Building a Bad Boy. Colleen Collins
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The way she’d positioned herself, most of her face masked in shadow, reminded him of an animal observing its prey. She in the dark, he in the light. Oh, yes, Ms. Logan thrived on being in the driver’s seat, controlling the situation, and suddenly he wanted nothing better than to shake up her world.
Beat her at her own game.
Ms. Logan, he thought as he started to shrug off his jacket, before the night is over I’m going to get under your skin. This bad boy isn’t going to just “practice” on you. He’s going to unleash some of your tightly bottled passion.
He stepped forward, mindful not to walk too fast so he didn’t lapse into that slightly pigeon-toed walk. He eased into a shaft of red light, shrugging the rest of the way out of his jacket, flexing a bicep as he slung the jacket over his shoulder.
Tony crooned about how, in his solitude, a woman taunted him….
Taunt her.
Nigel purposefully—slowly—strolled away from the part of the bar where Kimberly sat. He headed to the opposite side where he straddled a bar stool—something she hadn’t coached him in but he remembered some badass actor doing it in a chick flick his sisters had loved. Sitting, Nigel ignored Kimberly, resting one elbow on the bar as he cruised the room with his gaze.
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