Cowboy For Keeps. Debra Clopton
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Esther Mae nudged Amanda in the ribs. “Those two Turner men are handsome, but you should see that big brother of theirs!”
“He’s something worth seein’, all right,” Norma Sue whispered, leaning forward over the table.
She didn’t have to be told that these were the brothers who’d hired her. They’d stopped just inside the door and their searching gazes locked on to her almost instantly.
Norma Sue looked from them to Amanda as the cowboys advanced toward them. “Hey, boys,” she drawled. “Y’all look like you’re lookin’ for somebody.”
Both men swept their Stetsons from their heads. The taller one with the more serious eyes that reminded Amanda of Wyatt’s tugged at his collar. “Are you Amanda Hathaway?”
Amanda nodded as suddenly all eyes turned on her.
“We’ve come to apologize and ask you to reconsider.”
“Seth, what in the world do you want Amanda to reconsider?” Esther Mae asked.
Norma Sue’s eyes widened. “You’re Wyatt’s new physical therapist! Aren’t you? The one that was arriving this morning?”
“Of course,” Esther Mae snapped. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Was,” Amanda corrected. “He fired me on the spot.” She cringed, not having meant to blurt it out that way.
“No, he did not,” Esther Mae gasped.
“I’m afraid so,” Amanda said, more evenly. “So unless he changes his mind, I’ll be leaving after I eat. I can’t help anyone who doesn’t want me to.” It was true. But as she looked around at the faces of her new friends, her heart tugged and she wished things had worked out differently.
“I’ll be.” Sam rubbed his jaw. “Ain’t this here a bunch of interestin’ information.”
“It sure is,” Norma Sue drawled. “What you boys got to say about this?” she said at the two men who’d been patiently standing by.
“First, we should introduce ourselves. I’m Cole and this is my brother Seth. We have most definitely come to hire you back. The ball’s in your court, just name your price.”
“Well,” Esther Mae harrumphed. “This is getting better by the moment.”
Amanda hadn’t expected this, but it didn’t matter. She shook her head. “Like I said, I can’t help someone who doesn’t even want to give me a chance. Believe me, it won’t work for me and it won’t work for your brother.”
“He’s not against you,” Seth said. “He’s got a lot on his plate. Don’t get me wrong, he’s going to be a bear to work with, but he needs you and he knows it now.”
“What do you say?” Cole asked, giving her a wink and a lopsided grin.
They were cute and they obviously cared a lot about their brother. But that still wouldn’t make this work. There was only one thing that might. “The only way I’d take the job back is if Wyatt asked me himself.”
“That-a-girl.” Sam chuckled. “Hold your own. When my Adela gets back home from her sister’s, she’s gonna want to hear all about this.”
“That’s what he thought.” Seth reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “I think this should do it.” He handed a yellow paper to her.
She eyed the page as she took it. It was from a yellow legal pad, and when Amanda opened it there was one sentence scrawled in a bold masculine print across the middle of the page.
If you are up for the challenge, come back and prove it. Wyatt Turner.
Her lip twitched and she held back a smile. No way had she expected an apology. What really startled her was that he’d written exactly what she’d needed…a challenge. She and Wyatt Turner needed the same thing.
Folding the paper again, she looked at the brothers. Giving them an encouraging smile, she took a settling breath. “Okay. I’ll stay. I need to eat and then I’ll head back out there. Will you please tell your brother that I said I was up for the challenge. But—is he?”
Chapter Four
He was waiting on the porch when Amanda got out of her car. In some ways he reminded her of George Strait with his dark hair and square chin. And despite the intensity of his eyes, she thought there was a hint of mischievousness lurking there as he watched her walk up the path. In doing her job, no matter what personal crisis she had going on in her own life, she must be positive and figure out the best way to bring her patient around. Not just physically but also emotionally—she had to be positive and engaging in a way he would respond to.
Somewhere in the background a cow mooed—well, several cows mooed, sounding as if they were heralding her arrival. She halted in front of Wyatt and gave him her best grin. “I’m here for my challenge.” His gaze flickered down her as if assessing her once more and wondering if he’d gone crazy asking her back. The distrust was there as clear as day. Determination sprang through her like a runner out of the starting blocks. She hiked a brow when he said nothing, deciding a little challenge of her own was in order.
“I guess I am, too,” he drawled in a voice she bet jurors found almost hypnotizing in a courtroom.
She had to give him credit, though: his tone was civil for the first time since she’d met him. They could build on that.
“I promise you won’t be sorry. I’ll get results.”
“I’ll make sure you do.”
His words were meant as a warning, but they made her smile widen. “I think we are going to have some fun, Mr. Turner.”
The scowl of earlier returned. “I’m not interested in fun. I want out of this chair and on my own two feet and I want it yesterday.”
She chuckled—not a good thing but unstoppable. He was actually very cute in his state of irked. “Then you shall be. Will and want work together to make things happen. I can just look at you and know you’re going to push your limits every time I ask you to do an exercise. So for now, put your scowl away and relax. I promise you, it’s going to be all right.” She sounded like she was talking to one of her kids. Not dissimilar—teens were just as anxious to be up and about as Wyatt. His impatience was nothing new to her and that was a good thing.
“I know with the pain you’re in you might be worrying whether you’ll ever return to your normal lifestyle. Stop worrying, you’ll be back if you do as I ask.”
“You always this sure of yourself?”
“In this case, your case, yes, I am.” Their gazes held and she wanted so badly to tell him again not to worry. But she saw the skepticism alive and well in that look.
She wouldn’t say more for now. He’d think she was patronizing him if she kept on. She’d been watching him for pain and didn’t think it was too bad at the moment, but it was there.