Sarah Morgan Summer Collection. Sarah Morgan
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Logan pulled a face and leaned back in his chair. ‘I still feel uneasy about her, Evanna. I’d rather she was in hospital.’
Evanna felt a twist of sympathy. ‘It’s natural that you’d worry after what happened with Catherine, but so far there isn’t an indication to admit her. I’m calling on her every day and if there’s any change, we’ll transfer her to the mainland in plenty of time.’ Her eyes met his and she knew what he was thinking. That night, the horrible storm, losing Catherine because the helicopter hadn’t been able to reach the island.
‘Logan …’ She hesitated, unsure whether to speak or not. ‘You know that there was nothing else you could have done, don’t you?’
‘Yes.’ His voice was harsh. ‘But knowing that doesn’t make it any easier to live with.’
‘I know that. I was there, too.’ Evanna swallowed, remembering the night with a shudder of cold panic. ‘And I ask myself every day whether I could have done something different. Whether I should have spotted something.’
He ran a hand over his face and let out a long breath. ‘There was nothing, we both know that. Catherine had an undiagnosed cardiac problem. Even if she’d been in hospital, the outcome would have been the same.’
‘You were amazing, Logan.’ She bit her lip, desperately wanting to comfort but not knowing how. ‘You saved Kirsty and look how bonny she is.’
Evanna hesitated. ‘You should go out more, Logan. I’ll babysit for you so that you can have dinner or something.’
He lifted an eyebrow, a flicker of humour in his blue eyes. ‘With whom, exactly?’
‘I don’t know.’ Evanna blushed, wishing that she’d never brought the subject up. It was bad enough thinking of Logan with another woman, without actually putting a face and name to someone. ‘I just think you need to get out. Have a social life.’
He frowned. ‘I have a social life. I see Kyla and Ethan. Meg and the cousins. You. We’re always eating together and spending time on the beach.’
Her heart skipped. ‘I know that. I was talking about. romance.’
‘I’m not interested in romance.’ His gaze was steady. ‘Maybe I will be one day, but not at the moment.’
‘Then that’s fine. I’m not pushing you. I’m just saying that whenever you’re ready, I’ll help. I just want you to know that I’ll babysit.’ She decided that it was time to change the subject. ‘You’ve been great with Lucy. She tells me that she’s always ringing you in a panic about something and that you’re incredibly patient.’
‘She’s a new mother. It’s natural to worry. I keep meaning to pop in and see her but Ethan and I have just been too busy.’ His eyes lingered on her face for a moment. ‘How’s she getting on?’
‘Fine.’ Evanna nodded. ‘Sweet, actually. She’s so in love with that baby.’
‘Lucy is a nice girl. No problems, then?’
‘No. The feeding is going well, the baby is starting to sleep a bit longer and I’ve seen Lucy out and about, pushing her in the pram, several times this week.’
‘Good.’ Logan glanced at his watch and stood up. ‘Right, then. I’ll get on with my house calls. It’s Wednesday.’ He frowned as if he’d only just realised that fact. ‘Are you all right to look after Kirsty again this afternoon?’
‘Of course. It’s what we agreed. I hadn’t forgotten. Believe me, it’s a relief to escape from the banging and the blaring radio in my house. Why do builders always need the radio on full blast? I’ve eaten my way through two packets of paracetamol since they started and I’m sick of making bacon sandwiches for hungry men.’
Logan picked up his bag. ‘You spoil people, that’s your problem. Most builders are lucky to be given a dry biscuit.’
‘I suppose I always feel that they’ll do a better job if I’ve fed them properly,’ Evanna said gloomily. ‘I still can’t quite believe that this bathroom is going to look nice when it’s finished. There’s dust everywhere and the walls are full of holes.’
‘Craig is a reliable guy. And if he messes up your bathroom, I won’t sign his repeat prescriptions.’ Logan walked towards the door and then turned. ‘By the way, the cleaner cancelled this morning so my house is going to be a complete mess, but just ignore it. Hopefully she’ll be able to make it tomorrow. Anyway, by the time Kirsty has finished throwing her toys around, you’d never know a cleaner had been near the place. It always strikes me as a complete waste of money.’
‘Spoken like a true man. I’ve bought a couple of new books for her. I thought I’d take her down to the beach for a picnic tea once it gets a bit cooler.’
‘Good idea. If I finish my surgery early enough, I might join you down there.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘I’d better dash. Thanks, Evanna.’
‘You’re welcome.’
She watched him go and then lifted a hand to her ponytail. It was a good job he didn’t notice her as a woman, she thought wryly, glancing at her reflection in the mirror. She hadn’t been able to wash her hair for two days because Craig had turned the water off and now there was some problem with the plumbing that wasn’t likely to be fixed for at least another day.
She was desperate for a shower or a bath but Kyla had a houseful of guests so she hadn’t liked to ask.
And then a thought occurred to her.
What was stopping her having a shower at Logan’s? She had a change of clothes in her bag ready for the afternoon, and Kirsty would be perfectly happy to play in the bathroom for five minutes while she washed her hair and scrubbed off all the dust and dirt that seemed to have stuck itself to her during the bathroom renovation.
She walked through the door that connected the surgery to Logan’s house and smiled at Meg. ‘My shift.’
‘I don’t know how you manage her,’ Meg said wearily, handing over a wriggling Kirsty. ‘All I do is spend the morning pulling her away from danger. I had all sorts of plans for cleaning and ironing and I’ve done nothing except wrestle with her. And as for feeding her—I’d swear that girl doesn’t know where her mouth is. I had to change her twice during breakfast. There was porridge on the walls and the ceilings.’
‘Have you been a handful?’ Evanna kissed Kirsty’s cheek and popped her down on the floor. ‘Don’t worry about the house, Meg. She’ll probably have a nap in a minute. I’ll try and catch up on a few things while she sleeps.’
‘Don’t you go doing Logan’s cleaning.’ Meg frowned her disapproval as she gathered her things together. ‘It’s good of you to look after Kirsty, without sorting out his mess.’
‘I’m happy to help, Meg,’ Evanna said softly, smiling at Kirsty who giggled and clapped her hands. ‘I know it isn’t very fashionable to admit it, but I love cleaning and keeping house.’ Only she didn’t have anyone to do it for, except herself.
‘Well, if Kirsty lets you so much as lift a teatowel, it