then had the temerity to say she wouldn’t marry him.
‘I’m sorry. I’m afraid I had a bit of a sleepless night. When I did manage to drop off I ended up sleeping through the alarm.’
‘Tia’s not coming down with something, is she?’ Anita’s perfectly arched brows lifted concernedly.
Straight away, Anna saw Dante’s smooth lightly-tanned forehead tighten too.
‘No, she’s fine. I just couldn’t sleep, that’s all.’
Frown disappearing, he scanned a document in front of him on the table, then lifted his gaze to examine her coolly. ‘That kind of lame excuse for being late is unacceptable, Miss Bailey. I’d advise you to get a louder alarm clock if you want to keep your position here.’
Even her employers’ mouths dropped opened at that. As the avuncular Grant shifted uncomfortably in his seat, Anita directed a sympathetic smile at Anna and mouthed don’t worry.
The older woman moved her attention immediately back to the outrageously handsome man at the head of the table. Although her voice was soft it didn’t lack authority.
‘Sleeping through the alarm happens to the best of us from time to time—and we’ve always called our staff by their first names…especially Anna. As we indicated to you before, she’s not just an employee. She’s a friend too.’
‘And that’s precisely what goes wrong in family businesses,’ Dante returned, sharp as a blade. ‘Whilst I’m all for informality, to a degree, it’s still important to monitor it so it doesn’t get out of control, or your staff will start taking advantage of your goodwill.’
‘How dare you?’ With her heart beating a tattoo that wouldn’t shame a military marching band, Anna glared at the owners’ new partner and took affront at the superior tone in his voice. ‘I would never dream of taking advantage of my employers’ goodwill. I owe them everything…they’ve given me a job, a home—’
Pulling out a chair next to Jason and dropping down into it, she firmly closed her lips to stop any further angry words from recklessly pouring out. What was between Dante and her was personal, she thought furiously. She wouldn’t drag her personal resentments into work meetings and neither should he!
So she hadn’t been able to sleep last night? Dante reflected with satisfaction, ignoring her outburst. His glance swept helplessly over her delicate, now flushed features. Well, neither had he. Learning only a few short hours ago that he was the father of the most engaging and beautiful child he’d ever seen had never been going to help him get the best night’s rest known to man. Neither was the fact that Anna had seemed far from keen on the idea of marrying him. As in the past, rejection was like a scythe, slicing open his heart. But Dante had already decided she could refuse him all she liked—because in the end he was determined to have his way. As far as his daughter was concerned he would use any means possible to ensure she had the upbringing and the future she deserved. But right now he needed to deal with what was in front of him—his promise and commitment to the Mirabelle, to turn the business around and have it flourishing again. Already his mind was buzzing with ideas for changes and improvements. And he would begin as he usually began when he went into a business to update it and improve its profitability—he would interview the staff.
‘Can I pour you some coffee? ‘ Reaching for the newly filled cafetière, Dante glanced expectantly at Anna as she sat down on the other side of his desk.
‘No, thank you.’ Her sherry-brown gaze briefly acknowledged him then quickly moved away again.
Irritation and disappointment threatened his effort to be as good-humoured and fair as possible. Was she still brooding about him ticking her off earlier? As much as his pride wanted to cajole her into viewing him more favourably, right now this interview needed to get underway as well as remain professional, and Dante knew a battle of wills wouldn’t help. Their personal issues would have to wait until later tonight.
‘Fine…Good. We’ll make a start, then, shall we?’
‘As you wish.’
‘For goodness’ sake, you don’t have to sit there like you’re about to climb the steps up to the guillotine! All I’m doing is interviewing you about your job.’ Tunnelling his fingers through his hair, Dante knew his breath was slightly ragged as he fought to regain control of his temper. What was it about this woman that always inflamed him? Whether it was lustful desire or a burst of bad temper she always seemed to inspire some kind of volatile reaction.
‘Am I going to keep my job, or are you planning to replace me with someone else in your clean sweep?’
‘What?’ His dark blond brows drew together in puzzlement. Anna was slumped back in her chair, and the fear in her eyes was suddenly clear as daylight to Dante.
‘I mean, in your drive to improve things, is my job under threat?’
A flash of memory of that night they’d met came back to Dante, and he recalled her telling him that she’d lost her previous job to a ‘ruthless takeover’.
‘I’m only interviewing you to find out what your responsibilities and duties are, and if you enjoy your work. I have no plans to replace or fire anyone right now, so your job is quite safe.’
‘Oh…’ Her sigh was relieved. Her restless hand lifted to play with the tiny heart-shaped crystal on the end of a slim gold chain she wore round her neck. Had an admirer bought her that?
His equilibrium coming under disagreeable fire yet again, Dante leaned forward to level his gaze. ‘Now that we’ve got that out of the way, perhaps you could give me a rundown of your duties?’
‘I will… Only…’