North Country Family. Lois Richer
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Rick froze as an idea bloomed.
“You look funny.” Lucy reached into her pocket. “I’ve got some pills for indigestion—”
“Lucy!” Rick hooted with laughter. “You, my dear secretary, are a genius.”
“I tell Hector that all the time.” She frowned at him. “But why am I a genius today?”
“Music.” He kissed her cheek. “I’m going to start a kids’ choir, Lucy, and I’m going to ask Noah to join. Will you play for us?”
“Me?” Lucy wrinkled her nose. She held out her fingers, bent with the ravages of arthritis. “I can’t play that fast kids’ stuff very well, Rick, but I guess I could help until you find someone else.”
“Bless you.” Rick grabbed his coat and gloves. “I’m going out to Lives to ask Laurel and Cassie if the boys can join. Then we’ll put out the word all over town.” He pulled open the door of his office then turned back and hugged the tiny woman. “You’re a peach, Luce.”
He was almost out the door when Lucy muttered, “I’d rather be a genius.”
“You’re both,” he called.
As he gunned his snowmobile and headed out of town toward Lives, his heart raced with excitement. As he went, he prayed, Let this choir be a blessing, Lord. Let Your word through music touch the kids’ hearts and souls with healing. Especially Noah’s. And Cassie’s, too.
Invigorated, he began formulating a list of songs that might help Noah face his anger. Once at Lives, Rick jumped off his machine and rapped on the door. When no one answered immediately he rapped harder. Finally the door opened a crack, revealing Cassie’s tousled head and bleary-eyed face.
It wasn’t lost on him that his heart beat a bit faster at the sight of her. But he ignored that fact as best he could.
“Hi.” Rick blinked, checked his watch and winced. “I’m guessing you weren’t up yet?”
“It’s Saturday, Rick. Barely past nine. And it’s New Year’s Eve. We’re all sleeping in.” She smothered a yawn and opened the door wide. “But I’m up now. Come in.”
“Sorry. I didn’t think of the time,” he apologized, his brain busy admiring the robe she wore. Delicately crocheted, it began in pale aqua at the bottom and grew progressively darker, drawing the eye up to where it turned a rich emerald tone in the lacy collar framing her face. “You look lovely.”
“Nice of you to say, Rick, but I had my first shift at the hospital and worked till four this morning. I don’t think ‘lovely’ applies.” Cassie turned to get the coffee container out of the fridge.
“I do.” He saw her pause a moment before she continued setting the perc. She flicked a switch and a moment later the rich fragrant aroma filled the room. “I’m really sorry I woke you.”
“It must be important.” She perched on a stool in the corner. “Do you want me to get Laurel?”
“Not yet. Though I do want to get her permission, and yours,” he added.
“For what?” she asked around another yawn.
“For Noah and the boys to join a choir, a kids’ choir,” he emphasized.
Cassie tilted her head to one side. “Noah used to sing in a choir at home—” She stopped. “If he’s interested I’m all for it.”
“Hi, Rick.” Laurel leaned against the door frame, glancing from him to Cassie. “All for what?”
“My kids’ choir,” he told her, noticing how tired she looked. “I wanted to ask your permission for the Lives boys to join, but we can talk later.”
“Good because at the moment my brain is mush. I stayed up too late working on my taxes. Teddy Stonechild has me convinced I’m doing something wrong.” She blinked sleepily. “If you’ll excuse me I’m going to return to my dream life on a tropical beach. Good night—I mean morning.” She waved a hand and left.
“Teddy was here?” Rick asked as Cassie poured coffee for both of them.
“Last night. Cream?” She held up the jug.
“Thanks.” Rick nodded when she’d added the right amount. “I didn’t realize he was back.”
“Back? He doesn’t live in Churchill?” This time Cassie sat directly across from him.
“His real home is in Vancouver. But he visits Churchill a lot.” Rick savored the delicious brew. “Your coffee is fantastic. Much better than the slough water I had at the church.”
“Do you live there?”
“Almost.” He chuckled. “The church has a small manse. It’s cozy.” He refocused.
“Teddy’s an interesting character. What else do you know?” she said.
“Kyle told me Teddy came as a client for his dad’s tour business years ago and has kept coming ever since. I believe Teddy owns a hotel business that his son now runs.”
Cassie nodded, then tilted her head to one side. “So what’s the inspiration behind this choir of yours?”
Rick hesitated to broach the subject on his mind. “I’ve talked to Noah a couple of times.”
Cassie perked up. “And?”
“I think he wants to open up but doesn’t know where to start,” he said. “Is there anything you can share with me that would help me understand what he’s going through?”
“Like what?” Rick could see Cassie’s barriers go up again, and he knew he had to tread very lightly.
“Maybe if I knew some details about what happened, I could make him feel that he could confide in me.”
“I don’t discuss my past, Rick.” Her lips pinched firmly together. “I just want to forget.”
“I understand.” Rick could almost feel the pain emanating from Cassie, and he was caught off guard by how much he wanted to ease it. “Losing your husband must have been very difficult. I’m not trying to pry. But can’t you tell me something? For Noah’s sake?”
Cassie sat silent for several minutes, motionless, her gaze locked on something Rick couldn’t see. Finally she took a sip of her coffee. Cradling the mug between her palms she gave a huge sigh.
“What do you want to know?”
“Anything you think will help Noah.” Rick waited, silently praying until finally she spoke again in a cool, matter-of-fact voice.
“My husband’s name was Eric. I married him thirteen years ago, when I was eighteen. He was twenty-seven. He died two years ago. He drove on an icy street at high speed. Deliberately. He hit a tree and died.”
Rick fought to keep his reaction to Cassie’s