Forever Jake. Barbara Dunlop

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Forever Jake - Barbara Dunlop

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disappeared around the corner, all thoughts of logic and safety evaporated. And he knew if he didn’t get the heck out of Dodge this minute, he was in big, big trouble.

      He glanced swiftly at Connie, hoping she hadn’t noticed the way his gaze lingered on Robin’s rear end. He raked a hand through his hair. “Sorry, Connie, but I can’t—”

      “Grandma is not going to take no for an answer, Jake. You work too hard. Now get over there and find yourself a decent shirt. If you’re not back in five minutes I’m sending the boys after you.”

      He shook his head. “Really, I—”

      “I’ll send them over,” she threatened with a resolute lift of her chin. “And Grandma will be upset with you.”

      He yielded to the inevitable with an inward sigh. “Yes, ma’am.” He definitely didn’t want to upset Alma May so close to her big birthday. And Connie’s boys, at eight, six and four, were capable of doing serious damage to the inside of his house.

      The thought of pacifying his housekeeper after another round of the three musketeers was more than a little daunting. Sexy Robin versus an upset housekeeper. Definitely a no-win situation.

      Connie’s indomitable stare tipped the balance to Robin’s side. Fine. He’d stay for dinner and make the best of it. Maybe if he worked her out of his system up front, he could cope with the rest of her visit. Then maybe he could get on with the rest of his life.

      IT WASN’T HAPPENING. With Robin directly across the dinner table, he was definitely not working her out of his system. In fact, as her moist lips parted in another affectionate smile, she was rapidly working her way right back in. Sure, all that charm was directed toward her nephews, but Jake’s psyche didn’t seem to care.

      He thought he’d had it bad in high school, but right now his lust meter was about to blow off the charts.

      “Were they real lions, Auntie Robin?” Connie’s youngest son’s eyes widened.

      Robin’s straight white teeth flashed in the candlelight. “They were real, Bobby,” she answered. Her finger absently traced the gold rim of her saucer as she recounted a recent trip to Kenya. “A mommy lion, a daddy and two cubs.”

      “Were you scared?” Next to Jake, Bobby put down his dessert spoon and leaned forward.

      “A little bit,” said Robin. Her blue-green eyes danced in a way that made Jake’s skin tingle. Their depth and clarity reminded him of the Forever River.

      “But we were inside the truck. So we were safe.”

      Connie cleared her throat. “Any other adventures you can tell us about before bed, Robin?” she asked pointedly. “I don’t suppose you’ve been to an amusement park lately.”

      Robin picked up on her sister’s warning tone and smoothly switched gears to a less nightmare-inciting subject. “As a matter of fact.” She flipped her long hair back out of the way and started to remove her sweater in the warm room. “I haven’t been to any amusement parks. But I’ve always wanted to go down a water slide.”

      Her confession brought an instant high-cut bikini visual to Jake’s mind and he shifted in his chair.

      “We went on water slides last summer,” said Bobby on a near squeal.

      “You did?” She did a credible imitation of surprise. “Why don’t you tell me about them?”

      As Bobbie and his brothers chatted on, Robin finished removing her sweater and hung it on the back of her chair. Jake’s vision narrowed to a tunnel, and the boys’ voices faded to a faraway roar.

      Her smoothly tanned shoulders and long graceful neck were revealed by a sleeveless white tank top. A gold locket danced against the scooped neckline as she moved. And the clingy fabric of the shirt delineated her breasts.

      Jake’s memory kicked in, and he couldn’t help visualizing her breasts in excruciating detail. Sure it had been pretty dark, but he’d seem them once. Pale, full, coral-tipped, tight from the chilly water droplets that clung to her supple skin.

      Oh, yeah. He’d seen them once. And that was more than any other man in Forever could lay claim to.

      Not that Jake would ever lay that claim. He’d never even contemplated laying that claim. Well, except the one time. And he figured he could be forgiven for that particular impulse.

      It was the day after they’d gone skinny-dipping. At the dinner following the convocation ceremony in the school gymnasium. Robin had sat there on a folding chair, as cool and composed as the Ice Princess she was reputed to be.

      She’d swept her hair up, and wispy curls framed her face. Her makeup was subtle and flattering, and her snug black, spaghetti-strapped dress showed off high, pert breasts and softly rounded hips. She was the stuff teenage dreams were made of. At least she was the stuff Jake’s dreams were made of.

      As he’d watched her from across the room, he’d willed her to glance his way, to make some small gesture to say he was no longer persona non grata in her eyes. He just wanted a small sign that she’d appreciated his chivalrous behavior.

      He’d sat there alone in the ill-fitting worn suit he’d pilfered from his father’s closet. He entertained wild fantasies that she’d approach him, speak to him, privately thank him for calling a halt the night before, and let it be known they were friends.

      But she hadn’t. And for one crazy second he’d been tempted to swagger over to Seth and Alex and the rest of the boys to recount it all.

      She wouldn’t have denied it, couldn’t have denied it. Everyone in town knew that Robin’s neck turned bright red whenever she told less than the truth. He could have elevated his social status to the stratosphere with a few well-chosen sentences.

      It was a big temptation for a misfit eighteen-year-old boy. But the thirty-two-year-old man was inordinately proud of his silence.

      Across the dinner table, she laughed at something the children said. It had been the most noble moment of his life. Too bad she didn’t even remember.

      “YOU MUST REMEMBER what that overpowering maternal urge feels like.” Robin pegged one of her nephew’s T-shirts on the clothesline behind her mother’s house. She ran her hand lovingly across the damp fabric of the tiny garment. Soon, she told herself. Soon she’d have tiny clothes of her own to wash.

      “But I was already married,” said Connie. “I had somebody to support me and help me.”

      “I don’t need anybody to support me.” Money was not an issue. “My promotion at Wild Ones will keep me in one city, and the salary is enough for anything we might need.” Including teeny, tiny clothes.

      “I don’t just mean financial support.” Connie draped a voluminous bedsheet over the line. “I mean emotional support.”

      “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m a very independent person.” Her job as a location scout for Wild Ones Tours took her all over the globe. She traveled alone, checking out potential adventure tours for the company to promote. She enjoyed the freedom.

      “Well, you’ve never independently paced the floor at 2:00 a.m. with a crying baby in your arms.”


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