Real Men Wear Plaid!. Rhonda Nelson
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And she could quite easily become addicted to the sensation.
Or more accurately, addicted to him.
How intriguing that they were both seeking the same sort of answer.
“YOU’D BETTER GIVE me a time limit or you’ll never get me out of here,” Gemma warned him. Here being The Green Welly in Tyndrum, a fantastic shop which featured everything from its own whiskey store to outdoor wear and all items in between. Gemma had already spied the heather jewelry and cashmere scarves. Her eyes had simultaneously glazed over and lit up.
Ewan consulted his watch. Despite the Ben More section, it had only taken them a couple of hours to reach Tyndrum, but if they were going to make Kingshouse by dark, then they really couldn’t afford to linger here long.
“Twenty minutes,” Ewan told her, which seemed completely fair to him.
They were there for an hour, during which she bought heather earrings, a cashmere scarf, a floppy hat, whiskey for her father, scone mix and clotted cream and jam for her mother and countless other items for various members of her family back in the States. Thankfully, rather than lug it around for the rest of the trip, she had it all conveniently shipped directly to her door.
Since she’d spent what should have been their time allotted for lunch in the store, they’d bought take-away sandwiches, crisps and Mars Bar Krispies, and picnicked in a shady little glen next to the River Orchy. The water rushed over the ancient stones, lending its own music. Various birds flitted among the branches above their heads and the scent of thistle and heather perfumed the dewy air.
He had no complaints.
The food was excellent and the company… The company kicked ass.
He’d learned a lot about his little damsel in distress this morning. She greeted the day with more enthusiasm than he was accustomed to, for starters. Ewan preferred to slide gently into the day. Gemma grabbed it by the balls and tugged it along in her wake. She liked extra sugar in her tea, was delighted over Nutella—something she’d never tried before—and occasionally hummed when she walked.
Still, there was so much more he wanted to know about her and he’d just thought of a clever way to make that happen. It was a camp game, but it would have the same effect.
“I’ve got an idea,” he said.
She stopped chewing and her guarded gaze found his. A half-smile turned her lips. “Why does that instill my heart with a bit of panic?”
He laughed, struck anew at how easy it was to be with her, how right the world felt when they were breathing the same air. “I don’t know, but it’s completely unwarranted, I can assure you.”
She relaxed once more. “Then what’s this idea of yours?”
“I want you to show me five things in that backpack.”
She blinked. “What?”
“You heard me. Five things from your backpack. It’s an icebreaker of sorts. You can tell a lot about a person by what they carry with them on a journey such as this.”
Her gaze turned speculative. “And you’re going to do the same? Show me five things in yours?”
“Of course.”
She nodded succinctly. “Okay, I’m game. Do I take them out or do you? Draw at random or select?”
“We’ll do yours first, and I draw at random.”
Gemma reached over and grabbed her bag, then opened the larger compartment. “You’re probably going to pull out a pair of my underwear,” she said, blushing slightly.
He hoped that he’d actually have her out of her underwear this evening. “Possibly.” He reached in and withdrew the first thing that his fingers touched, a dog-eared tome of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
Ewan quirked a brow.
She dimpled. “I can read it over and over again and never tire of it.”
Fair enough. He could do the same thing with his Louis L’Amour collection, but he kept that little tidbit to himself. Her choice was a literary classic—his was pure fun.
He reached in again and this time found a digital camera. “May I?” he asked.
She nodded and he powered on the device and flipped through her pictures. There were various snaps of her in front of Scottish landmarks, of those Highland cows she found so fascinating, blooming thistle, lots of sheep and the occasional ruin, but beyond that he found a few she’d taken somewhere else, presumably at home. “Who’s this?”
She leaned forward, bringing her scent with her. Something light and flowery, like bottled sunshine and roses. Mouthwatering. Heat slithered through his loins. “Ah, that’s my sister, Eloise.”
“Yes, by a couple of years. She’s twenty-four.”
So she was twenty-six then. He’d guessed as much. “And this?” he asked, when an image of an enormous Persian cat appeared on the tiny screen.
“That’s my cat, Fitzwilliam. Fitz for short.”
He turned to her and grinned. “That attached to Mr. Darcy, are you?”
She chewed the inside of her cheek. “He’s one of my favorite Austen heroes, although I have to say that Mr. Knightley is a contender as well.”
He sighed dramatically and scratched his chest. “How are real men supposed to compete?”
She chuckled. “They could begin by emulating,” she said.
“Ah,” he breathed knowingly. “Thanks for the tip.”
“Do you want to read the book?” she asked, her eyes twinkling with humor. “Perhaps brush up on your hero tactics?”
“I thought I did an admirable job being a hero yesterday.”
She chuckled again. “Had I needed rescuing it would have been heroic indeed. Since I didn’t, it was merely nice.”
“Nice?” he repeated. “That was all?”
“Nice is excellent,” she said.
“But still not heroic?”
She gave her head a lamentable shake and bit her lip. “Sorry, no.”
His gaze tangled with hers. “Then I’ll just have to try harder.”
“That’s the spirit,” she said, giving a little rah-rah gesture.
Laughing softly, he pilfered through her bag and extracted the last three items. A little sewing kit,