The Untamed Hunter. Lindsay McKenna
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Casey nodded and flipped the page. “You will both wear flak jackets beneath your civilian clothing. You’ll get Beretta 9 mm pistols to carry on your person. The car will have bulletproof windows.”
“But not bulletproof metal?”
“No,” Casey said. “They’re doing what they can to protect you, but this is no armored car.”
Shep nodded. “I’ll do the driving.”
“No, I will.” Maggie straightened up, her anger surfacing. “I’m the courier. You’re the guard dog. Remember?”
Casey held up her hands. “I think there will be plenty of driving for both of you. This is going to take all your attention, your concentration. Each of you can drive for a couple of hours and then switch off. It will keep you fresh and alert.”
Maggie bristled. How like Shep to just walk in and take over. He was beginning to treat her like that little freshman he knew so long ago. Well, she’d grown up. She was damned if he was going to start making decisions without consulting her first! Glaring across the space at him, she saw him scowl. Too bad. He was going to find out that she wasn’t the weak little girl he’d met back at Harvard.
“Please understand,” Casey said, looking at Maggie, “that just because the FBI is working with us doesn’t mean they can protect you twenty-four hours a day. They are human. And so are you. There will be surveillance, but technically, you two are on your own. The cell phone has an emergency number you can dial if they attack. It may take fifteen to thirty minutes to get to you if something happens, depending upon your position when an attack takes place. The FBI can’t tail you or Black Dawn will pick up on the fact. They will be stationed at certain points along the interstate, on alert, if you do need help. That’s the best we can do.”
Maggie squirmed. “I understand that, Casey. But why have us married? Why can’t we have separate rooms?”
“Because,” she said patiently, “Morgan wants Black Dawn to think we’re stupid enough to use such a ruse. We want them to think we’re inept.”
The news that she would be staying in the same room with Shep was a shock to Maggie. She’d never fathomed such a thing happening. It was simply too much for her to imagine. “But,” she protested, opening her hands in appeal, “I don’t see the wisdom of it.”
“There’s safety in numbers,” Shep said as he met and held her widening hazel gaze. His conscience pricked at him. It was obvious Maggie wanted nothing to do with him. Her file said she was single, but it didn’t give him a wealth of information about her private life. Maybe she was living with a man? That thought didn’t set well with him. Silently chiding himself, he realized he was still just as protective about her now as he had been then!
“Safe?” Maggie’s voice was laced with sarcasm. “There’s nothing ‘safe’ about you, Hunter.”
His mouth worked and a corner lifted. “That was a long time ago, Maggie. I think I can control myself for your benefit.”
Flushing deeply, Maggie refused to look at him or Casey. She was making a fool out of herself and was old enough to know better. Knitting her fingers together, she said in a raspy tone, “I still don’t think it’s a good idea to stay together in the same room. If we had separate rooms next to one another, we’d at least have a chance if Black Dawn tries to blow us away. It would make it harder for them to get to the two of us.”
Casey nodded. “That’s the point. We want to make it easy for Black Dawn to get to you.”
Chagrined, Maggie saw the simplicity of Morgan’s plan. “I see….”
Casey stood. “Here is your wedding band set.”
Stunned, Maggie took the box. Casey went over and gave Shep one. Opening hers, Maggie saw it contained a gold band and a solitaire engagement ring.
“Don’t worry,” Casey said with a laugh as she stood between them, “it’s all fake. Plate gold and zircons, Maggie.”
“At least we don’t have to stand in front of a preacher,” she groused as she studied the bands.
Shep rose easily. “Here, let me put them on you, Maggie.”
Casey smiled down at Maggie. “Great idea.”
Stunned, Maggie watched Shep approach. “No thanks, I can do this myself.” She quickly shoved the rings on the proper finger. There was no way she wanted Shep to touch her. Already her flesh was begging for his touch. Would it be the same as she recalled? Better? Worse? Why did he have to move with such a boneless grace? For all his size, he reminded her of a lithe African leopard. She saw the disappointment in his eyes as she refused his help. Well, he’d better get used to it. She had a mind of her own and he might as well learn that now.
Shep stood watching Maggie. Her cheeks were stained a bright red as she jammed the rings on her hand. It occurred to him that he’d never met another woman even remotely like her. He felt an old ache from a wound that still scored his heart from their breakup. Only flying his jet, when he was in the Air Force, would assuage some of the loss he’d felt when they’d parted. But it had been a necessary parting. He and Maggie never saw eye to eye on anything.
Looking down at her, he met her challenging gaze. “Casey suggested we have lunch, go over the details and then start the mission tomorrow morning. How about it?” He saw her thin brows draw downward in protest and knew nothing had changed between them. She was nervously fingering the fake wedding ring set on her left hand, as if it were a germ infecting her. As if giving in to him on any point would kill her.
“Oh…all right. There’s a cafeteria in the basement. We can go there.” She looked at her watch. It was only nine-thirty. “Besides, it will be practically deserted now.”
“I had a nicer place in mind,” Shep said.
Rising smartly, Maggie glanced at Casey and then drilled him with a look. “The cafeteria is fine. This isn’t pleasure, Shep. It’s business. I want it kept that way.”
The warning growl in her voice made his gut clench. Did she hate him that much? Distaste was clearly written in her expression. But Shep thought he saw fear edging her gaze as she moved robotically toward the door. She kept rubbing her left hand against her lab smock. Fear of him? Why? He had a helluva lot of questions and no answers.
Following Maggie out into the hall, he told Casey they’d be back later. In his hand, he carried a black leather briefcase. As Maggie walked briskly ahead of him, a number of people said hello to her. He watched her face thaw as she cheerfully engaged them in conversation. Damn. This was going to be hell, he told himself as he entered the elevator with her.
Maggie punched the basement button and then made sure she stood opposite Shep. He looked very unhappy. Clasping her hands, Maggie internally rebelled against the wedding ring set. She kept running the bands around and around on her finger. The elevator felt claustrophobic to her. Shep Hunter filled