The Perfect Wedding. Arlene James

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The Perfect Wedding - Arlene  James

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know if she’d have put that label to him. Generous, maybe, but no doubt the hardheaded part was most apt. “Still,” she said, “you shouldn’t let him force you into anything.”

      Dedrah lifted her hands in a gesture of futility. “It’s just so complicated,” she said softly, “the whole thing, and I suppose it’s mostly my fault to begin with. It just seemed so simple once. You’re in love, you do what seems natural and too late you realize what a mistake it was. But you live with it, because you love him.” She bowed her head, then added hopefully, “We’ll work it out.”

      Layne nodded. “Often those things that seem simple and natural are the ones that get us in the most trouble,” Layne said gently. “Just remember that God always loves us and that He’s always ready to help us find our way.”

      She’d embarrassed the girl, and obviously Dedrah had been embarrassed plenty already. Her situation had to be a difficult one, and Layne knew she’d interfered in something that really wasn’t any of her business. Enough was enough. She forced herself to relax. “Let’s return to the consultation room,” she said, “if you’re ready.”

      “Sure. I’m sorry to put you to so much trouble.”

      “No trouble,” Layne replied lightly. “Weddings are very emotional. I’m used to clients who dissolve in tears.” It was too true, but Dedrah smiled doubtfully.

      “Well, thanks, anyway,” the girl said, then she tossed her paper cone into the trash can beside the cooler and moved past Layne back the way they’d come.

      When they entered the consultation room, giggles greeted them. Dedrah stopped in her tracks and put her hands together, laughing gently. Curious, Layne stepped around her to see what had wrought this transformation. To her surprise, Rod Corley was holding up baby Heather and blowing against her tummy, making the baby giggle and thrash her limbs wildly. Rod dangled her above him, his face wreathed in smiles.

      “Whose girl are you?” he cooed, rubbing his face against the baby’s. “Whose sweet girl are you? Are you Mommy’s girl? Are you Daddy’s girl? Or are you Uncle’s girl?”

      Uncle’s? Layne shook her head. Well, he certainly seemed to adore the child. He couldn’t be too bad and care that deeply for his baby. She liked him immensely at that moment, and it took all her self-control not to join in the play. She was really a pretty baby and so sweet-tempered. Dedrah was very blessed in many ways.

      Once again envy assailed Layne. One day, she thought. Please, Lord, let it happen for me one day. It isn’t too late. Twenty-nine isn’t too old. She tried not to think that thirty was just around the corner and that it had been years, literally, since she’d had a real date. She tried not to think, too, how often during the early years, when she’d worked so hard to establish her business, her family had warned her that this was going to happen. “You don’t want to spend your life alone,” her mother had said. “That shop won’t kiss you goodnight or give you babies.” Involuntarily Layne’s eyes went to Rod Corley.

      Was this his first marriage? she wondered. It seemed so. He was pretty long in the tooth to be starting off, but she noticed that he’d chosen a very young woman with whom to begin. She only hoped Dedrah was up to a man as intense as Rod Corley seemed to be, not that any of it was her business. Weddings were her business, and it was time she got back to it.

      Layne put an end to the play by walking to the table and picking up the notebook. Behind her, Rod handed over the baby to Dedrah, who immediately took up the cooing.

      “You’re Mommy’s darlin’, aren’t you? Mommy’s sweet, sweet baby.”

      Layne carried the book to Rod. Evidently he was the one who would be doing the planning, provided any planning was done. “I suggest you take this home and look it over very carefully,” she said, “then speak frankly with the bride. If you still want a formal wedding after that, get back to me.”

      He stood, and for the first time she realized how very tall he was, a good six inches taller than her five feet and seven inches. He was tall and built like a brick wall, rather imposing taken as a whole, and she took a step backward.

      He reached for the notebook as if fearing she would deny it to him, and his hand grazed her wrist. She jerked back, releasing the book abruptly, and he grabbed it in midair.

      “Ex-excuse me,” she mumbled, wondering what on earth had gotten into her.

      “My fault,” he replied softly, his aura enveloping her like a cloud, fogging her brain.

      “Ah, as I—I said…” She took a deep, cleansing breath. “You can get back to me anytime that suits you.”

      He nodded and gripped the notebook. “Thank you for your time,” he said, and his voice sounded oddly deep and bell-like to her ears, as if he had to pull the words up out of the pit of his belly. It made her uneasy. Everything about this man made her uneasy. She managed a smile and turned away, fixing her attention on Dedrah.

      “Goodbye. You have a lovely baby.”

      “Thanks.” Dedrah kissed the baby, smiled and walked into the front showroom and out the door, as if she couldn’t wait to be shed of the place, while Rod Corley just stood there like a great lump, hat in one hand, notebook in the other, radiating a kind of danger Layne could sense but not identify.

      “Mr. Corley,” she said, swallowing, “was there something else?”

      He looked down at the notebook and up again almost shyly. “You’re very nice,” he said, adding, “I’m no good when someone cries, and Dedrah’s had a pretty tough time of it. I appreciate your kindness.”

      A strange sensation swept over her, as if a wisp of tulle had brushed the skin all over her body at once. She swallowed convulsively. “I—I understand.”

      “I thought so,” he said quietly. “She’s really a timid little thing, too young, but a good mother for all that, and very brave to do it like she has. I want her to have the best.”

      Layne folded her arms almost defensively. “I see.”

      “Good.” His smile warmed her and dissipated the fog, leaving her with a sense of well-being. “Thanks again.” He turned and moved away, but she found she couldn’t let him go without speaking her mind.

      “Mr. Corley,” she called, and he stopped, turning back to face her. Layne licked her lips, then raised her chin. “You’d better have a frank talk with Miss March. In fact, if you like, I could suggest a minister who would gladly counsel the two of you.”

      His eyebrows rose. “That’s not necessary.”

      She gulped. “Well, you’re obviously at odds about this wedding.”

      He cocked his head as if wondering why she would say such a thing, then looked at the notebook in his hand. “I don’t think so,” he said, “but we’ll talk.” He tipped his hat. “So long, Miss Harington.”

      Layne followed him silently into the front showroom and watched as he opened the door, the chimes pealing, and walked through it. She watched through the glass as he went down the steps and turned onto the sidewalk. He was a good-looking man, but not the type she would have expected to attract or be attracted to the timid, childlike Dedrah. Something wasn’t right here, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She studied his fluid motions and

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