The Best Man. Kristan Higgins
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“Well, some of it is, Honor, honey,” Dad said. “Over my dead body, of course. More green beans, Lorena?”
“This is nice,” Lorena said. “The whole family together! My late husband was sterile, Faith. A groin injury when he was a boy. Tractor backed up, squished him in the soft parts, so we never could have kids, though, hell, we sure got it on!”
Goggy was staring at Lorena as if she was a snake in the toilet. Jack drained his wine.
“Good for you!” Pops said. “Have some more ham, sweetheart.” He nudged the plate across the table toward Lorena, whose appetite was not restricted to the boudoir, it seemed.
“So, Faith,” Jack said, “Dad says you’ll be staying here for a while.”
Faith nodded and wiped her mouth. “Yep. Finally gonna fix up the old barn up on Rose Ridge. I’ll be here for about two months.” The longest she’d been back since her wedding debacle, and not just to fix up the barn, either. Both the mission and the length of time gave her a pang of alarm.
“Yay!” Abby said.
“Yay,” Ned echoed, winking at her.
“What are you doing with the old barn?” Pops asked. “Speak up, sweetie.”
“I’ll be turning it into a space for special events, Pops,” she explained. “People would rent it out, and it’d bring in some extra income for the vineyard. Weddings, anniversary parties, stuff like that.” She’d first come up with the idea when she was in graduate school—transform the old stone barn into something that blended into the landscape effortlessly, something modern and old at the same time.
“Oh! Weddings! I’d love to get married again,” Lorena said, winking at Dad, who simply grinned.
“It sounds like too much work for you, sweetheart,” Goggy said.
Faith smiled. “It’s not. It’s a great spot, and I’ve already got some plans drafted, so I’ll show them to everyone and see what you think.”
“And you can do that in two months?” Lorena asked around a potato.
“Sure,” Faith said. “Barring unforeseen complications and all that.” It would be her biggest project yet, and on home turf, too.
“So, what do you do again? Your father’s told me, hell’s bells, all he can do is talk about you kids, but I forget.” Lorena smiled at her. One of her teeth was gold.
“I’m a landscape architect.”
“You should see her work, Lorena,” Dad said. “Amazing.”
“Thanks, Daddy. I design gardens, parks, industrial open space, stuff like that.”
“So you’re a gardener?”
“Nope. I hire gardeners and landscapers, though. I come up with the design and make sure it’s implemented the right way.”
“The boss, in other words,” Lorena said. “Good for you, babe! Hey, are those Hummel figurines real? Those get a pretty penny on eBay, you know.”
“They were my mother’s,” Honor bit out.
“Uh-huh. A very pretty penny. How about some more of that ham, Ma?” she asked Goggy, holding out her plate.
Lorena...okay, she was kind of terrifying, there was no getting around it. Faith had hoped that Honor was exaggerating.
A prickle of nervous energy sang through Faith’s joints. Before she left San Francisco, she and her siblings had had a conference call. Dad was slightly clueless, it was agreed—he’d once been nicked by a car as he stood in the road, staring up at the sky to see if it might rain—but if he was ready to start dating, they could find him someone more suitable. Faith immediately volunteered for the job. She’d come home, work on transforming the old barn, and find Dad somebody great. Someone wonderful, someone who understood him and appreciated how loyal and hardworking and kind he was. Someone to take away the gaping hole Mom’s death had left.
Finally, Faith would have a chance at redemption.
And while she was at it, she’d finally be able to do something for Blue Heron, too, the family business that employed everyone except her.
Dinner was dominated by Lorena’s commentary, bickering between Ned and Abby, who really should be too old for that, as well as the occasional death threat between Goggy and Pops. Norman Rockwell meets Stephen King, Faith thought fondly.
“I’ll do these dishes. Don’t anyone move,” Goggy said, a hint of tragedy creeping into her voice.
“Kids!” Pru barked, and Ned and Abby jolted into action and started clearing.
Honor poured herself an ounce of wine. “Faith, you’ll be staying with Goggy and Pops, did Dad tell you?”
“What?” Faith asked, shooting Pops a quick smile to make up for the panic in her voice. Not that she didn’t love her grandparents, but living with them?
“Pops is slowing down,” Pru said in a whisper, as both grands were a bit hard of hearing.
“I’m not slowing down,” Pops protested. “Who wants to arm wrestle? Jack, you up for it, son?”
“Not today, Pops.”
“You look good to me, Dad!” Lorena said. “Really good!”
“He’s not your father,” Goggy growled.
“You wouldn’t mind Faith staying with you, would you?” Dad asked. “You know you’ve been getting a bit...”
“A bit what?” Goggy demanded.
“Homicidal?” Jack suggested.
Goggy glared at him, then looked more gently at Faith. “We would love for you to stay with us, sweetheart. But as a guest, not a babysitter.” Another glare was distributed around the table before Goggy got up and went into the kitchen to instruct the kids.
“Pops, I wanted you to check out the merlot grapes,” Dad said.
“Count me in!” Lorena barked cheerfully, and the three left the dining room.
With Abby and Ned in the kitchen, it was just the four Holland kids around the table. “I’m really staying with them?” she asked.
“It’s for the best,” Honor said. “I have a bunch of stuff in your room, anyway.”
“So check this out,” Pru said, adjusting the collar of her flannel shirt. “Carl suggested that I get a bikini wax the other day.”
“Oh, God,” Jack said.
“What? All of a sudden you’re a prude? Who drove you home from that strip club when you got drunk, huh?”